Profile of the Program

The aim of this program is to educate healthcare professionals capable of providing emergency service to patients and injured people at both a basic and advanced level. As professional paramedics, they will be able to provide patients and injured people with medical support that will prolong their life avoiding possible permanent disorders till the genuine treatment commences. Besides being well-informed about and capable to deal with any trauma in the human system with competence, they know how to safely carry a patient or injured people to a hospital after expertly providing the first aid assistance.

Qualification Awarded

The students who successfully complete the program are awarded the degree of Bachelor of İlk ve Acil Yardım Teknikeri

Level of Qualification

This is a Associate (Short Cycle) program.

Specific Admission Requirements

Students are accepted through the YKS (Higher Education Institutions Exam) administered by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM).

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Upon successful completion along with the qualifications of the program, (the 5th level) Associate degree is given in the field of Emergency and Medical Aid.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students who are selected by Student Selection and Placement center and who complete their admition process are eligible to attend the school.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

For this program graduates there is a rise in terms of employment opportunities in 112 ambulances. They have opportunities in state or private ambulance companies or private hospital emergencies.

Access to Further Studies

The graduates can take external transfer exam (DGS) and can pass to Emergency and Disaster Management, Nursing, Nursing and Health Services Departmants.

Program Outcomes

1 To be able to evaluate and apply the knowledge gained from theoretical and practical courses related to the field professionally.
2 To be able to use terminology specific to the health field effectively
3 To know the legislation regarding his/her duties, rights and responsibilities and to act in accordance with professional ethical rules
4 To be able to use information and communication technologies on issues related to his/her field and effectively convey his/her professional knowledge through written, verbal and non-verbal communication
5 To be able to follow information in his/her field using a foreign language at a basic level
6 To be able to apply changing techniques and use new tools and devices depending on developing technology
7 To be able to update his/her knowledge, skills and competencies related to his/her field with the awareness of lifelong learning and improve himself/herself personally and professionally
8 To be able to prepare the ambulance for emergency calls and patient transfers and to know ambulance driving techniques
9 To be able to evaluate the incident scene and the patient and take necessary precautions
10 To have knowledge and be able to apply the use of medicines and medical interventions related to emergency care.
11 To be able to apply professional skills required for preliminary diagnosis and pre-hospital emergency treatment

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ENG1103 Foreign Language I 5 2
ENG1104 Foreign Language II 5 2
FAE1001 Emergency and First Aid in Pharmacology 3 1 1 5 3
FAE1002 Physiology 5 3 1 1 4 2
FAE1003 Basic First Aid 3 2 2 1 3 5 4
FAE1004 Emergency Patient Care I 3 1 5 5 5 5
FAE1005 Medical Terminology 3 5 1 1 1 1
FAE1006 Ambulance Service Training I 1 5 3
FAE1007 Medical Services Communication 3 5 3
FAE1008 EKG Analysis 5 5 5
FAE1009 Anatomy I 5 1 3 4 4 4
FAE2001 Emergency Patient Care II 3 1 5 5 5 5
FAE2003 Advanced Life Support Applications I 3 1 1 5 5 5
FAE2004 Advanced Life Support Applications II 3 1 1 5 5 5
FAE2008 Ambulance Service Training II 1 5 3
FAE2023 Workplace Training 5 4 1 3
HST1071 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Republic I 5 4
HST1072 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Republic II 5 4
ICT1021 Information and Communication Technology 5 3 3
TLL1071 Turkish Language and Literature I 5 3
TLL1072 Turkish Language and Literature II 5 3
Departmental Elective
FAE2002 Emergency Health Services
FAE2005 Physical Education and Condition
FAE2006 Health Law
FAE2007 Trauma
FAE2009 Management Organization in Health Institutions
FAE2010 Emergency and Rescue Studies 5 5 5 5
COP1301 Career Development for Orientation to Work Life 5
COP1302 Dale Carnegie Strictly Business: Dale Carnegie Course 5
COP1303 TMI - Project Your Life Ahead 5
GEP1065 History of Civilization I 5
GEP1066 History of Civilization II 5
GEP1111 Art and Religion 5
GEP1112 Classical Turkish Art and Artists 5
GEP1113 European Art 5
GEP1114 Fine Arts in Turkey 5
GEP1115 Introduction to Art History 5
GEP1121 Introduction to Theatre 5
GEP1122 Shakespeare and Contemporary Performance 5
GEP1123 Special Topics in Theatre 5
GEP1124 Turkish Theatre 5
GEP1131 Introduction to Classical Music 5
GEP1132 Trends in Classical Music 5
GEP1133 Twentieth Century Musıc 5
GEP1134 Introduction to Turkısh Classical Musıc 5
GEP1201 City and Culture 5
GEP1202 History of Istanbul as an Imperial City 5
GEP1203 Globalization and Istanbul 5
GEP1204 Istanbul in Social and Historical Perspectives 5
GEP1205 Unfolding the Layers of Berlin 5
GEP1206 Virtual Discovery of Istanbul 5
GEP1211 City and Landscape 5
GEP1302 Dale Carnegie Strictly Business: Dale Carnegie Course 5
GEP1303 TMI Project Your Life Ahead 5
GEP1304 Music Business and Turkish Music Industry 5
GEP1307 Marine Culture and Amateur Seamanship 5
GEP1320 Introduction to the 2030 Agenda 5
GEP1363 Interpersonal Communication 5
GEP1401 Arabic I 5
GEP1402 Arabic II 5
GEP1403 French I 5
GEP1404 French II 5
GEP1405 German I 5
GEP1406 German II 5
GEP1407 Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture I 5
GEP1408 Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture II 5
GEP1409 Italian I 5
GEP1410 Italian II 5
GEP1411 Modern Chinese I 5
GEP1412 Modern Chinese II 5
GEP1413 Ottoman Turkish I 5
GEP1414 Ottoman Turkish II 5
GEP1415 Russian I 5
GEP1416 Russian II 5
GEP1417 Spanish I 5
GEP1418 Spanish II 5
GEP1419 Persian I 5
GEP1420 Persian II 5
GEP1421 Georgian I 5
GEP1422 Georgian II 5
GEP1423 Greek I 5
GEP1424 Greek II 5
GEP1425 Hebrew I 5
GEP1426 Hebrew II 5
GEP1427 Arabic III 5
GEP1428 Arabic IV 5
GEP1429 Persian III 5
GEP1430 Persian IV 5
GEP1431 Turkish Sign Language 5
GEP1432 English for Specific Purposes I 5
GEP1433 English for Specific Purposes II 5
GEP1434 Turkish Sign Language II 5
GEP1435 German III 5
GEP1436 German IV 5
GEP1439 Russian III 5
GEP1440 Russian IV 5
GEP1441 Korean I 5
GEP1442 Korean II 5
GEP1501 Anatolian Civilizations 5
GEP1502 Great Discoveries and Inventions in the History of Science 5
GEP1503 Greek and Turkish Relations in the Aegean 5
GEP1504 History of Food 5
GEP1505 History of Mediterranean World 5
GEP1506 History of the Modern Middle East 5
GEP1507 Orientalism 5
GEP1508 Wars That Change History 5
GEP1509 20. Century Political History 5
GEP1510 Contemporary Germany- History, Politics and Society since 1945 5
GEP1511 European History 5
GEP1513 History of Religions 5
GEP1514 Ottoman Cultural History 5
GEP1515 New Religious Movements 5
GEP1601 Communication in Local Governments 5
GEP1602 Community Service Applications 5
GEP1603 Current Political Issues and Leaders 5
GEP1604 Interpersonal Communication 5
GEP1605 Popular Culture 5
GEP1606 Prejudice and Aggression 5
GEP1607 Ethics 5
GEP1608 European Integration and Turkish-European Relations 5
GEP1609 Alliance of Civilizations 5
GEP1610 Innovative Leadership 5
GEP1611 Effective Skills for Communication 5
GEP1612 Political Communication Campaigns 5
GEP1613 Elections and Campaign Management 5
GEP1614 Social Media Management 5
GEP1615 Perception Management 5
GEP1616 Traffic and Road Safety 5
GEP1618 Communication and Stress Management 5
GEP1619 Using Media for Communication 5
GEP1620 Visual Literacy 5
GEP1621 Internal Communication and Innovation Management 5
GEP1622 Creative Thinking and Entrepreneurship 5
GEP1623 Fashion and Media 5
GEP1625 Games and Culture 5
GEP1701 Creative Literature 5
GEP1702 Critical Thinking and Literary Criticism 5
GEP1703 Contemporary Turkish Literature 5
GEP1704 Trends in Literature 5
GEP1705 Literature and Society 5
GEP1706 Modern Turkish Novel and Story 5
GEP1707 Modern Turkish Poetry 5
GEP1708 Turkish Folk Literature 5
GEP1709 The Lives of Turkish Intellectuals 5
GEP1710 Turkish Poets and Poems 5
GEP1801 20th Century History of Thought 5
GEP1802 Aesthetic and Philosophy 5
GEP1803 Contemporary Philosophy 5
GEP1804 Islamic Philosophy 5
GEP1805 Ontology 5
GEP1806 Philosophy of Life 5
GEP1807 Political Philosophy 5
GEP1808 Philosophy of Religion 5
GEP1809 Strategic Roadmaps and Innovation 5
GEP1810 Systems-Design Thinking and Management 5
GEP1821 Classical Logic 5
GEP1822 Logic I 5
GEP1823 Logic II 5
GEP1824 Modern Logic 5
GEP1825 Logic and Computer Applications 5

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ENG1103 Foreign Language I 2 0 2 3
FAE1001 Emergency and First Aid in Pharmacology 2 0 2 3
FAE1003 Basic First Aid 1 2 2 3
FAE1005 Medical Terminology 2 0 2 3
FAE1007 Medical Services Communication 2 0 2 5
FAE1009 Anatomy I 1 2 2 6
HST1071 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Republic I 2 0 2 2
ICT1021 Information and Communication Technology 1 2 2 3
TLL1071 Turkish Language and Literature I 2 0 2 2
Total 30
2. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ENG1104 Foreign Language II 2 0 2 3
FAE1002 Physiology 2 0 2 5
FAE1004 Emergency Patient Care I 2 0 2 9
FAE1006 Ambulance Service Training I 2 6 5 6
FAE1008 EKG Analysis 2 0 2 3
HST1072 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Republic II 2 0 2 2
TLL1072 Turkish Language and Literature II 2 0 2 2
Total 30
3. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
FAE2001 Emergency Patient Care II 2 0 2 2
FAE2003 Advanced Life Support Applications I 0 4 2 4
FAE2023 Workplace Training 0 0 0 7
GE-Elective 3 4
Non-Departmental Elective 2 3
Departmental Elective 2 3
Departmental Elective 2 3
GE-Elective 3 4
Total 30
4. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
FAE2004 Advanced Life Support Applications II 0 4 2 9
FAE2008 Ambulance Service Training II 0 6 3 8
Departmental Elective 2 3
Departmental Elective 2 3
Non-Departmental Elective 2 3
GE-Elective 3 4
Total 30

Program Director (or Equivalent)


Head of Department

Telephone: +90