Profile of the Program

A quality education in political science and international relations is an excellent starting point for understanding and succeeding in a globally interconnected world. The department's mission is to provide such education to students. The aim is to facilitate the independent and critical thinking necessary for leadership and to provide students with strategic skills that will enable them to take advantage of opportunities in the world of politics, business, media and international organisations. Non-thesis master's programs consist of a total of 10 courses and a graduation project. The duration of the non-thesis master's program, excluding the time spent in scientific preparation, is three semesters, starting from the semester in which the courses related to the program in which they are registered are given, regardless of whether they are registered for each semester. Those who cannot fulfill the success conditions/criteria stipulated by the higher education institution within this period; The student who fails the project within the maximum period will be dismissed from the higher education institution.

Qualification Awarded

The students who successfully complete the program are awarded the degree of Bachelor of KÜRESEL SİY. & ULUS. İLİŞKİLER (TR, TEZSİZ)

Level of Qualification

This is a program.

Specific Admission Requirements

General minimum requirements for candidates applying to the Master's program: - Bachelor's degree, - Area Requirement is not required, Online Application: Application Documents for Master's Programs: 1. Photocopy of military status certificate for male candidates 2. Photocopy of undergraduate diploma or temporary graduation certificate (graduate certificate obtained from e-government will also be valid.) 3. A photocopy of the document (transcript) showing all courses and grades taken at the undergraduate level (Diploma supplement also replaces the transcript.) *Active student transcripts are not accepted. 4. CV *Applications of candidates studying abroad are valid if the recognition of the institution they studied at and the suitability of the education they received are approved by YÖK. To get information about international student application processes, you can contact the International Office at 0 212 381 01 54.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The non-thesis master's program consists of a total of 30 credits and 90 ECTS. This program consists of 10 courses and a term project course to be taken at the end of the year. The term project course is non-credit. For graduation, it is necessary to be successful in the term project and have a GPA of 3.00 in courses.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning in this program is done according to Bahçeşehir University Graduate Education Regulations.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Some of the graduates of the department pursue a career in diplomacy by showing high performance in the exams organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Apart from this, there are many graduates working in other ministries and state enterprises. A significant portion of the graduates are employed in Turkey's reputable private companies in areas such as banking, finance, sales and marketing. Some graduates turn to academic careers at local and foreign universities following their master's and doctoral studies.

Access to Further Studies

Those who registered for the Non-Thesis Master's program before 06/02/2013 or have already graduated can apply to doctoral programs. Those who registered for the Non-Thesis Master's program after 06/02/2013 cannot apply to PhD programs.

Program Outcomes

1 Lisans düzeyi yeterliliklerine dayalı olarak, aynı veya farklı bir alanda bilgilerini uzmanlık düzeyinde geliştirebilme ve derinleştirebilme.
2 Being able to comprehend the interdisciplinary interaction with which the field is related.
3 Have the knowledge of the political, economic, and juridical foundation of the state.
4 To develop and deepen the information level of expertise Master’s Degree on the basis of qualifications at the Political Science and International Relations Program.
5 To have social, scientific and ethical values under all circumstances during the data collection, interpretation and dissemination stages related to the field of International Relations and Politics.
6 Have a good formation of the social sciences
7 To examine and evaluate countries and regions at the international level which are embedded in practical and theoretical knowledge.
8 Have the knowledge of foreign policy formation and decision-making process.
10 Evaluated to be critical of a variety of security issues, strategies, and practical consequences in the international arena.
11 Have a critical perspective on concepts, arguments, and current issues.
12 Ability to independently carry out a study that requires expertise in the field.
13 Ability to provide leadership in environments that require solving problems related to the field.

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13
ISL5301 Research Methods and Ethics 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4
UIL5101 International Relations Theories 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 3 5 4
UIL5201 Comparative Politics 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5
UIL5999 Project 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 5
Departmental Elective
GMB5206 Global Economics
GMB5209 Global Politics
ISL5080 Media and Communication in Business
ISL5126 The Importance of Media in Political Science and International Relations
ISL5202 Globalization and Perception Management
KHK5248 International Organizations
UIL5001 Political Theories
UIL5004 Middle East Politics
UIL5113 Political Sociology
UIL5131 Energy Policies
UIL5212 European Union and Integration Policies
UIL5222 Politics and Foreign Politics in Turkey
UIL5224 World Politics and Issues
UIL5228 American Foreign Policy
UIL5311 International Security
UIL5461 Globalization and International Migration
UIL5515 Political History in Europe
UIL5525 History of Diplomacy
UIL5702 African Politics: Current Issues and Topics 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ISL5301 Research Methods and Ethics 3 0 3 9
UIL5101 International Relations Theories 3 0 3 8
Departmental Elective 3 6
Departmental Elective 3 7
Total 30
2. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
UIL5201 Comparative Politics 3 0 3 8
Departmental Elective 3 7
Departmental Elective 3 7
Departmental Elective 3 8
Total 30
3. Semester
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
UIL5999 Project 0 0 0 16
Departmental Elective 3 7
Departmental Elective 3 7
Total 30

Program Director (or Equivalent)