Profile of the Program

Endüstri Mühendisliği disiplini altında Mühendislik lisans eğitimini tamamlamış bulunan bireylere çağdaş mühendislik yönetimi, teknoloji yönetimi ve bilgi yönetimi bilgilerini kazandırarak, akademik hayatlarına devam etmeleri için temel oluşturmak. Mühendislik lisans eğitimini tamamlamış bulunan bireylere endüstri mühendisliği disiplininde temel araştırma, uygulamalı araştırma ve geliştirme çalışmalarının nasıl tasarlanacağını ve uygulamaya sokulacağını öğretmek ve bu konularda mühendislerin becerilerini geliştirmek Mühendislik lisans eğitimini tamamlamış bulunan bireylerde endüstriyel uygulamalara yönelik yaratıcı ve yenilikçi fikirlerin oluşmasını sağlamak. Endüstri Mühendisliği disiplini için Türkiye koşullarına uygun bilimsel araştırmalar yapmak ve sonuçlarını bilim dünyası ile paylaşarak bu mühendislik disiplininin gelişmesi için çalışmalarda bulunmak.

Qualification Awarded

The students who successfully complete the program are awarded the degree of Bachelor of MS

Level of Qualification

This is a program.

Specific Admission Requirements

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Qualification Requirements and Regulations

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Recognition of Prior Learning

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Occupational Profiles of Graduates

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Access to Further Studies

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Program Outcomes

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes
BUS5301 Research Methods and Ethics
INE5110 Probabilistic Models and Applications
INE5111 Mathematical Programming and Modelling
INE5887 Seminar
INE5888-1 Master Thesis
INE5888-2 Master Thesis
Departmental Elective
BDA5002 Marketing Analytics
BDA5121 Enterpreneurship and Managing Big Data
EEE5010 Optimization
ENM5112 Project Management
ENM5113 Analytical Marketing for Engineers
ENM5128 Financial Literacy for Managers
ENM5201 Advanced Engineering Management
ENM5203 Statistical Data Analysis and Decision Making
ENM5212 Quality Management
ENM5223 Business Management and Entrepreneurship
ENM5225 Human Resources Management
ENM5227 Risk Management
ENM5231 Strategic Management
ENM5510 Innovation and Creativity Management
ENM5511 Strategical Marketing Management
ESE5502 Sustainable Energy Systems
IND5101 Smart Factories
IND5102 Internet of Things
INE5126 System Simulation
INE5206 Decision Analysis
INE5261 Multi Attribute Decision Making
INE5309 Enterprise Resource Planning with SAP
INE6103 Multivariate Data Analysis
INE6150 Design of Experiments
MAT5101 Engineering Mathematics
RSK5001 Fundamentals of Risk Engineering
SEN5301 Introduction to Information Technologies Services Management

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
BUS5301 Research Methods and Ethics 3 0 3 9
INE5111 Mathematical Programming and Modelling 3 0 3 8
Departmental Elective 3 6
Departmental Elective 3 7
Total 30
2. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
INE5110 Probabilistic Models and Applications 3 0 3 8
Departmental Elective 3 7
Departmental Elective 3 7
Departmental Elective 3 8
Total 30
3. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
INE5887 Seminar 0 0 0 10
INE5888-1 Master Thesis 0 0 0 20
Total 30
4. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
INE5888-2 Master Thesis 0 0 0 30
Total 30

Program Director (or Equivalent)