Profile of the Program

The aim of this program is to train engineers who can analyze and solve electrical and electronics engineering problems and design innovative solutions by applying basic principles of engineering; have self-confidence to take initiative and responsibility and are conscious of ethical, societal and environmental issues; who are conscious about the importance of continuing their professional development and have effective communication skills.

Qualification Awarded

The students who successfully complete the program are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Level of Qualification

This is a program.

Specific Admission Requirements

Master of Science Degree, or Bachelor of Science Degree with an overall GPA of 3.00/4.00 in acceptable fields. Sufficient score from the National Academic Staff & Graduate Education Exam (ALES, quantitative: 70/100) or GRE (quantitative: 685). English proficiency (550 from TOEFL PBT or equivalent).

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The students graduating from this program are awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Recognition of Prior Learning

At Bahcesehir University, full-time students can be exempted from some courses within the framework of the related by laws. If the content of the course previously taken in another institution is equivalent to the course offered at BAU, then the student can be exempted from this course with the approval of the related faculty/graduate school after the evaluation of the course content.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Graduates of the PhD program in Electrical and Electronics Engineering can be recruited within foundations and institutions such as ministries, municipalities, universities, institutes, research and production centers in the public sector as well as private companies related to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering design and application processes. Our graduates can also initiate their own companies.

Access to Further Studies

The students graduating from this program may apply to post doctoral programs in the field of expertise.

Program Outcomes

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes
EEE5010 Optimization
EEE5012 Numerical Methods in Engineering
EEE5014 Random Processes and Estimation Theory
EEE5022 Applied Statistics
EEE5101 Research Methods and Ethics
EEE6887 Doctoral Seminar
EEE6888-1 Ph.D. Thesis
EEE6888-2 Ph.D. Thesis
EEE6888-3 Ph.D. Thesis
EEE6888-4 Ph.D. Thesis
EEE6902 Qualifier Exam
MAT5101 Engineering Mathematics
MCH5001 Linear System Theory
Departmental Elective
CMP5101 Data Mining
CMP5102 Data Mining II
EEE5010 Optimization
EEE5012 Numerical Methods in Engineering
EEE5014 Random Processes and Estimation Theory
EEE5022 Applied Statistics
EEE5026 Wavelets, Filter Banks, and Subband Coding
EEE5031 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
EEE5042 Energy Management
EEE5059 Advanced Digital VLSI and ASIC Design
EEE5215 ASIC / SOC Design
EEE5220 Digital Design Automation
EEE5401 Power Systems Analysis
EEE5402 Power System Stability and Dynamics
EEE5412 Power Generation
EEE5430 Advanced Computer Methods for Power Systems
EEE5432 Dynamics of Electric Machines
EEE5515 Advanced Signal Processing
EEE5521 Image Processing
EEE5531 Video Processing
EEE5540 Speech Processing
EEE5541 Introduction to Digital Image and Video Processing
EEE5542 Digital Audio Processing
EEE5550 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
EEE5560 Information Retrieval
EEE5600 Introduction to Information and Coding Theory
EEE5601 Digital Communication
EEE5603 Wireless Communications
EEE5622 Selected Topics in Optoelectronics and Fiber Optic
EEE5640 Game Theory and Cognition for Wireless Networks
EEE5722 Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication
EEE5723 Microwave Engineering
EEE5724 Laser Engineering
EEE5725 Advanced Electromagnetics
EEE5931 Special Topics I
EEE5932 Special Topics II
EEE6008 Directed Topics I
EEE6009 Directed Topics II
EEE6010 Directed Topics III
EEE6137 Advanced Topics in Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications
EEE6322 Optical Control Theory
EEE6531 Image Understanding
EEE6629 Network Information Theory
EEE6634 Space and Time Signal Processing
EEE6721 Electromagnetic Waves In Inhomogeneous Media
ENM5112 Project Management
ENM5223 Business Management and Entrepreneurship
ENM5510 Innovation and Creativity Management
ESE5404 Power Quality
ESE5405 Smart Grid
INE5110 Probabilistic Models and Applications
INE5111 Mathematical Programming and Modelling
INE6101 Linear Optimization
INE6204 Network Optimization
MAT5101 Engineering Mathematics
MCH5001 Linear System Theory
MCH5320 Digital Control

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
MAT5101 Engineering Mathematics 3 0 3 8
Departmental Elective 3 6
Departmental Elective 3 8
Departmental Elective 3 8
Total 30
2. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EEE5012 Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 0 3 8
EEE5014 Random Processes and Estimation Theory 3 0 3 8
EEE5101 Research Methods and Ethics 3 0 3 9
Departmental Elective 3 12
Total 37
3. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
MCH5001 Linear System Theory 3 0 3 8
Departmental Elective 3 10
Departmental Elective 3 12
Total 30
4. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EEE5010 Optimization 3 0 3 9
EEE5022 Applied Statistics 3 0 3 9
Departmental Elective 3 12
Total 30
5. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EEE6887 Doctoral Seminar 0 0 0 6
Departmental Elective 3 12
Departmental Elective 3 12
Total 30
6. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EEE6902 Qualifier Exam 0 0 0 30
Total 30
7. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EEE6888-1 Ph.D. Thesis 0 0 0 30
Total 30
8. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EEE6888-2 Ph.D. Thesis 0 0 0 30
Total 30
9. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EEE6888-3 Ph.D. Thesis 0 0 0 30
Total 30
10. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EEE6888-4 Ph.D. Thesis 0 0 0 30
Total 30

Program Director (or Equivalent)