Week |
Subject |
Related Preparation |
1) |
Introduction to the Course |
Academic Articles ann related books |
2) |
Foreign Policy Analysis: Approaches and Concepts |
J. David Singer, “The Level of Analysis Problem in International Relations,” in G. John Ikenberry (ed.), American Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays (Glenview, IL, 2008), 67-80.
Charles F. Hermann, “Changing Course: When Governments Choose to Redirect Foreign Policy,” International Studies Quarterly (1990), Vol. 34,
Laura Neack, The New Foreign Policy: U.S. and Comparative Foreign Policy in the 21st Century (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003).
Valerie M. Hudson, Foreign Policy Analysis: Classic and Contemporary Theory (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007).
3) |
The Historical Context |
Roderic Davison, “Ottoman Diplomacy and Its Legacy,” in Carl Brown (ed.), Imperial Legacy (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996), 174-199.
Selim Deringil, Turkish Foreign Policy During Second World War: An ‘Active Neutrality’, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 133-188.
William Hale, Turkish Foreign Policy, 1774-2000 (London: Frank Cass,
Andrew Mango, Atatürk (London: John Murray, 1999). |
4) |
Turkey and the Cold War |
Bruce Kuniholm, “Turkey and the West Since World War II,” in Vojtech Mastny and R. Craig Nation (eds.), Turkey Between the East and West (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1996), 45-70.
Paul Kubicek, “Turkey’s Inclusion in the Atlantic Community: Looking Back, Looking Forward,” Turkish Studies (March 2008), 21-36
Bruce Kuniholm, The Origins of the Cold War in the Near East: Great Power Conflict and Diplomacy in Iran, Turkey, and Greece (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980).
George S. Harris, Troubled Alliance: Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1972).
5) |
Trends in the Post-Cold War Era |
Sabri Sayarı, “Turkish Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: The Challenges of Multi-Regionalism,” Journal of International Affairs (Fall 2000), 169-182.
Alan Makovsky, “The New Activism in Turkish Foreign Policy,” SAIS Review (Winter-Spring 1999), 92-113.
Berdal Aral, “Dispensing with Tradition?: Turkish Politics and International Society during the Özal Decade, 1983-93,” Middle Eastern Studies (January 2001), 72-88.
Alan Makovsky and Sabri Sayarı (eds.), Turkey’s New World: Changing Dynamics in Turkish Foreign Policy (Washington, D.C.: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 2000).
F. Stephen Larrabee and Ian O. Lesser, Turkish Foreign Policy in an Age of Uncertainty (Santa Monica: CA: RAND, 2003).
6) |
Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy |
Ahmet Davutoğlu, “Turkey’s New Foreign Policy Vision,” Insight Turkey
10, no. 1 (2008), 77-96.
Tarık Oğuzlu, “Middle Easternization of Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Does Turkey Disassociate from the West?” Turkish Studies ((March 2008), 3-20.
Kemal Kirişçi, “The Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Rise of the Trading State,” New Perspectives on Turkey (Spring 2009), 29-56
Kemal Kirişçi and Gareth M. Winrow, The Kurdish Question and Turkey: An Example of a Trans-state Ethnic Conflict (London: Frank Cass, 1997).
Yücel Bozdağlıoğlu, Turkish Foreign Policy and Turkish Identity: A Constructivist Approach (London: Routledge, 2003).
7) |
Key Players and Processes of Foreign Policy-Making |
Gencer Özcan, “Facing its Waterloo in Diplomacy: Turkey’s Military in the Foreign Policy Making Process,” New Perspectives on Turkey (Spring 2009), 83-102.
M. Fatih Tayfur and Korel Göymen, “Decision-Making in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Caspian Oil Pipeline Issue,” Middle Eastern Studies (April 2002), 101-22.
Baris Kesgin and Juliet Kaarbo, “When and How Parliaments Influence Foreign Policy: The Case of Turkey’s Iraq Decision,” International Studies Perspectives (February, 2010), 19-36.
Malik Mufti, Daring and Caution in Turkish Strategic Culture: The Republic at Sea (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).
Philip Robins, Suits and Uniforms: Turkish Foreign Policy Since the Cold War (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2003).
8) |
Turkey and the Middle East |
Malik Mufti, “From Swamp to Backyard: The Middle East in Turkish Foreign Policy,” in Robert O. Friedman (ed.), The Middle East Enters the Twenty-First Century (Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press, 2002), 80-110.
Meliha Benli Altunışık, “Worldviews and Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East,” New Perspectives on Turkey (Spring 2009), 169-192.
Nihat Ali Özcan and Özgür Özdamar, “Uneasy Neighbors: Turkish-Iranian Relations Since the 1979 Iranian Revolution,” Middle East Policy
(Fall 2010), 101-117.
Hasan Kösebalan, “The Crisis in Turkish-Israeli Relations: What Is Its Strategic Significance,” Middle East Policy (Fall 2010).
William Hale, Turkey, the US and Iraq (London: SOAS, 2007).
Dietrich Jung with Wolfgang Piccoli, Turkey at the Crossroads: Otoman Legacies and the Greater Middle East (London: Zed Boks, 2001).
9) |
Turkey and the Middle East |
Malik Mufti, “From Swamp to Backyard: The Middle East in Turkish Foreign Policy,” in Robert O. Friedman (ed.), The Middle East Enters the Twenty-First Century (Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press, 2002), 80-110.
Meliha Benli Altunışık, “Worldviews and Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East,” New Perspectives on Turkey (Spring 2009), 169-192.
Nihat Ali Özcan and Özgür Özdamar, “Uneasy Neighbors: Turkish-Iranian Relations Since the 1979 Iranian Revolution,” Middle East Policy
(Fall 2010), 101-117.
Hasan Kösebalan, “The Crisis in Turkish-Israeli Relations: What Is Its Strategic Significance,” Middle East Policy (Fall 2010).
William Hale, Turkey, the US and Iraq (London: SOAS, 2007).
Dietrich Jung with Wolfgang Piccoli, Turkey at the Crossroads: Otoman Legacies and the Greater Middle East (London: Zed Boks, 2001). |
10) |
Greek-Turkish Relations |
Ziya Öniş and Şuhnaz Yılmaz, “Greek-Turkish Rapprochement: Rhetoric or Reality?” Political Science Quarterly (2008), 123-149.
Müge Kınacıoğlu and Emel Oktay, “The Domestic Dynamics of Turkey’s Cyprus Policy: Implications for Turkey’s Accession to the European Union,” Turkish Studies (June 2006), 261-274
Mustafa Aydın and Kostas Ifintis (eds.), Turkish-Greek Relations: The Security Dilemma in the Aegean (London: Routledge, 2002).
Dimitris Kerides and Dimitrios Triantaphyllou (eds.) Greek-Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalization (London: Brassey’s 2001). |
11) |
Turkey and Eurasia: Relations with Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia |
Fionna Hill and Ömer Taşpınar, “Turkey and Russia: Axis of the Excluded?” Survival (Spring 2006), 81-92.
Carol R. Saivetz, “Tangled Pipelines: Turkey’s Role in Energy Export Plans,” Turkish Studies (March 2009), 95-108.
Mustafa Aydın, “Foucault’s Pendulum: Turkey in Central Asia and the Caucasus,” Turkish Studies (Summer 2004), 1-22.
Robert Ebel and Rejan Menon (eds.), Energy and Conflict in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000).
Idris Bal, Turkey’s Relations with the West and the Turkic Republics (Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2000).
12) |
Turkey and Europe: The Issue of Turkish Accession |
John Redmond, “Turkey and the European Union: Troubled European or European Trouble?” International Affairs, (2007), 305-317.
Lauren M. McLaren, “Explaining Opposition to Turkish Membership of the EU,” European Union Politics (June 2007), 251-278.
Sabri Sayarı, “Challenges of Triangular Relations: The US, the EU, and Turkish Accession,” South European Society and Politics (June 2011), 251-264.
Ali Çarkoğlu and Barry Rubin (eds.), Turkey and the European Union (London: Frank Cass, 2005).
S.J. Joseph, Turkey and the European Union: Internal Dynamics and External Challenges (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). |
13) |
Turkey and the United States |
Sabri Sayarı, “Turkish-American Relations in the Post-Cold War Era: Issues of Convergence and Divergence,” in Mustafa Aydın and Çağrı Erhan (eds.), Turkish-American Relations: Past, Present, and Future (London: Routledge, 2004), 91-106.
Morton Abramowitz, “The Complexities of American Policymaking on Turkey,” in Abramowitz (ed.), Turkey’s Transformation and American Policy (New York: The Century Foundation Press, 2000), 153-184.
James E. Kapsis, “From Desert Storm to Metal Storm: How Iraq Has Spoiled US-Turkish Relations,” Current History (November 2005), 380-388.
Philip Gordon and Ömer Taşpınar, Winning Turkey: How America, Europe, and Turkey Can Revive a Fading Relationship (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institute, 2008).
Council on Foreign Relations, U.S.-Turkey Relations: A New Partnership (New York, 2012).
14) |
Conclusions |
Academic Articles and related books |