Bachelor | TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 | QF-EHEA: First Cycle | EQF-LLL: Level 6 |
1 - Knowledge |
Theoretical - Conceptual |
1) Comprehending theoretical arguments along with counter arguments in detail |
2 - Skills |
Cognitive - Practical |
1) Having problem solving skills and developing necessary analytical attitude |
3 - Competences |
Communication and Social Competence |
1) Being able to identify problems and ask right questions |
2) Communicating efficiently by accepting differences and carrying out compatible teamwork |
3) Possessing digital competence and utilizing necessary technology |
4) Communicating in at least one foreign language in academic and daily life |
5) Expressing opinions that are built through critical thinking process in business and academic environment |
Learning Competence |
1) Gaining awareness of lifelong learning and being qualified for pursuing graduate education |
2) Researching to gather information for understanding current threats and opportunities in business |
Field Specific Competence |
1) Increasing efficiency rate in business environment |
2) Being aware of the effects of globalization on society and business while deciding |
3) Possessing managing skills and competence |
4) Deciding with the awareness of the legal and ethical consequences of business operations |
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility |
1) Applying theoretical concepts in project planning |
2) Developing innovative and creative solutions in face of uncertainty |
Program Outcomes | TR-NQF-HE 6 (Bachelor) Level Descriptors | TR-NQF-HE Main Field Descriptors 34 - Business and administration |
1 - Knowledge | ||
Theoretical - Conceptual | ||
1) Comprehending theoretical arguments along with counter arguments in detail |
1) Possess advanced level theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resources. |
1) Alanında ileri düzeyde bilgilere sahiptir. |
2 - Skills | ||
Cognitive - Practical | ||
1) Having problem solving skills and developing necessary analytical attitude |
1) Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field. 2) Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field. |
1) Alana ilişkin bilgileri çalışanlar ve ekip arkadaşlarına aktarabilme becerisine sahiptir. 2) Karar, uygulama ve davranışlarında alana ilişkin edindiği bilgileri kullanmak suretiyle verileri yorumlayabilme, analiz edebilme, sorunları tanımlayabilme ve çözüm önerileri getirebilme becerisine sahiptir. |
3 - Competences | ||
Communication and Social Competence | ||
1) Being able to identify problems and ask right questions 2) Communicating efficiently by accepting differences and carrying out compatible teamwork 3) Possessing digital competence and utilizing necessary technology 4) Communicating in at least one foreign language in academic and daily life 5) Expressing opinions that are built through critical thinking process in business and academic environment |
1) Inform people and institutions, transfer ideas and solution proposals to problems in written and orally on issues in the field. 2) Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems on issues in the field with professionals and non-professionals by the support of qualitative and quantitative data. 3) Organize and implement project and activities for social environment with a sense of social responsibility. 4) Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B1 General Level. 5) Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Advanced Level software knowledge. |
1) Alanı ile ilgili edindiği bilgi ve beceriler düzeyindeki düşüncelerini ve önerilerini ilgililere yazılı ve sözlü olarak aktarır. 2) Mesleki alanda paydaşlarla etkili iletişim kurar. 3) Alanının gerektirdiği en az Avrupa Bilgisayar Kullanma Lisansı İleri Düzeyinde bilgisayar yazılımı ile birlikte bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanır. 4) Bir yabancı dili en az Avrupa Dil Portföyü B1 Genel Düzeyinde kullanarak alanındaki bilgileri izler ve meslektaşları ile iletişim kurar. |
Learning Competence | ||
1) Gaining awareness of lifelong learning and being qualified for pursuing graduate education 2) Researching to gather information for understanding current threats and opportunities in business |
1) Evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired at an advanced level in the field with a critical approach. 2) Determine learning needs and direct the learning. 3) Develop positive attitude towards lifelong learning. |
1) Edindiği bilgi ve becerileri eleştirel olarak değerlendirir. 2) Öğrenme gereksiniminin sürekliliğini kavradığını gösterir. |
Field Specific Competence | ||
1) Increasing efficiency rate in business environment 2) Being aware of the effects of globalization on society and business while deciding 3) Possessing managing skills and competence 4) Deciding with the awareness of the legal and ethical consequences of business operations |
1) Act in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field. 2) Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security. |
1) Örgüt/Kurum, iş ve toplumsal etik değerlere uygun davranır. 2) Örgütün/Kurumun paydaşlarıyla ilişkilerini analiz eder ve etkin biçimde yürütür. 3) Yenilikleri teşvik edebilme becerisine sahiptir. 4) Örgüte/kuruma ilişkin eleştirel düşünür. 5) Sosyal hakların evrenselliği, sosyal adalet, kalite ve kültürel değerler ile çevre koruma, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği konularında yeterli bilince sahiptir. |
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility | ||
1) Applying theoretical concepts in project planning 2) Developing innovative and creative solutions in face of uncertainty |
1) Conduct studies at an advanced level in the field independently. 2) Take responsibility both as a team member and individually in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the implementations in the field. 3) Planning and managing activities towards the development of subordinates in the framework of a project. |
1) Alana ilişkin konularda araştırma ve çalışma yapar. 2) Proje yürütücüsü ya da katılımcısı olarak proje hedeflerine uygun sorumluluk alır. 3) Örgüt/Kurum için amaç ve hedef belirler. |
1) Being able to identify problems and ask right questions |
2) Having problem solving skills and developing necessary analytical attitude |
3) Comprehending theoretical arguments along with counter arguments in detail |
4) Gaining awareness of lifelong learning and being qualified for pursuing graduate education |
5) Applying theoretical concepts in project planning |
6) Communicating efficiently by accepting differences and carrying out compatible teamwork |
7) Increasing efficiency rate in business environment |
8) Developing innovative and creative solutions in face of uncertainty |
9) Researching to gather information for understanding current threats and opportunities in business |
10) Being aware of the effects of globalization on society and business while deciding |
11) Possessing digital competence and utilizing necessary technology |
12) Communicating in at least one foreign language in academic and daily life |
13) Possessing managing skills and competence |
14) Deciding with the awareness of the legal and ethical consequences of business operations |
15) Expressing opinions that are built through critical thinking process in business and academic environment |