Yüksek Lisans TYYÇ: 7. Düzey QF-EHEA: 2. Düzey EQF-LLL: 7. Düzey

Ders Tanıtım Bilgileri

Ders Kodu Ders Adı Yarıyıl Teorik Pratik Kredi AKTS
SOC4096 Gıda ve Gıda Sistemleri Sosyolojisi Güz 3 0 3 6
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Temel Bilgiler

Öğretim Dili: En
Dersin Türü: Departmental Elective
Dersin Seviyesi: LİSANSÜSTÜ
Dersin Veriliş Şekli:
Dersin Koordinatörü: Öğ.Gör. İLHAN ZEYNEP KARAKILIÇ
Dersin Amacı: Gıda sosyolojisi ve gıda sistemlerine giriş niteliğinde olan bu ders, öğrencilere gıdanın hazırlanması ve tüketimi sırasında şekillenen sosyal uygulamaları ve gıda sistemlerinin işleyişindeki farklı sosyal ve ekonomik mekanizmaları anlamaları için kavramsal ve teorik araçlar sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Dersler ve okuma ödevleri, tarihsel olarak değişen yemek kültürü ve farklı ekonomi sektörlerini ve toplumun farklı kesimlerini ilişkilendiren gıda sistemlerinin farklı bölümleri hakkında sosyolojik bir bakış açısı sağlar. Ders, gıdayı hem toplumun farklı özelliklerinin işlendiği bir yapı olarak hem de toplumun devamlılığını sağlayan bütüncül bir sürecin sonucu olarak inceler. Ders, gıda sistemlerinin işleyişine kırsal dönüşüm, göç veya iklim değişikliği gibi güncel sosyal konularla ilgili bütünsel bir bakış açısı kazandırmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Öğrenme Çıktıları

Bu dersi başarıyla tamamlayabilen öğrenciler;
1) gıda sosyolojisi ve gıda sistemleri etrafındaki temel kavramlar ve teorik tartışmalar hakkındaki anlayışlarını arttırmak,
2) gıda, gıda hazırlama ve gıda tüketimine ilişkin uygulamaların sosyolojik önemi ve bu uygulamaların Türkiye'de ve dünyada tarihsel olarak nasıl değiştiği hakkında temel bilgilere sahip olur.
3) Gıda çevresinde meydana gelen sosyal ve ekonomik yapıların neo-liberalizm koşullarında Türkiye'de ve dünyada nasıl değiştiğini öğrenecektir.
4) Besin ve tüketim arasındaki ilişkiyi görebilecektir.
5) Besin sistemlerinin farklı kısımlarını, birbirleriyle olan ilişkilerini ve önemini öğrenecektir.
6) Gıda sistemlerinin etkileşimi ve çevresel bozulma, iklim değişikliği, biyoteknolojideki gelişmeler, toplumsal hareketler ve göç ile etkileşimi etrafında ortaya çıkan yeni tartışmalar hakkında bilgilerini artıracaktır.

Dersin İçeriği

Week 1: Oryantasyon
Mills, C.W. (1959). “Appendix: On Intellectual Craftsmanship” in the Sociological Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 195-227.
Bourdieu, P. (1999). “Understanding” in Bourdieu P. et al ed. the Weight of the World: Suffering in Contemporary Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Pp.607-629.

Week 2: Gıda Sosyolojisi Nedir? 1
Carolan, M. (2021). “Introduction to a Complex and Everchaning Field” in The Sociology of Food and Agriculture. London: Routledge. Pp. 1-21.

Week 3: Gıda Sosyolojisi Nedir? 2
Beardsworth A and T. Keil (1997). “Sociological Perspectives on Food and Eating” in Sociology on the Menu. London: Verso. Pp 47-69.
Bourdieu, P. (1984) “Introduction” Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. London: Routledge&Kegan. Pp: 1-7.
Elias, N. (2004). “On Eating Meat” in “Les Classiques/ Classics” by. S. Mennell. Food and History 2(2). Pp. 11-16.

Week 4: Gıda ve Aile
Beardsworth A and T. Keil (1997). “Food, Family and Community” in Sociology on the Menu. London: Verso. Pp 73-99.
R. Moisio, E.J. Arnauld and L.L. Price (2004). “Between Mothers and Markets: Constructing Family Identity Through Homemade Food”, Journal of Consumer Culture: 4(3):361-864.

Week 5: Gıda ve Kimlik
Ichijo, A., R. Ranta (2016). “ Everyday Creation of Nation” in Food, National Identity and Nationalism. New York: Palgrave. Pp: 21-42.
Cağlar, A.S. (2011). “Döner kebap and social positioning struggle of German Turks” in Multiculturalism: Concepts in Sociology ed. by G. Baumann and S. Vertovec. London, New York: Routlegde. Pp. 413-431.

Week 6: Gıda ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet
Beagan, B., G. E. Chapman, A. D'Sylva, and B.R. Bassett (2008). “It’s just easier for me to do it': Rationalizing the family division of foodwork” Sociology, 42(4), 653-671.
Szabo, M. (2014). “Men nurturing through food: Challenging gender dichotomies around domestic cooking”, Journal of Gender Studies, 23(1):18-31.

Week 7:Ara Sınav
Week 8: Gıda Sistemleri
Lamine, C. (2014). “Sustainability and Resilience in Agri-Food Systems: Reconnecting Agriculture, Food and Environment”, Sociologia Ruralis, 55(1): 41-61.
FAO (2018). Sustainable Food Systems, Concept and Frameworks. FAO. Pp 1-8.
Yenal D. and Z. Yenal. (1993). “The Changing World Food Order: The Case of Turkey,” New Perspectives on Turkey, 9: 20-46.

Week 9: Gıda Sistemlerinde Üreticiler
Keyder, Ç. and Z. Yenal, (2011) “Agrarian Change under Globalization: Markets and Insecurity in Turkish Agriculture,” Journal of Agrarian Change, 11(1): 60–86.
Trail, W.B. (2017). Transnational Corporations, Food Systems and Their Impacts on Diets in Developing Countries. FAO.
Clapp, J. and J. Purugganan (2020). “Contextualizing Corporate Control in Agrifood and Extractive Sectors”, Globalizations, 17(7): 1265-1275.

Week 10: Gıda Sistemlerinde İşçiler
Dedeoğlu, S. (2018) “Tarımsal Üretimde Göçmen İşçiler: Yoksulluk Nöbetinden Yoksulların Rekabetine” (Migrant Workers in the Agricultural Production: From Poverty to Competition among the Poors), Çalışma ve Toplum, 56(1).
Preibish, K. (2011). “Migrant Workers and Changing Work Place Regimes in Contemporary Agriculture Production in Canada”, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 19(1): 62-82.

Week 11: Gıda Sistemlerinde Tüketiciler
Oba, B. and Z. Özsoy (2020). “Unifying Nature of Food: Consumer initiated cooperatives in İstanbul”, Society and Business Review, 15(4): 349-372.
Blay-Palmer, A. and B. Donald (2008). “Creating Mutual Food Systems” in A. Blay-Palmer ed. Food Fears: From Industrial to Sustainable Food Systems. Hampshire: Ashgate. Pp: 133-155.

Week 12: Gıda ve Gelecek
Hubbard, K. (2022) “A Short History of Intellectual Property Rights on Seed and What Farmers Should Know” https://thenaturalfarmer.org/article/a-short-history-of-intellectual-property-rights-on-seed-and-what-farmers-should-know/
Klerkx, L., e. Jakku, P. Labarthe (2019). “A Review of Social Sciences and Digital Agriculture, Smart Farming and Agriculture 4.0: New Contributions and Future Research Agenda”, Wegeningen Journal of Life Sciences, 90-91.

Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği

Hafta Konu Ön Hazırlık
1) Oryantasyon Mills, C.W. (1959). “Appendix: On Intellectual Craftsmanship” in the Sociological Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 195-227. Bourdieu, P. (1999). “Understanding” in Bourdieu P. et al ed. the Weight of the World: Suffering in Contemporary Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Pp.607-629.
2) Gıda Sosyolojisi Nedir?1 Carolan, M. (2021). “Introduction to a Complex and Everchaning Field” in The Sociology of Food and Agriculture. London: Routledge. Pp. 1-21.
3) Gıda Sosyolojisi Nedir? 2 Beardsworth A and T. Keil (1997). “Sociological Perspectives on Food and Eating” in Sociology on the Menu. London: Verso. Pp 47-69. Bourdieu, P. (1984) “Introduction” Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. London: Routledge&Kegan. Pp: 1-7. Elias, N. (2004). “On Eating Meat” in “Les Classiques/ Classics” by. S. Mennell. Food and History 2(2). Pp. 11-16.
4) Gıda ve Aile Beardsworth A and T. Keil (1997). “Food, Family and Community” in Sociology on the Menu. London: Verso. Pp 73-99. R. Moisio, E.J. Arnauld and L.L. Price (2004). “Between Mothers and Markets: Constructing Family Identity Through Homemade Food”, Journal of Consumer Culture: 4(3):361-864.
5) Gıda ve Kimlik Ichijo, A., R. Ranta (2016). “ Everyday Creation of Nation” in Food, National Identity and Nationalism. New York: Palgrave. Pp: 21-42. Cağlar, A.S. (2011). “Döner kebap and social positioning struggle of German Turks” in Multiculturalism: Concepts in Sociology ed. by G. Baumann and S. Vertovec. London, New York: Routlegde. Pp. 413-431.
6) Gıda ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Beagan, B., G. E. Chapman, A. D'Sylva, and B.R. Bassett (2008). “It’s just easier for me to do it': Rationalizing the family division of foodwork” Sociology, 42(4), 653-671. Szabo, M. (2014). “Men nurturing through food: Challenging gender dichotomies around domestic cooking”, Journal of Gender Studies, 23(1):18-31.
7) Ara Sınav
8) Gıda Sistemleri Lamine, C. (2014). “Sustainability and Resilience in Agri-Food Systems: Reconnecting Agriculture, Food and Environment”, Sociologia Ruralis, 55(1): 41-61. FAO (2018). Sustainable Food Systems, Concept and Frameworks. FAO. Pp 1-8. Yenal D. and Z. Yenal. (1993). “The Changing World Food Order: The Case of Turkey,” New Perspectives on Turkey, 9: 20-46.
9) Gıda Sistemlerinde Üreticiler Keyder, Ç. and Z. Yenal, (2011) “Agrarian Change under Globalization: Markets and Insecurity in Turkish Agriculture,” Journal of Agrarian Change, 11(1): 60–86. Trail, W.B. (2017). Transnational Corporations, Food Systems and Their Impacts on Diets in Developing Countries. FAO. Clapp, J. and J. Purugganan (2020). “Contextualizing Corporate Control in Agrifood and Extractive Sectors”, Globalizations, 17(7): 1265-1275.
10) Gıda Sistemlerinde İşçiler Dedeoğlu, S. (2018) “Tarımsal Üretimde Göçmen İşçiler: Yoksulluk Nöbetinden Yoksulların Rekabetine” (Migrant Workers in the Agricultural Production: From Poverty to Competition among the Poors), Çalışma ve Toplum, 56(1). Preibish, K. (2011). “Migrant Workers and Changing Work Place Regimes in Contemporary Agriculture Production in Canada”, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 19(1): 62-82.
11) Gıda Sistemlerinde Tüketiciler Oba, B. and Z. Özsoy (2020). “Unifying Nature of Food: Consumer initiated cooperatives in İstanbul”, Society and Business Review, 15(4): 349-372. Blay-Palmer, A. and B. Donald (2008). “Creating Mutual Food Systems” in A. Blay-Palmer ed. Food Fears: From Industrial to Sustainable Food Systems. Hampshire: Ashgate. Pp: 133-155.
12) Gıda ve Gelecek Hubbard, K. (2022) “A Short History of Intellectual Property Rights on Seed and What Farmers Should Know” https://thenaturalfarmer.org/article/a-short-history-of-intellectual-property-rights-on-seed-and-what-farmers-should-know/ Klerkx, L., e. Jakku, P. Labarthe (2019). “A Review of Social Sciences and Digital Agriculture, Smart Farming and Agriculture 4.0: New Contributions and Future Research Agenda”, Wegeningen Journal of Life Sciences, 90-91.
13) Öğrenci Sunumları
14) Öğrenci Sunumları ve Genel Değerlendirme


Ders Notları: Mills, C.W. (1959). “Appendix: On Intellectual Craftsmanship” in the Sociological Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 195-227. Bourdieu, P. (1999). “Understanding” in Bourdieu P. et al ed. the Weight of the World: Suffering in Contemporary Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Pp.607-629. Carolan, M. (2021). “Introduction to a Complex and Everchaning Field” in The Sociology of Food and Agriculture. London: Routledge. Pp. 1-21. Beardsworth A and T. Keil (1997). “Sociological Perspectives on Food and Eating” in Sociology on the Menu. London: Verso. Pp 47-69. Bourdieu, P. (1984) “Introduction” Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. London: Routledge&Kegan. Pp: 1-7. Elias, N. (2004). “On Eating Meat” in “Les Classiques/ Classics” by. S. Mennell. Food and History 2(2). Pp. 11-16. Beardsworth A and T. Keil (1997). “Food, Family and Community” in Sociology on the Menu. London: Verso. Pp 73-99. R. Moisio, E.J. Arnauld and L.L. Price (2004). “Between Mothers and Markets: Constructing Family Identity Through Homemade Food”, Journal of Consumer Culture: 4(3):361-864. Ichijo, A., R. Ranta (2016). “ Everyday Creation of Nation” in Food, National Identity and Nationalism. New York: Palgrave. Pp: 21-42. Cağlar, A.S. (2011). “Döner kebap and social positioning struggle of German Turks” in Multiculturalism: Concepts in Sociology ed. by G. Baumann and S. Vertovec. London, New York: Routlegde. Pp. 413-431. Beagan, B., G. E. Chapman, A. D'Sylva, and B.R. Bassett (2008). “It’s just easier for me to do it': Rationalizing the family division of foodwork” Sociology, 42(4), 653-671. Szabo, M. (2014). “Men nurturing through food: Challenging gender dichotomies around domestic cooking”, Journal of Gender Studies, 23(1):18-31. Lamine, C. (2014). “Sustainability and Resilience in Agri-Food Systems: Reconnecting Agriculture, Food and Environment”, Sociologia Ruralis, 55(1): 41-61. FAO (2018). Sustainable Food Systems, Concept and Frameworks. FAO. Pp 1-8. Yenal D. and Z. Yenal. (1993). “The Changing World Food Order: The Case of Turkey,” New Perspectives on Turkey, 9: 20-46. Keyder, Ç. and Z. Yenal, (2011) “Agrarian Change under Globalization: Markets and Insecurity in Turkish Agriculture,” Journal of Agrarian Change, 11(1): 60–86. Trail, W.B. (2017). Transnational Corporations, Food Systems and Their Impacts on Diets in Developing Countries. FAO. Clapp, J. and J. Purugganan (2020). “Contextualizing Corporate Control in Agrifood and Extractive Sectors”, Globalizations, 17(7): 1265-1275. Dedeoğlu, S. (2018) “Tarımsal Üretimde Göçmen İşçiler: Yoksulluk Nöbetinden Yoksulların Rekabetine” (Migrant Workers in the Agricultural Production: From Poverty to Competition among the Poors), Çalışma ve Toplum, 56(1). Preibish, K. (2011). “Migrant Workers and Changing Work Place Regimes in Contemporary Agriculture Production in Canada”, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 19(1): 62-82. Oba, B. and Z. Özsoy (2020). “Unifying Nature of Food: Consumer initiated cooperatives in İstanbul”, Society and Business Review, 15(4): 349-372. Blay-Palmer, A. and B. Donald (2008). “Creating Mutual Food Systems” in A. Blay-Palmer ed. Food Fears: From Industrial to Sustainable Food Systems. Hampshire: Ashgate. Pp: 133-155. Hubbard, K. (2022) “A Short History of Intellectual Property Rights on Seed and What Farmers Should Know” https://thenaturalfarmer.org/article/a-short-history-of-intellectual-property-rights-on-seed-and-what-farmers-should-know/ Klerkx, L., e. Jakku, P. Labarthe (2019). “A Review of Social Sciences and Digital Agriculture, Smart Farming and Agriculture 4.0: New Contributions and Future Research Agenda”, Wegeningen Journal of Life Sciences, 90-91.
Diğer Kaynaklar: Mills, C.W. (1959). “Appendix: On Intellectual Craftsmanship” in the Sociological Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 195-227. Bourdieu, P. (1999). “Understanding” in Bourdieu P. et al ed. the Weight of the World: Suffering in Contemporary Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Pp.607-629. Carolan, M. (2021). “Introduction to a Complex and Everchaning Field” in The Sociology of Food and Agriculture. London: Routledge. Pp. 1-21. Beardsworth A and T. Keil (1997). “Sociological Perspectives on Food and Eating” in Sociology on the Menu. London: Verso. Pp 47-69. Bourdieu, P. (1984) “Introduction” Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. London: Routledge&Kegan. Pp: 1-7. Elias, N. (2004). “On Eating Meat” in “Les Classiques/ Classics” by. S. Mennell. Food and History 2(2). Pp. 11-16. Beardsworth A and T. Keil (1997). “Food, Family and Community” in Sociology on the Menu. London: Verso. Pp 73-99. R. Moisio, E.J. Arnauld and L.L. Price (2004). “Between Mothers and Markets: Constructing Family Identity Through Homemade Food”, Journal of Consumer Culture: 4(3):361-864. Ichijo, A., R. Ranta (2016). “ Everyday Creation of Nation” in Food, National Identity and Nationalism. New York: Palgrave. Pp: 21-42. Cağlar, A.S. (2011). “Döner kebap and social positioning struggle of German Turks” in Multiculturalism: Concepts in Sociology ed. by G. Baumann and S. Vertovec. London, New York: Routlegde. Pp. 413-431. Beagan, B., G. E. Chapman, A. D'Sylva, and B.R. Bassett (2008). “It’s just easier for me to do it': Rationalizing the family division of foodwork” Sociology, 42(4), 653-671. Szabo, M. (2014). “Men nurturing through food: Challenging gender dichotomies around domestic cooking”, Journal of Gender Studies, 23(1):18-31. Lamine, C. (2014). “Sustainability and Resilience in Agri-Food Systems: Reconnecting Agriculture, Food and Environment”, Sociologia Ruralis, 55(1): 41-61. FAO (2018). Sustainable Food Systems, Concept and Frameworks. FAO. Pp 1-8. Yenal D. and Z. Yenal. (1993). “The Changing World Food Order: The Case of Turkey,” New Perspectives on Turkey, 9: 20-46. Keyder, Ç. and Z. Yenal, (2011) “Agrarian Change under Globalization: Markets and Insecurity in Turkish Agriculture,” Journal of Agrarian Change, 11(1): 60–86. Trail, W.B. (2017). Transnational Corporations, Food Systems and Their Impacts on Diets in Developing Countries. FAO. Clapp, J. and J. Purugganan (2020). “Contextualizing Corporate Control in Agrifood and Extractive Sectors”, Globalizations, 17(7): 1265-1275. Dedeoğlu, S. (2018) “Tarımsal Üretimde Göçmen İşçiler: Yoksulluk Nöbetinden Yoksulların Rekabetine” (Migrant Workers in the Agricultural Production: From Poverty to Competition among the Poors), Çalışma ve Toplum, 56(1). Preibish, K. (2011). “Migrant Workers and Changing Work Place Regimes in Contemporary Agriculture Production in Canada”, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 19(1): 62-82. Oba, B. and Z. Özsoy (2020). “Unifying Nature of Food: Consumer initiated cooperatives in İstanbul”, Society and Business Review, 15(4): 349-372. Blay-Palmer, A. and B. Donald (2008). “Creating Mutual Food Systems” in A. Blay-Palmer ed. Food Fears: From Industrial to Sustainable Food Systems. Hampshire: Ashgate. Pp: 133-155. Hubbard, K. (2022) “A Short History of Intellectual Property Rights on Seed and What Farmers Should Know” https://thenaturalfarmer.org/article/a-short-history-of-intellectual-property-rights-on-seed-and-what-farmers-should-know/ Klerkx, L., e. Jakku, P. Labarthe (2019). “A Review of Social Sciences and Digital Agriculture, Smart Farming and Agriculture 4.0: New Contributions and Future Research Agenda”, Wegeningen Journal of Life Sciences, 90-91.

Değerlendirme Sistemi

Yarıyıl İçi Çalışmaları Aktivite Sayısı Katkı Payı
Devam % 0
Laboratuar % 0
Uygulama % 0
Arazi Çalışması % 0
Derse Özgü Staj % 0
Küçük Sınavlar % 0
Ödev 8 % 32
Sunum 1 % 5
Projeler % 0
Seminer % 0
Ara Sınavlar 1 % 30
Ara Juri % 0
Final 1 % 33
Rapor Teslimi % 0
Juri % 0
Bütünleme % 0
Toplam % 100
Toplam % 100

AKTS / İş Yükü Tablosu

Aktiviteler Aktivite Sayısı Süre (Saat) İş Yükü
Ders Saati 14 3 42
Laboratuvar 0 0 0
Uygulama 0 0 0
Derse Özgü Staj 0 0 0
Arazi Çalışması 0 0 0
Sınıf Dışı Ders Çalışması 14 3 42
Sunum / Seminer 1 8 8
Proje 1 20 20
Ödevler 8 1 8
Küçük Sınavlar 0 0 0
Ara Juri 0 0 0
Ara Sınavlar 1 10 10
Rapor Teslimi 0 0 0
Juri 0 0 0
Final 1 2 2
Toplam İş Yükü 132

Program ve Öğrenme Kazanımları İlişkisi

Etkisi Yok 1 En Düşük 2 Düşük 3 Orta 4 Yüksek 5 En Yüksek
Dersin Program Kazanımlarına Etkisi Katkı Payı