Bahçeşehir UniversityDegree Programs ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN (ENGLISH, PHD)General Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational QualificationsBologna Commission
PhD TR-NQF-HE: Level 8 QF-EHEA: Third Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 8

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The doctoral program consists of a total of 24 credits and 240 ECTS. Students must be successful in eight (8) courses consisting of compulsory and elective courses in the curriculum and Seminar, Doctoral Thesis 1-2-3-4 courses together with Doctoral Qualifying Exam. Students must take the Doctoral Qualifying Exam in the first five semesters at the latest and successfully pass it in sixth semesters at the latest. For detailed and current information about thesis processes, the institute website: