Bahçeşehir UniversityDegree Programs ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN (ENGLISH, PHD)General Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational QualificationsBologna Commission
PhD TR-NQF-HE: Level 8 QF-EHEA: Third Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 8

Program Outcomes


1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Based on master's qualifications, develops and deepens current and advanced knowledge in their field through original thought and research at an expert level. Grasps the latest developments in the research area and reaches innovative definitions. Analyzes, evaluates, and synthesizes complex ideas with a critical and dialectical approach. Adheres to ethical principles in research and publication.
2) Understands interdisciplinary interaction and analyzes and evaluates complex ideas to reach original conclusions. Knows the latest developments in related fields and the interdisciplinary strategies used.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Identifies problems in research and innovation, solves significant issues, and possesses advanced skills and techniques to expand knowledge. Evaluates new information, develops new ideas, methods, designs, or applications, and adapts them to different fields. Has advanced skills in using research methods.
2) Masters in research strategies and techniques, conducts pioneering academic work dialectically, and contributes to academic dialogue. Possesses the ability to critically analyze, synthesize, and evaluate new and complex ideas.
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Communicates effectively with experts, peers, the broader research community, and the general public, demonstrating proficiency in their field of expertise and defending original viewpoints.
2) Communicates and discusses orally, in written and visually with peers by using a foreign language a
Learning Competence
1) Develops new ideas and methods related to their field using creative and critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making processes, contributing to technological, social, and cultural progress.
2) Promotes scientific, technological, social, or cultural advancements in their field, contributing to the process of their society becoming a knowledge society and adding to the knowledge in this area through original research.
Field Specific Competence
1) Uses strategic decision-making processes in the face of complex problems related to their field, demonstrating functional interaction and operational interaction experience. Establishes, designs, and implements the research process with academic integrity.
2) Contributes to solving social, scientific, cultural, and ethical problems related to their field and supports the development of these values. Is effective in solving societal issues and makes strategic decisions on these matters.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) Publishes at least one scientific article related to their field in national or international peer-reviewed journals, or presents at national or international academic events.
2) Demonstrates competence and innovation in developing new ideas and processes; makes independent decisions and shows leadership in problem-solving.

Program Gains Program Level

Program Outcomes TR-NQF-HE 8 (PhD) Level Descriptors TR-NQF-HE Main Field Descriptors
58 - Architecture and building
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Based on master's qualifications, develops and deepens current and advanced knowledge in their field through original thought and research at an expert level. Grasps the latest developments in the research area and reaches innovative definitions. Analyzes, evaluates, and synthesizes complex ideas with a critical and dialectical approach. Adheres to ethical principles in research and publication.
2) Understands interdisciplinary interaction and analyzes and evaluates complex ideas to reach original conclusions. Knows the latest developments in related fields and the interdisciplinary strategies used.
1) Develop and deepen the current and advanced knowledge in the field with original thought and/or research and come up with innovative definitions based on Master's degree qualifications.
2) Conceive the interdisciplinary interaction which the field is related with ; come up with original solutions by using knowledge requiring proficiency on analysis, synthesis and assessment of new and complex ideas.
1) Alanındaki bilgiye dikkate değer ve özgün katkıda bulunabilmek için yüksek lisansta kazanılan yetkinlikler temelinde araştırma alanıyla ilgili en son gelişmeleri kapsayan sistematik bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir.
2) Araştırma ve yayın alanında iyi uygulamaya ilişkin normların ve standartların temelinde yatan etik ilkeler konusunda gerekli bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir.
3) Öğretme / öğrenme ve değerlendirme stratejileri ve bunların kuramsal temelleri konusunda gerekli bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir.
4) Araştırma alanı ile ilgili diğer alanlar arasındaki ara yüzlerdeki en son gelişmelerle ilgili bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir.
5) Araştırma alanı ile ilgili diğer alanlar arasındaki ara yüzlerde kullanılan disiplinler arası, çok disiplinli, disiplinler üstü araştırma stratejileri, taktikleri ve teknikleriyle ilgili bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Identifies problems in research and innovation, solves significant issues, and possesses advanced skills and techniques to expand knowledge. Evaluates new information, develops new ideas, methods, designs, or applications, and adapts them to different fields. Has advanced skills in using research methods.
2) Masters in research strategies and techniques, conducts pioneering academic work dialectically, and contributes to academic dialogue. Possesses the ability to critically analyze, synthesize, and evaluate new and complex ideas.
1) Evaluate and use new information within the field in a systematic approach.
2) Develop an innovative knowledge, method, design and/or practice or adapt an already known knowledge, method, design and/or practice to another field; research, conceive, design, adapt and implement an original subject.
3) Critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation of new and complex ideas.
4) Gain advanced level skills in the use of research methods in the field of study.
1) Araştırma ve/veya inovasyon alanında problem tanımlamak, önemli problemleri çözmek ve var olan bilgiyi ya da mesleki pratiği genişletmek ve yeniden tanımlamak için gerekli, sentez ve değerlendirmeyi de içeren, en ileri düzeyde uzmanlaşmış beceri ve tekniklere sahip olur.
2) İlgili araştırma stratejilerini, taktiklerini ve tekniklerini kullanmada ustalık sahibidir.
3) Öncü nitelikte bir akademik araştırmayı diyalektik olarak yürütme becerisine sahiptir ve öncü nitelikte bir akademik diyaloga diyalektik sonuçları için girme becerisine sahiptir.
4) Profesyonel doktora çalışmasında mesleki uygulama camiasının etkinliğini ve profesyonel tasarım anlayışını geliştirebilecek kuramsal arayışlar içinde olduğunu gösterir.
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Communicates effectively with experts, peers, the broader research community, and the general public, demonstrating proficiency in their field of expertise and defending original viewpoints.
2) Communicates and discusses orally, in written and visually with peers by using a foreign language a
1) Investigate and improve social connections and their conducting norms and manage the actions to change them when necessary.
2) Defend original views when exchanging ideas in the field with professionals and communicate effectively by showing competence in the field.
3) Ability to communicate and discuss orally, in written and visually with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio C1 General Level.
1) Araştırma alanındaki en ileri düzeye karşılık gelen yeni ve karmaşık düşünceleri eleştirel ve diyalektik bir yaklaşımla çözümler, değerlendirir ve sentezler.
2) Akranlarıyla, daha geniş bir araştırma topluluğuyla ve genel olarak toplumla uzmanlık alanı konusunda etkili iletişim kurar.
3) Avrupa Dil Portföyü C1 Genel Düzeyinde kullanarak ileri düzeyde yazılı, sözlü ve görsel iletişim kurar ve tartışır.
Learning Competence
1) Develops new ideas and methods related to their field using creative and critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making processes, contributing to technological, social, and cultural progress.
2) Promotes scientific, technological, social, or cultural advancements in their field, contributing to the process of their society becoming a knowledge society and adding to the knowledge in this area through original research.
1) Develop new ideas and methods in the field by using high level mental processes such as creative and critical thinking, problem solving and decision making.
1) Akademik ve meslekle ilgili bağlamlarda bilgi temelli bir toplumda teknolojik, toplumsal ve kültürel ilerlemeye katkıda bulunur.
2) Yeni düşüncelerin geliştirmesi konusundaki kapasitesini ortaya koyar; öğrenme süreçleri konusunda üst düzeyde kavrayışa sahiptir.
Field Specific Competence
1) Uses strategic decision-making processes in the face of complex problems related to their field, demonstrating functional interaction and operational interaction experience. Establishes, designs, and implements the research process with academic integrity.
2) Contributes to solving social, scientific, cultural, and ethical problems related to their field and supports the development of these values. Is effective in solving societal issues and makes strategic decisions on these matters.
1) Contribute to the transition of the community to an information society and its sustainability process by introducing scientific, technological, social or cultural improvements.
2) Demonstrate functional interaction by using strategic decision making processes in solving problems encountered in the field.
3) Contribute to the solution finding process regarding social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems in the field and support the development of these values.
1) Özgün araştırmaya dayalı, bir bölümü ulusal ve uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanmaya değer, nitelikli bir çalışma geliştirerek alanındaki bilgiye katkıda bulunur.
2) Alanıyla ilgili karmaşık sorunlar karşısında karar verme kapasitesiyle operasyonel etkileşim deneyimine sahip olduğunu gösterir.
3) Araştırma alanındaki en ileri düzeye karşılık gelen yeni ve karmaşık düşünceleri eleştirel bir yaklaşımla çözümler, değerlendirir ve sentezler.
4) Yeni ve karmaşık düşüncelerin eleştirel, diyalektik analizini, değerlendirmesini ve sentezini yapar.
5) Alanıyla ilişkili bir araştırma sürecini akademik dürüstlük içinde kurar, tasarlar, hayata geçirir ve uyarlar.
6) Alanıyla ilgili toplumsal, bilimsel, kültürel ve etik değerlerin gelişimini destekler, sorunların çözümüne katkıda bulunur, karar verme süreçlerinde etkin olur.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) Publishes at least one scientific article related to their field in national or international peer-reviewed journals, or presents at national or international academic events.
2) Demonstrates competence and innovation in developing new ideas and processes; makes independent decisions and shows leadership in problem-solving.
1) Contribute the progression in the field by producing an innovative idea, skill, design and/or practice or by adapting an already known idea, skill, design, and/or practice to a different field independently.
2) Broaden the borders of the knowledge in the field by producing or interpreting an original work or publishing at least one scientific paper in the field in national and/or international refereed journals.
3) Demonstrate leadership in contexts requiring innovative and interdisciplinary problem solving.
1) Araştırma bağlamları da dâhil olmak üzere, akademik ya da mesleki bağlamlarda en üst düzeyde yetkinlik: yeni fikirlerin veya süreçlerin geliştirilmesi konusunda dikkate değer bir yetke, inovasyon, bağımsızlık, akademik ve mesleki dürüstlük ve kararlılık ortaya koyar.
2) Daha geniş bir sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve tarihsel bağlama ilişkin bilgi ve kavrayışla ilişkilendirerek karar verir ve hareket eder.
3) Özgün araştırmaya dayalı, bir bölümü ulusal ve uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanmaya değer, nitelikli bir çalışma geliştirerek alanındaki bilgiye katkıda bulunur.
4) Yeni, karmaşık ve öngörülemeyen ve birbiriyle ilişkili çok sayıda faktörü içeren problemlerin çözümünü gerektiren çalışma ve öğrenim koşullarında liderlik ve inovasyon sergiler.


1) Based on master's qualifications, develops and deepens current and advanced knowledge in their field through original thought and research at an expert level. Grasps the latest developments in the research area and reaches innovative definitions. Analyzes, evaluates, and synthesizes complex ideas with a critical and dialectical approach. Adheres to ethical principles in research and publication.
2) Understands interdisciplinary interaction and analyzes and evaluates complex ideas to reach original conclusions. Knows the latest developments in related fields and the interdisciplinary strategies used.
3) Identifies problems in research and innovation, solves significant issues, and possesses advanced skills and techniques to expand knowledge. Evaluates new information, develops new ideas, methods, designs, or applications, and adapts them to different fields. Has advanced skills in using research methods.
4) Masters in research strategies and techniques, conducts pioneering academic work dialectically, and contributes to academic dialogue. Possesses the ability to critically analyze, synthesize, and evaluate new and complex ideas.
5) Communicates effectively with experts, peers, the broader research community, and the general public, demonstrating proficiency in their field of expertise and defending original viewpoints.
6) Communicates and discusses orally, in written and visually with peers by using a foreign language a
7) Develops new ideas and methods related to their field using creative and critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making processes, contributing to technological, social, and cultural progress.
8) Promotes scientific, technological, social, or cultural advancements in their field, contributing to the process of their society becoming a knowledge society and adding to the knowledge in this area through original research.
9) Uses strategic decision-making processes in the face of complex problems related to their field, demonstrating functional interaction and operational interaction experience. Establishes, designs, and implements the research process with academic integrity.
10) Contributes to solving social, scientific, cultural, and ethical problems related to their field and supports the development of these values. Is effective in solving societal issues and makes strategic decisions on these matters.
11) Publishes at least one scientific article related to their field in national or international peer-reviewed journals, or presents at national or international academic events.
12) Demonstrates competence and innovation in developing new ideas and processes; makes independent decisions and shows leadership in problem-solving.