Master TR-NQF-HE: Level 7 QF-EHEA: Second Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 7

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
BUS5301 Research Methods and Ethics English 3 0 3 9
GLA5007 Theories of International Relations 3 0 3 8
3 7
3 6
2. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
GLA5001 World Politics in the Post Cold War Era English 3 0 3 8
3 8
3 7
3 7
3. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
GLA5887 Seminar English ☑ GLA5888-1 - Thesis 0 0 0 10
GLA5888-1 Thesis Research English 0 0 0 20
4. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
GLA5888-2 Thesis English ☑ GLA5888-1 - Thesis 0 0 0 30
  • TR marked courses are taught in Turkish.
  • EN marked courses are taught in English.
  • There TR-EN marked section of courses in both English and Turkish.