LAW | |||||
Bachelor | TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 | QF-EHEA: First Cycle | EQF-LLL: Level 6 |
Course Code | Course Name | Semester | Theoretical | Practical | Credit | ECTS |
LAW3081 | Women's Rights | Fall | 0 | 2 | 1 | 4 |
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester. |
Language of instruction: | English |
Type of course: | Departmental Elective |
Course Level: | Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle) |
Mode of Delivery: | E-Learning |
Course Coordinator : | Instructor BERENICE KAFUI SCHRAMM |
Recommended Optional Program Components: | None |
Course Objectives: | İngilizce konuşulan bu ders, öğrencilere “kadın hakları” olarak adlandırılan normlar dizisini oluşturan kavramlar ve yasal araçlar hakkında eleştirel bir anlayış kazandırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Geleneksel kodifikasyon ve yargısal tanınma yoluyla söz konusu normların varlığı günümüzde yadsınamaz olsa da, bunların temelinde yatan önyargılar ve temsiller ile yarattıkları uygulama zorlukları siyasi, hukuki ve sosyo-ekonomik tartışmalar için tükenmez bir kaynaktır. Bu ders, kadınların insan haklarının ortaya çıkış tarihine değinerek, bu hakların korunması için oluşturulan kurumsal yapıya genel bir bakış sunmadan önce bu tartışmalardan bazılarını ele alacaktır. Öğrencilerin mevcut kadın hakları 'rejiminin' altında yatan yukarıdan aşağıya ve aşağıdan yukarıya sosyo-yasal dinamikleri daha iyi kavramaları için, dersin ikinci yarısı, günümüzün küreselleşmiş dünyasında kadınların karşılaştığı bazı temel sorunlarla ilgili 6 vaka çalışmasına ayrılacaktır. |
The students who have succeeded in this course; 1. Master English vocabulary related to women’s rights, gender and international law; 2. Get a basic understanding of an array of regional and international legal regimes institutions and their history; 3. Familiarize yourself with current issues in fundamental women’s rights protection and international law; 4. Learn about the situation of women’s rights in certain specific contexts, including Turkey; 5. Develop academic research and drafting skills. |
Each week, the course will be focused on an area of the general international legal framework on human right (including the history of its emergence) or on specific issues in Turkey. |
Week | Subject | Related Preparation |
1) | Course Introduction | |
2) | The History of the International Women’s Rights Regime | |
3) | CEDAW | |
4) | A Bottom-Up Approach: Vienna Declaration, UN Declaration & Beijing Platform | |
5) | Regional Instruments: Belem Do Para, Maputo, Istanbul Conventions | |
6) | Focus 1 | Women’s Political Rights | |
7) | MIDTERM (Assignment) | |
8) | MIDTERM Review | |
9) | Focus 2 | Women’s Health Rights | |
10) | Focus 3 | Women’s Rights and/in Armed Conflicts | |
11) | Focus 4 | Women’s Rights in the context of Migration | |
12) | Focus 5 | Women’s Labor Rights | |
13) | Focus 6 | Women’s Rights and the Environment | |
14) | Indigeneity et al. / Dys-/U-topias / ‘On The Ground’ | |
15) | FINAL (Exam) |
Course Notes / Textbooks: | United Nations (2014). Women’s Rights are Human Rights Reilly, Niamh (2019). International Human Rights of Women, Springer, Preface and Introduction |
References: | United Nations (2014). Women’s Rights are Human Rights Reilly, Niamh (2019). International Human Rights of Women, Springer, Preface and Introduction |
Semester Requirements | Number of Activities | Level of Contribution |
Homework Assignments | 10 | % 40 |
Presentation | 1 | % 10 |
Midterms | 2 | % 20 |
Final | 2 | % 30 |
Total | % 100 | |
Total | % 100 |
Activities | Number of Activities | Workload |
Course Hours | 13 | 26 |
Homework Assignments | 7 | 28 |
Midterms | 1 | 6 |
Final | 1 | 2 |
Total Workload | 62 |
No Effect | 1 Lowest | 2 Low | 3 Average | 4 High | 5 Highest |
Program Outcomes | Level of Contribution | |
1) | List the relations between concepts and institutions related to various legal disciplines and this concepts and institutions. | 3 |
2) | Have the knowledge of legal methodology and methods of comment. | 3 |
3) | Comment the modern legal gains with the historical knowledge. | |
4) | Have the knowledge of philosophical currents of thought which are the bases of legal rules. | 4 |
5) | Have the knowledge of legal regulations, judicial decisions and the scientific evaluations related to them. | 5 |
6) | Resolve the juridical disagreements in light of legal acts, juridical decisions and doctrine. | 5 |
7) | Use at least one foreign language as scientific language. | 4 |
8) | Have the knowledge of the political and juridical foundation of the state. | 3 |
9) | Have the knowledge of the historical development of the rights of individuals and societies and of the basic documents which are accepted throughout this development. | 5 |
10) | Have the ability to resolve the disagreements which can violate the social order in national or international level. | 5 |
11) | Have the ability to prevent the juridical disagreements between individuals. | 3 |
12) | Have the knowledge of international and comparative law systems. | 5 |
13) | Have the ability of the construction and the conduct of the national and international commercial relations. | 2 |
14) | Use Turkish in an efficient way both verbal and written. | 5 |
15) | Have the ability of the professional and the ethical responsibility. | 5 |
16) | Have the knowledge on the European Union’s legislation and institutions. | 5 |
17) | Have the knowledge on juridical regulations and applications related to economical and financial mechanisms. | |
18) | Have the knowledge of the operation of the national and international judicial bodies. |