Hafta |
Konu |
Ön Hazırlık |
1) |
Introduction to the Course and Review of Syllabus |
2) |
Bizans İstanbulunun Sona Ermesi ve Osmanlı İstanbulunun Kurulması |
Halil İnalcık, The Status of the Greek Patriarch Under the Ottomans
Philip Mansel, Constantinople, chapter 2, “City of God”
3) |
Osmanlılarda çok dinli ve çok etnisiteli İstanbulun Yönetimi
Halil İnalcık, The Status of the Greek Patriarch Under the Ottomans
Philip Mansel, Constantinople, chapter 2, “City of God”
4) |
Osmanlıların Altın Çağı
Aya Sofya: Emperyal Kiliseden Emperyal Camiye
Sinan: İmparatorluğun Mimarbaşı
Gülru Necipoglu, The Age of Sinan: Architectural Culture in the Ottoman Empire (Reaktion Books, London, and Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005, 2010). Excerpt.
Gülru Necipoğlu, “The life of an Imperial Monument: Hagia Sophia after Byzantium,” in Hagia Sophia from the Age of Justinian to the Present, R. Mark, A. S. Çakmak (NY: Cambridge University Press, 1992): 195-225.
5) |
16. ve 17. Yüzyıllarda Osmanlıların baskıcı politikaları
Tanizmat öncesi dönemde İstanbul
Madeline Zilfi, “The Kadızadelis: discordant Revivalism in the 17th Century Istanbul”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 45, no. 4, 1986, 251-269.
Ekrem Işın, “Daily Life in Istanbul in Pre-Modern Period” in Daily Life in Istanbul.
6) |
Şehirde Eğlence ve Boş Zaman |
Shirine Hamadeh, The City’s Pleasures, Istanbul in the 18th Century, Excerpt
Cengiz Kırlı: “Coffeehouses in Istanbul”
7) |
İmparatorlukta Batıulılaşma/Modernleşme
Kızdırılmış Dultan ve de “Rum Fesadı” (1821)
Şehirde Zor Zamanlar, Sosyal Gerginlik
Philip Mansel, “Mahmud II” in Constantinople, city of the World’s Desire, chapter 10.
Hakan Erdem, “Do Not Think of the Greeks as Agricultural Labourers’: Ottoman Responses to the Greek War of Independence,” in Citizenship and the Nation-State in Greece and Turkey, pp. 67-84.
8) |
Yunan İsyanı Yılları Sonrası İstanbul Toplumu
Reformların İlanı
Tanzimat, 1839 Tanzimat, Gülhane Hatı Hümayunu
Şükrü Hanioğlu, A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire, Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008, chapters 2, 3 & 4.
Philip Mansel, Chapter 10, Mahmud II,” in Constantinople, city of the World’s Desire, chapter 10.
9) |
Avrupa Orduları İstanbul’da; Kırım Savaşı
Belediye Reformu ve Emperyal Güç Gösterisi
Murat Gül: Istanbul Between the Crimean War and First World War, in Emergence of Istanbul, chapter 2.
Philip Mansel, “City of Marvels” in Constantinople, City of the World’s Desire, chapter 11.
10) |
Şehirde Sosyal ve Kültürel Hayat
Tiyatrolar, Edebiyat Toplulukları
Şehrin Ahalisi
Philip Mansel, Constantinople, City of the World’s Desire, chapter 12.
Aron Rodrigue, The Beginnings of Westernization and Community Reform Among Istanbul’s Jewry, 1854-1865.
11) |
Gezginlerin Gözünden İstanbul |
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, The Turkish Embassy Letters (Longman)
Ubicini, The Letters From Turkey
Gerard Nerval, Voyage to the Orient. Excerpt
12) |
İlk Osmanlı Parlamentosu (1876)
Zor Bir Yıl, Osmanlı Rus Savaşı, 1878
Şehirde İlk Defa Sosyal düzenin Bozulması, 1878 Sonrası Yıllar
Philip Mansel, “Yıldız”, in Constantinople, City of the World’s Desire, Chapter 13.
Florian Riedler, “Armenian Labor Migration to Istanbul” in The City on the Ottoman Empire, Migration and the Making of Urban Modernity, eds. U. Freitag, M. Fuhrmann, N. Lafi, F. Rriedler, New York: Soass, Routladge, 2011.
13) |
Yeni Bir Umut, İkinci Osmanlı Parlamentosu
1908 Genç Türk Devrimi
Kutlamalar ve Hayal Kırıklığı Kosmopolit Şehirde Milliyetçilik
Philip Mansel, “Young Turks” in Constantinople, City of the World’s Desire, chapter 14. |
14) |
Birinci Dünya Savaşı
Şehir İşgal Altında
Lozan Antlaşması ve Zorunlu Nüfus Mübadelesi
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde İstanbul
Philip Mansel, “The Death of a Capital” in Constantinople, city of the World’s Desire, chapter 15.
John Freely, The Imperial City, the last Chapter
15) |
Final Exam |
16) |
Final Sınavı |
Ders Notları: |
Philip Mansel, Constantinople, The World’s Desire, chapters 1, 2, 10-15.
Halil İnalcık, “Policies of Mehmed II towards Greek Population of Istanbul and Byzantine Buildings of the City”.
Halil İnalcık, The Status of the Greek Patriarch Under the Ottomans
Gülru Necipoglu, The Age of Sinan: Architectural Culture in the Ottoman Empire (Reaktion Books, London, and Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005, 2010). Excerpt.
Gülru Necipoğlu, “The life of an Imperial Monument: Hagia Sophia after Byzantium,” in Hagia Sophia from the Age of Justinian to the Present, R. Mark, A. S. Çakmak (NY: Cambridge University Press, 1992): 195-225.
Madeline Zilfi, “The Kadızadelis: discordant Revivalism in the 17th Century Istanbul”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 45, no. 4, 1986, 251-269.
Ekrem Işın, “Daily Life in Istanbul in Pre-Modern Period” in Daily Life in Istanbul.
Shirine Hamadeh, The City’s Pleasures, Istanbul in the 18th Century, Excerpt
Cengiz Kırlı: “Coffeehouses in Istanbul”
Hakan Erdem, “Do Not Think of the Greeks as Agricultural Labourers’: Ottoman Responses to the Greek War of Independence,” in Citizenship and the Nation-State in Greece and Turkey, pp. 67-84.
Şükrü Hanioğlu, A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire, Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008, chapters 2, 3 & 4.
Diğer Kaynaklar: |
Murat Gül: Istanbul Between the Crimean War and First World War, in Emergence of Istanbul, chapter 2.
Aron Rodrigue, The Beginnings of Westernization and Community Reform Among Istanbul’s Jewry, 1854-1865.
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, The Turkish Embassy Letters (Longman)
Ubicini, The Letters From Turkey
Gerard Nerval, Voyage to the Orient. Excerpt
Florian Riedler, “Armenian Labor Migration to Istanbul” in The City on the Ottoman Empire, Migration and the Making of Urban Modernity, eds. U. Freitag, M. Fuhrmann, N. Lafi, F. Rriedler, New York: Soass, Routladge, 2011.