Hafta |
Konu |
Ön Hazırlık |
1) |
This lecture starts with a walkthrough through the syllabus. An overview of lectures, resources, assignments, and grading will be given.
Game Analysis Assignment will be introduced, six gameplay dimensions of the assignment will be discussed, and the first game (Assignment 1.1) will be announced this week. |
Essential Video (Asynchronous Content)
Naughty Dog (2014) Grounded: The making of The Last of Us:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0l7LzC_h8I |
2) |
The lecture starts with the definition of a game and uncertainty in games, the relationship between rules and mechanics as well as gameplay and mechanics will be given. Five types of game mechanics will be discussed, and Assignment 4.1 will be given.
Flow, interest curve and learning curve will also be explained. The lecture will introduce a rules exercise and will conclude with Assignment 4.2.
Assignment 2 games/chapters will be distributed.
Essential Reading
Adams, E. (2012) Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design CHAPTER 1: Designing Game Mechanics
Essential Video (Asynchronous Content)
Video Games the Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ryn7qm3CvI
Suggested Video
Costrel, F. (2020) High Score Episode 1, Netflix Documentary |
3) |
The lecture introduces the students with basic terms related with player psychology: flow, engagement, usability/playability, agency, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, Bartle’s taxonomy, self-determination theory, 6 engagement-competence factors and the Gamer Motivation Profile.
A sample Gamer Motivation Profile will be analyzed. And Assignment 4.3 will be given.
Essential Reading
Bostan, B., Tingoy, O. “Game Design and Gamer Psychology”, Gamer Psychology and Behavior, pp. 105-123, 2016, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-
Essential Video (Asynchronous Content)
Sid Meier’s Psychology of Game Design https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtzCLd93SyU
Suggested Video
Costrel, F. (2020) High Score Episode 2, Netflix Documentary |
4) |
The lecture introduces the students with the guidelines of game analysis. Different types of analysis such as comparative analysis, reading/interpretation, historical analysis, and case studies will be explained. Assignment 3 and 4.4 will be given.
A sample detailed gameplay analysis will be given by the instructor.
Essential Reading
Bostan, B., Sahin, G., Uney, M.C., "Interactivity in Computer Games", in Proceedings of the GAMEON’2015 Conference, Holland, December 2015.
Essential Video (Asynchronous Content)
Engines of Play: How Player Motivation Changes Over Time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg2GndSat1E |
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The lecture is the first lecture on Game History covering Part I and Part II of the Golden Age of Video Games book, with highlights on games that push the boundaries.
A sample interaction framework for game analysis will be given by the instructor. Assignment 1.2 will be given. |
Essential Reading
Dillon, Roberto 2011 The Golden Age of Video Games New York: Taylor and Francis. PART I
Essential Video (Asynchronous Content)
Find and watch the gameplay videos of the games mentioned in the presentation.
Suggested Video
Costrel, F. (2020) High Score Episode 3, Netflix Documentary |
6) |
Student presentations for Assignment 2. Each student will make a presentation about a retro game chosen by the instructor. Students are expected to answer the following questions.
In terms of game history, why is this game important? What are the unique features of the game? What are the game mechanics? What went right and what went wrong during the production? What does the gameplay look like (students can use gameplay videos)?
7) |
Student presentations for Assignment 2. Each student will make a presentation about a retro game chosen by the instructor. Students are expected to answer the following questions.
In terms of game history, why is this game important? What are the unique features of the game? What are the game mechanics? What went right and what went wrong during the production? What does the gameplay look like (students can use gameplay videos)?
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The instructor will give a game comparison example with a single dimension to compare the games and many sub-dimensions for comparison. Assignment 4.5 and
1.3 will also be given.
Essential Video (Asynchronous Content)
10 Years of Evolution of the Assassin's Creed Brand
Suggested Video
Costrel, F. (2020) High Score Episode 4, Netflix Documentary |
9) |
The lecture is the second lecture on Game History covering the book Game On!: Video Game History from Pong and Pac-Man to Mario, Minecraft, and More.
Essential Reading
Hansen, D. 2016. Game On!: Video Game History from Pong and Pac-Man to Mario, Minecraft, and More, 212-290.
Essential Video (Asynchronous Content)
Find and watch the gameplay videos of the games mentioned in the presentation.
Suggested Video
Costrel, F. (2020) High Score Episode 5, Netflix Documentary
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Selected students will present their videos for Assignment 3 and will receive a +5 points bonus.
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The lecture is about emergence and progression in games. An exercise on converting an emergence game into a hybrid will be given. The machinations framework will also be analyzed in detail.
Essential Reading
Adams, E. (2012) Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design CHAPTER 5: Machinations
Suggested Video
Costrel, F. (2020) High Score Episode 6, Netflix Documentary |
12) |
The lecture is the second lecture on the history of RPGs.
Essential Video (Asynchronous Content)
Find and watch the gameplay videos of the games mentioned in the presentation.
Suggested Video
Horizon Zero Dawn: A Game Design Postmortem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TawhcWao9ls |
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The lecture is on published research on games from the literature. Students will read and evaluate an academic article as an exercise. |
14) |
The lecture is on published research on games from the literature. Students will read and evaluate an academic article as an exercise. |
Dersin Program Kazanımlarına Etkisi |
Katkı Payı |
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İletişim alanında oyunun kavramsal olarak önemini anlayıp, oyuncuyu merkeze alan tasarım odaklı uygulama yapabilme yeteneği kazandırmak.
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Çeşitli perspektiflerden bilgi ve fikirleri analiz ederek, sentezlemek ve değerlendirebilmek. |
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Oyun türlerini, etkileşim ve anlatım biçimlerini oluşturan temel öğeleri analiz edebilme ve başarılı bir oyun oluşturmak için nasıl kullanıldığını anlamak. |
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Oyun tasarımı teorilerini ve metodolojilerini anlamak ve oyun geliştirirken kullanmak; hedef kitleye göre eğlenceli, çekici, içine alan ve öğretici oyunlar yapmak. |
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Oyun geliştirmede kullanılan teknolojileri ve bilişim temellerini anlamak; oyun motorlarının kullanımına hakim olmak. |
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Oyunlarda 2B ve 3B karakterler ile animasyonlarının yaratılması sürecine hakim olmak. |
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Oyuncu deneyimini anlama, ölçme teorileri ile metodolojilerini kavramak ve oyun üretimi sürecinde bu bilgilerden faydalanmak. |
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Oyunların tasarım yoluyla nasıl bir fikri, bir mesajı ve bir duyguyu ilettiğini kavramak oyun üretimi sürecinde bu bilgilerden faydalanmak. |
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Oyun tasarımı ve geliştirme sürecini, gerekli dokümantasyonu yaparak yönetebilmek; bu dokümantasyon ile oyun üretim bandını takip edebilmek. |
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Oyun geliştirme takımlarının yapısını ve çalışma biçimlerini; takım üyelerinin sorumluluklarını ve işbirliği yöntemlerini kavramak ve pratikte uygulayabilmek. |
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Geliştirme dışında bir oyunun yayın sürecini endüstri standartlarında kavrayabilmek ve pratiğe dökebilmek. |
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Bir video oyununu oyunculara, yatırımcılara ve yayıncılara tanıtabilmek; ortaya çıkan oyun fikrinin veya oyunun özelliklerini ve potansiyel ticari kazanımlarını etkin bir şekilde iletebilmek adına pazarlama konusuna hakim olmak. |
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