Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
GEP1307 Marine Culture and Amateur Seamanship Fall 3 0 3 4
The course opens with the approval of the Department at the beginning of each semester

Basic information

Language of instruction: Tr
Type of course: GE-Elective
Course Level: Associate
Mode of Delivery:
Course Coordinator : Dr. BURCU ALARSLAN ULUDAŞ
Course Objectives: To achieve the goal of "Sailor Nation, Sailor Country" and to increase the interest of our young people in the sea and maritime culture.
to help them see beyond the horizon by increasing
2. To raise awareness about the "Sea and Maritime Culture" in the young generation of our country.
3. To contribute to the spread of "Sea and Maritime Culture" in our country.
4. Our country's youth, in addition to their own fields of education, also contribute to Turkey's maritime and maritime issues.
To ensure that they are at the level of knowledge available.
5. In every field (Political, Economic, Cultural, Technological,
Creating policies and projects (social etc.) and guiding the initiatives and existing organizations and businesses.
to shine bright lights, thus creating new business sectors and jobs.

Learning Outputs

The students who have succeeded in this course;
When you successfully complete this course you will be able to do the following.
1. It will contribute to the dissemination of sea and maritime culture in Turkey.
2. Will have the knowledge to contribute to Turkey's maritime issues in his/her professional field,
3. The level of awareness and awareness about the sea and maritime will increase,
4. Will reach the level of knowledge to obtain an Amateur Sailor's License,
5. Have knowledge about Short Distance Radio Operator Training,
6. Will have basic knowledge that will contribute to the dissemination of sea and maritime culture in Turkey,
7. By creating widespread recognition to ensure that more young people are interested in the sea and maritime,
The level of awareness and consciousness will increase

Course Content

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Course Introduction Oceans and seas Basic maritime terms
2) Marine and meteorology parts of the boat Basic maritime terms-2
3) Development History of Civilizations and Ships Basic maritime terms-3
4) Turkish Maritime History and Cartography Deck Hardware and ropes student presentation
5) Cabotage Rights and the Straits Preventing Collision at Sea-1 student presentation
6) Ships and Marine Vehicles Classification Preventing Collision at Sea-2 Lighthouses and Buoys student presentation topic narration
6) Ships and Marine Vehicles Classification Preventing Collision at Sea-2 Lighthouses and Buoys student presentation topic narration
7) Marine and Environment Factors Affecting Boat Maneuvering Anchorage student presentation topic narration
8) Midterm Exam
9) Being a Maritime Country Docking and Departure Maneuver Man Overboard Training student presentation topic narration
10) Gemici Vineyards Navigation Tutorial – 1 (Map) student presentation topic narration
11) Navigation Training – 2 (Sailing) Fire Training student presentation topic narration
12) Navigation Training – 3 (Sailing) First Aid Training student presentation topic narration
13) Maritime short range radio (VHF) Communication Basic Law at Sea student presentation topic narration Your articles of delivery completion
14) Engine and Electrical Systems in Boats Review of semester courses student presentation topic narration Your presentations ending
14) Engine and Electrical Systems in Boats Review of semester courses student presentation topic narration Your presentations ending


Course Notes:
References: BAU Kütüphanesinde bulunan kaynaklar: • Baş, Münip (2001). Denizcilik Sözlüğü. Akademik Yayınları • Arıkan, Z. ve Sancar, L. (2009). Türk Denizcilik Tarihi. Deniz Basımevi Müdürlüğü • Esmer, S., Şengönül, G. Ve Paker, S. (2015). Temel Denizcilik Bilgisi. Beta Yayınları Deniz Kültürü Ders Notları (*) Amatör Denizcilik Ders Notu-1 (*) Amatör Denizcilik Ders Notu-2 (*) (*) Öğretim Görevlisinin aşağıdaki kaynaklardan derlediği ders notları öğrencilere pdf olarak BAU itslearning üzerinden verilmektedir: • Amatör Denizci El Kitabı, Sezar Atmaca Denizde Çatışmayı Önleme Tüzüğü • Gemi Seyri, Nusret Belirdi • Denizciler için sağlık rehberi • SOLAS • MARPOL • Antik Çağda Denizcilik ve Gemiler, Lionel Casson • Osmanlı'dan Cumhuriyet'e Denizciler, Serdar Başaran ve Levent Düzcü

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance % 0
Laboratory % 0
Application % 0
Field Work % 0
Special Course Internship (Work Placement) % 0
Quizzes % 0
Homework Assignments 1 % 15
Presentation 1 % 15
Project % 0
Seminar % 0
Midterms 1 % 30
Preliminary Jury % 0
Final 1 % 40
Paper Submission % 0
Jury % 0
Bütünleme % 0
Total % 100
Total % 100

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Be able to fulfill their professional career in the field of child development and education 1
2) Paying attention to children about proper and good usage of Turkish language. 1
3) Child development and children's cognitive, affective and psycho-motor development to prepare the appropriate activities. 1
4) Recognizing the relationship of society, family and child; communıcatıng effectıvely wıth chıld, havıng knowledge and skılls about chıld health and ıllnesses 1
5) Apply and practice drama,play and music activities. 1
6) To follow nutrition habbits of children 1
7) Plan and practice activities for children with special needs. 1
8) To apply science and technology education for children. 1
9) Plan and apply free time activities. 1
10) Using, preparing and maintaining equipments, materials and documents around work environment. 1
11) Have knowledge and skills about parent education 1
12) Have knowledge and skills about child health and diseases. 1