Week |
Subject |
Related Preparation |
1) |
Introduction to and overview of the Course
What is “security”? Framing the issue and context
(*) Paul D. Williams “Security Studies an introduction (1-13) Shahin Malik “Framing a discipline (3-12);
2) |
Traditional perspectives into security studies |
(*) Edward Smith “The traditional routes to security: Realism and Liberalism” ” in Hough et al (2015) (12-31); Colin Elman and Michael Jensen “Realisms” in Williams (2013) (15-31);
Cornelia Navari “Liberalisms” in Williams (2013) (32-48).
Canan-Sokullu “Security and Challenges in the Twenty first century” in Canan-Sokullu (2013);
3) |
Critical perspectives into security studies
(*) Shahin Malik “Challenging orthodoxy: Critical Security Studies” in Hough et al (2015) (31-44);
(*) Matt McDonald “Constructivism” in Williams (2013) (63-77);
Wendy Stokes “Feminist Security Studies” in Hough et al (2015) (44-57); Peter Lawler, “Peace Studies” in Williams (2013) (77-90); Pınar Bilgin, “Critical Theory” in Williams (2013) (90-107); Canan-Sokullu “Insulator, Bridge, Regional Center” in Canan-Sokullu (2013).
Articles for Presentation
1. Sears, N. A. - “International Politics in the Age of Existential Threats” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021,
2. Vasquez, J. P. – “Patriot Games, War Games, and Political Football: A Constructivist Analysis of Militarization in an American Sport” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2020, Pages 299–318,
3. Wibben, A. T.R. “Everyday Security, Feminism, and the Continuum of Violence” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 115- 121,
Mc Intosh, C. “Theorizing the Temporal Exception: The Importance of the Present for the Study of War” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 5, Issue 4, October 2020, Pages 543–558,
4) |
Military security |
(*) Bruce Pilbeam “Reflecting on War and Peace” in Hough et al (2015) (87-104);
(*) Paul Williams “War” in Williams (2013) (187-206).
William Hartung “International Arms Trade” in Williams (2013) (441-457).
Sunum için Makaleler
Bruce Pilbeam “New wars, globalisation and failed states” in Hough et al (2015) (104-119); Andrew Moran “Nuclear proliferation” in Hough et al (2015) (119-133); Bruce Pilbeam “The international arms trade in conventional weapons” in Hough et al (2015) (133-150);
James Wirtz “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Alan Collins Contemporary Security Studies, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007, (270-289)
Articles for presentation:
1. Kuo, K. “Military Innovation and Technological Determinism: British and US Ways of Carrier Warfare, 1919–1945” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021,
2. Lantis, J. S. “Advocacy Coalitions and Foreign Policy Change: Understanding US Responses to the Syrian Civil War” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2021,
3. Zielinski, R. C. and P. Poast “Supplying Allies: Political Economy of Coalition Warfare” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, March
4. Gholz, E. And H. M. Sapolsky “The Many Lines of Defense: The Political Economy of US Defense Acquisition” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2021,
5. Atkinson, D. B. Et al “Rivalry, Uncertainty, and Militarized Compellent Threats” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2021,
6. Campbell, P. “Military Realism and Doctrinal Innovation in Kennedy's Army: A New Perspective on Military Innovation” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 5, Issue 4, October 2020, Pages 675–694,
1. Koch, L. L. And M. Wells “Still Taboo? Citizens’ Attitudes toward the Use of Nuclear Weapons” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021,
5) |
Regional security |
(*) Louise Fawcett “Regional Institutions” in Williams (2013) (355-374)
(*) Peter Hough “Regional Security Organisations” in Hough et al (2015)
Buzan Ch. 5 “Regional Security”
Thomas G. Weiss and Danielle Zach “the United Nations” in Williams (2013) (374-393)
Bruce Pilbeam “The United Nations and the responsibility to protect” in Hough et al (2015) (287-306)
Andrew Moran The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: continuity and change in Hough et al (2015) (306-319)
Articles for Presentation
1. Wilhelmsen, J. “Spiraling toward a New Cold War in the North? The Effect of Mutual and Multifaceted Securitization” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021,
2. Recchia, S. “Overcoming Opposition at the UNSC: Regional Multilateralism as a Form of Collective Pressure” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2020, Pages 265–281
3. Weiffen, B. Et al “Reorganizing the Neighborhood? Power Shifts and Regional Security Organizations in the Post-Soviet Space and Latin America” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2021
6) |
Pandemics and health security
(*) Colin McInnes “Health” (324-336)
Audio – visual World Health Week Discussions
1. |
7) |
Midterm |
8) |
Terrorism |
(*) Andrew Moran “Terrorism” in Hough et al (2015) (150-164);
(*) Paul Rogers “Terrorism”;
(*) Jeffrey Haynes “Religion and international conflict” in Hough et al (2015) (164-178);
1. Paul R. Pillar “Counterterrorism” in Williams (2013) (457-471)
9) |
Terrorism |
Articles for Presentation
13. Josua, M. “What Drives Diffusion? Anti-Terrorism Legislation in the Arab Middle East and North Africa” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021,
14. Rubin, M. A. And R. K. Morgan “Terrorism and the Varieties of Civil Liberties” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021,
15. Baele, S. J. “Lethal Images: Analyzing Extremist Visual Propaganda from ISIS and Beyond” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 5, Issue 4, October 2020, Pages 634–657
16. Omelicheva, M. Y. And Markowitz L. P. - “When Does the Crime-Terror Nexus Fail to Materialize? Drug Trafficking, Militants, and the State in Russia” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2021,
10) |
Societal Security, Gender and Identity |
Caroline Kennedy-Pipe “Gender and Security” in Alan Collins Contemporary Security Studies, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007, (75-91)
Paul Roe “Societal Security” in Alan Collins Contemporary Security Studies, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007, (164-182).
Bilgin, P. (2003) “Individual and Societal Dimensions of Security” International Studies Review, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Jun., 2003), pp. 203-222
Article for Presentation:
17. Kirby, P. And Shepherd, L. J. “Women, Peace, and Security: Mapping the (Re)Production of a Policy Ecosystem” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021,
18. Gordon, E. Et al “Risks versus Transformational Opportunities in Gender-Responsive Security Sector Reform” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2021,
19. Forsberg, E. And Olsson, L. “Examining Gender Inequality and Armed Conflict at the Subnational Level” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2021,
20. Secen, S. “Explaining the Politics of Security: Syrian Refugees in Turkey and Lebanon” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021,
21. Broache, M. P. And Cronin-Furman, K. “Does Type of Violence Matter for Interventions to Mitigate Mass Atrocities? Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2021,
1. Matesan, I. E. “Grievances and Fears in Islamist Movements: Revisiting the Link between Exclusion, Insecurity, and Political Violence” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 44–62,
11) |
Human Security |
(*) Fen Osler Hampson “Human security” in Williams (2013) (279-295);
Sita Bali “Population Movements” in Williams (2013) (520-535)
Articles for Presentation
1. Abbs,L. “The Language of the Unheard? Ethno-Political Exclusion and Ethnic Riots in Africa” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2021
2. Curtice, T. B. “Rebels and the Regime: The Politics of Civilian Victimization” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2021,
3. Lori, N. And K. Schilde “A Political Economy of Global Security Approach to Migration and Border Control” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2021,
1. Karreth, J et al “Explaining How Human Rights Protections Change After Internal Armed Conflicts” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2020, Pages 248–264,
12) |
Environmental Security |
(*) Peter Hough “Environmental Security” in Hough et al (2015) 211-225;
(*) Michael Klare “Energy Security” in Williams (2013) (535-553),
Simon Dalby “Climate Change and Environmental Security” in Williams (2013) (311-324); Einar Wigen “Pipe Dreams or Dream Pipe? Turkey's Hopes of Becoming an Energy Hub” Middle East Journal, Vol. 66, No. 4 (Autumn 2012), pp. 598-612
Goldstein, J. S. “Climate Change as a Global Security Issue” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2016, Pages 95–98,
Article for presentation
Thiesen, O. M. Et al “Climate Wars? Assessing the Claim That Drought Breeds Conflict” International Security, Vol. 36, No. 3 (WINTER 2011/12), pp. 79-106
13) |
Economic Security |
(*) Christopher Dent “Economic Security” in Alan Collins Contemporary Security Studies, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007, (104-221).
Vincent Cable (1995) ‘What is International Economic Security?’ International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Vol. 71, No. 2. (Apr., 1995), pp. 305-324.
Articles for Presentation
1. Omelicheva, M. And C. Webb “Economic Crises and Terrorism: Analyzing Competing Economic Pressures on Terrorism in Russia” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021,
2. Colgan, J. D. “Oil and Security: The Necessity of Political Economy” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2021,
3. Zielinski, R. C. et al “A Political Economy of Global Security Approach” Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2021, ogaa005
14) |
Review |
Program Outcomes |
Level of Contribution |
1) |
To be able to apply theoretical concepts related to mass communication, consumer behavior, psychology, persuasion,sociology, marketing, and other related fields to understand how advertising and brand communication works in a free-market economy.
2 |
2) |
To be able to critically discuss and interpret theories, concepts, methods, tools and ideas in the field of advertising.
2 |
3) |
To be able to research, create, design, write, and present an advertising campaign and brand strategies of their own creation and compete for an account as they would at an advertising agency.
2 |
4) |
To be able to analyze primary and secondary research data for a variety of products and services.
2 |
5) |
To be able to develop an understanding of the history of advertising as it relates to the emergence of mass media outlets and the importance of advertising in the marketplace.
2 |
6) |
To be able to follow developments, techniques, methods, as well as research in advertising field; and to be able to communicate with international colleagues in a foreign language. (“European Language Portfolio Global Scale”, Level B1)
2 |
7) |
To be able to take responsibility in an individual capacity or as a team in generating solutions to unexpected problems that arise during implementation process in the Advertising field.
3 |
8) |
To be able to understand how advertising works in a global economy, taking into account cultural, societal, political, and economic differences that exist across countries and cultures.
2 |
9) |
To be able to approach the dynamics of the field with an integrated perspective, with creative and critical thinking, develop original and creative strategies.
2 |
10) |
To be able to to create strategic advertisements for print, broadcast, online and other media, as well as how to integrate a campaign idea across several media categories in a culturally diverse marketplace.
2 |
11) |
To be able to use computer software required by the discipline and to possess advanced-level computing and IT skills. (“European Computer Driving Licence”, Advanced Level)
2 |
12) |
To be able to identify and meet the demands of learning requirements.
2 |
13) |
To be able to develop an understanding and appreciation of the core ethical principles of the advertising profession.
2 |