Doktora TYYÇ: 8. Düzey QF-EHEA: 3. Düzey EQF-LLL: 8. Düzey

Ders Tanıtım Bilgileri

Ders Kodu Ders Adı Yarıyıl Teorik Pratik Kredi AKTS
FTV5014 Türk Sineması Güz 3 0 3 7
Bu dersin açılması ilgili bölüm tarafından yarıyıl başında belirlenir

Temel Bilgiler

Öğretim Dili: En
Dersin Türü: Departmental Elective
Dersin Seviyesi: LİSANSÜSTÜ
Dersin Veriliş Şekli: Yüz yüze
Dersin Koordinatörü: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi GÖNÜL EDA ÖZGÜL
Dersi Veren(ler): Dr. Öğr. Üyesi GÖNÜL EDA ÖZGÜL
Dersin Amacı: 19. yüzyılda keşfinden bu yana sinema Türkiye'de kültür, toplum ve siyasetin ayrılmaz bir parçası oldu. Bu derste Türkiye'de sinema tarihi ele alınacaktır. Bu amaçla, İstanbul ve diğer şehirlerdeki ilk film gösterimlerinden başlayarak, özellikle 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısında geleneksel tiyatro ve sanatların sinema üretimiyle ilgisine bakacağız. Bunu takiben, 1950'lerden 1980'lere dek Yeşilçam'ı sinemasal üretimin egemen biçimi olarak konumlayıp, dersin son kısmında da, 1990'lardan bu yana yeni Türkiye sinemasını ele alacağız.

Öğrenme Çıktıları

Bu dersi başarıyla tamamlayabilen öğrenciler;
1. Türkiye'de sinema tarihini öğrenmek
2. Türkiye'de önde gelen sinemacıları tanımak
3. Yeşilçam öncesi, Yeşilçam ve Yeşilçam sonrasına bakmak
4. Sinema ve diğer görsel kültür gelenekleri arasındaki bağlantıları keşfetmek
5. Star sistemi, toplumsal cinsiyet, politik sinema, din ve göç gibi konular üzerinden Türkiye sinemasına bakmak
6. Sinema eleştirisi, film çalışmaları gibi alanların nasıl işlediğini öğrenmek
7. Türkiye sinemasına dünya sineması gelenekleri üzerinden bakmak, karşılaştırmak
8.Sosyoekonomik, politik ilişkilerle sinema endüstrisine bakmak

Dersin İçeriği

1 Türkiye sinemasına genel giriş
2 Türkiye'de sinemanın kökleri ve ilk örnekleri
3 Diğer sinemaların etkilerine bakış
4 Yeşilçam öncesi tiyatro
5 Yeşilçam I
6 Yeşilçam II
7 Yeşilçamın yıldızları
8 Politik Yeşilçam
9 Islam ve geç Yeşilçam
10 Yeşilçam- devam
11 Türkiyenin yeni sineması
12 Türkiyenin yeni sineması
13 Göç ve diaspora sineması
14 Göç ve diaspora sineması

Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği

Hafta Konu Ön Hazırlık
1) Giriş, Türkiye Sinemasına giriş Dorsay, Atilla. “An Overview of Turkish Cinema from Its Origins to the Present Day” in Christine Woodhead ed. Turkish Cinema: An Introduction. London: University of London SOAS Turkish Area Study Group Publications, 1989. pp. 21-33. [Published before in Günsel Renda and C. Max Kortepeter The Transformation of Turkish Culture. Princeton: Princeton University of Press, 1986.] Erdoğan, Nezih and Deniz Göktürk. “Turkish Cinema” in Oliver Leeman ed. Companion Encyclopedia of Middle Eastern and North African Film. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. pp. 533-573. Kaplan, Yusuf. “Turkish Cinema” in Geoffrey Nowell-Smith eds. The Oxford History of World Cinema. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. pp. 657-678. İlal, Ersan. “On Turkish Cinema” in John D.H. Downing ed. Film and Politics in the Third World. Brooklyn: Autonomedia, 1987. 119-129. [New York: Preager.]
2) Erken Türkiye sineması, ik örnekler, ilk gösterimler, sinemanın kökleri Arslan, Savaş. Pre-Yeşilçam: Cinema in Turkey until the Late 1940s. pp.23-62. Mutlu, Dilek Kaya. “The Russian Monument at Ayastefanos.” Middle Eastern Studies 43:1 (January 2007): 75-86. Özen, Mustafa. “Hareketli Resimler İstanbul’da, 1896-1908.” Unpublished paper. 2006. Özen, Mustafa. “Fransız Pathé Frères İstanbul’da, 1908-1914” in Deniz Bayrakdar ed. Türk Film Araştırmalarında Yeni Yönelimler 5. İstanbul: Bağlam, 2006. 57-64.
3) Diğer sinemaların etkileri Arslan, Savaş. Early Yeşilçam: The Advent of Yeşilçam in the 1950s. pp. 63-96. Erdoğan, Nezih. “The Making of Our America: Hollywood in a Turkish Context” in Melvyn Stokes and Richard Maltby eds. Hollywood Abroad: Audiences and Cultural Exchange. London: BFI, 2005. pp. 121-131. Gürata, Ahmet. “Egyptian Cinema in Turkey, 1938-1950” 2005. Gürata, Ahmet. “Translation and Reception of Indian Cinema in Turkey: Awara.” 2006. Suner, Asuman. “Indian Cinemas Global Reach: Historiography through Testimonies.” South Asian Popular Culture 4:2 (October 2006).
4) Yeşilçam öncesi tiyaro ve politika Erdoğan, Nezih and Dilek Kaya. “Institutional Intervention in the Distribution and Exhibition of Hollywood Films in Turkey.” Historical Journal of Film and Television 22:1 (2002): 47-59. Halman, Talat Sait. “Introduction” in Talat Sait Halman ed. Modern Turkish Drama. Minneapolis: Bibliotheca Islamic, 1983. Hellier, Chris. “Turkey: Two Steps Forward, One Back” in Ruth Petrie ed. Film and Censorship: The Index Reader. London and Washington: Cassell, 1997. pp. 123-128. Öztürk, Serdar. “Karagöz Co-opted: Turkish Shadow Theater of the Early Republic, 1923-1945.” Asian Theater Journal 23:2 (Fall 2006): 292-313.
5) Yeşilçam I- Erken ve Yükselişteki Yeşilçam Armes, Roy. “Twelve Propositions on the Inaccessibility of Third World Cinema” in Christine Woodhead ed. Turkish Cinema: An Introduction. London: University of London SOAS Turkish Area Study Group Publications, 1989. pp. 1-9. Arslan, Savaş. High Yeşilçam I: Industry and Dubbing. pp.97-124. Cullingworth, Michael. “On a First Viewing of Turkish Cinema” in Christine Woodhead ed. Turkish Cinema: An Introduction. London: University of London SOAS Turkish Area Study Group Publications, 1989. 11-18. Erdoğan, Nezih. “Mute Bodies, Disembodied Voices: Notes on Sound in Turkish Popular Cinema.” Screen 43:2 (Autumn 2002): 233-249.
6) Yeşilçam II-- Yüksek Yeşilçam Arslan, Savaş. High Yeşilçam II: Genres and Films. pp. 125-138. Erdoğan, Nezih. “Narratives of Resistance: National Identity and Ambivalence in Turkish Melodrama between 1965 and 1975.” Screen 39:3 (Autumn 1998): 259-271. Gürata, Ahmet. “Translating Modernity: Remakes in Turkish Cinema.” 2006. Kılıçbay, Barış and Emine Onaran İncirlioğlu. “Interrupted Happiness: Class Boundaries and ‘the Impossible Love’ in Turkish Melodrama.” Ephemera: Critical Dialogues in Organization 3:3 (2003): 236-249.
7) Yeşilçamın yıldızları Büker, Seçil. “The Film Does not End with Ecstatic Kiss” in Deniz Kandiyoti and Ayşe Saktanber eds. Fragments of Culture: The Everyday of Modern Turkey. London and New York: I.B. Tauris and Co Publishers, 2002. pp. 147-170. [Also from New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002] Özgüven, Fatih. “Male and Female in Yeşilçam: Archetypes Endorsed by Mutual Agreement of Audıence and Player” in Christine Woodhead ed. Turkish Cinema: An Introduction. London: University of London SOAS Turkish Area Study Group Publications, 1989. pp. 35-41. Sarıkartal, Çetin. “Voice of Contraction: Melodrama, Star System, and a Turkish Female Star’s Excessive Response to the Patriarchal Order.” Performance Research 8:1 (2003): 83-93.
8) Politik Yeşilçam Armes, Roy. “Yılmaz Güney” in John Downing ed. Third World Filmmaking and the West. New York: Praeger, 1987. pp. 119-129. Giles, D. and H. Şahin. “Revolutionary Cinema in Turkey.” Jump Cut 27 (1982): 35-37. Nafıcy, Hamid. An Accented Cinema: Exilic and Diasporic Filmmaking. Princeton, NJ: University of Princeton Press, 2001. [“Homeland as Prison, Close-up: Yılmaz Güney” pp.181-187] Suner, Asuman. “Speaking the Experience of Political Oppression with a Masculine Voice: Making Feminist Sense of Yılmaz Güney’s Yol.” Social Identities 4:2 (June 1998): 283-300. Suner, Asuman. “Outside in: ‘Accented Cinema’ at Large.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 7:3 (2006): 363-382.
9) İslam ve geç Yeşilçam Arslan, Savaş. “Projecting a Bridge for Youth: Islamic ‘Enlightenment’ versus Westernization in Turkish Cinema” in Timothy Shary and Alexandra Seibel eds. Youth Culture in Global Cinema. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2007. 157-172. Saktanber, Ayşe. “’We Pray Like You Have Fun’: New Islamic Youth in Turkey between Intellectualism and Popular Culture” in Deniz Kandiyoti and Ayşe Saktanber eds. Fragments of Culture: The Everyday of Modern Turkey. London and New York: I.B. Tauris and Co Publishers, 2002. pp. 254-276. Şen, Abdurrahman. “Beyaz Sinema.” Unpublished Paper.
10) Geç Yeşilçam Arslan, Savaş. Late Yeşilçam: Melting in the 1980s. pp. 201-236. Erdoğan, Nezih. “Violent Images: Hybridity and Excess in The Man Who Saved the World” in Karen Ross, Deniz Derman, and Nevena Daković eds. Mediated Identities. Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2001. pp. 115-129. Özkaracalar, Kaya. “Between Appropriation and Innovation: Turkish Horror Cinema” in Steven Jay Schneider ed. Fear Without Frontiers: Horror Cinema Across the Globe. London: FAB Press, 2003. Tombs, Pete and Giovanni Scognamillo. “Dracula in Istanbul: Turkey” in Peter Tombs ed. Mondo Macabro: Weird and Wonderful Cinema around the World. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1997. pp. 102-115.
11) Yeni Türkiye Sineması Arslan, Savaş. Postmortem for Yeşilçam: Post-Yeşilçam, or the New Cinema of Turkey. pp. 237-273. Robins, Kevin and Asu Aksoy. “Deep Nation: The National Question and Turkish Cinema Culture” in Mette Hjort and Scott MacKenzie eds. Cinema and Nation. London and New York: Routledge, 2000. pp. 203-221. Simpson, Catherine. “Turkish Cinema’s Resurgence: The ‘Deep Nation’ Unravels.” Senses of Cinema 6:39 (April-June 2006). Available online at Suner, Asuman. “Nostalgia for an Imaginary Home: Memory, Space, and Identity in the New Turkish Cinema.” New Perspectives on Turkey 27 (Fall 2002): 61-76. Suner, Asuman. “Horror of a Different Kind: Dissonant Voices of the New Turkish Cinema” Screen 45:4 (Winter 2004): 305-323.
12) Yeni Türkiye Sineması devam Fenner, Angelica. “Turkish Cinema in the New Europe: Visualizing Ethnic Conflict in Sinan Çetin’s Berlin in Berlin.” Camera Obscura 44:15:2 (2000): 104-149. Karanfil, Gökçen. “Becoming Undone: Contesting Nationalisms in Contemporary Turkish Cinema.” National Identities 8:1 (March 2006): 61-75. Loshitzky, Josefa. “Journeys Hope to Fortress Europe.” Third Text 20:6 (November 2006): 745-754. Sippl, Diane. “Ceylan and Company: Autobiographical Trajectories of Cinema.” Cineaction 67 (22 June 2005): 44-57.
13) Diyaspora ve göçmen sineması, ulusötesi sinema Elsaesser, Thomas. “Double Occupancy: Space, Place, and Identity in the European Cinema of the 1990s.” Third Text 20:6 (November 2006): 647-658. Göktürk, Deniz. "Turkish Delight - German Fright: Migrant Identities in Transnational Cinema" in Deniz Derman, Karen Ross, and Nevena Dakovic eds. Mediated Identities. Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2001. pp. 131-149. Mennel, Barbara. “Bruce Lee in Kreuzberg and Scarface in Altona: Transnational Auteurism and Ghettocentrism in Thomas Arslan's Brothers and Sisters and Faith Akin's Short Sharp Shock.” New German Critique 87 (Autumn 2002): 133-156.
14) Ulusötesi sinema- devam Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Serena. “Bisexual Games and Emotional Sustainability in Ferzan Özpetek’s Films.” New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film 2:3 (2004): 163-174. Clark, Christopher. “Transculturation, Transe Sexuality, and Turkish Germany: Kutluğ Ataman’s Lola und Bilidikid.” German Life and Letters 59:4 (October 2006): 555-572. Duncan, Derek. “Stairway to Heaven: Ferzan Özpetek and the Revision of Italy.” New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film 3:2 (2005): 101-113. Gallagher, Jessica. “The Limitation of Urban Space in Thomas Arslan’s Berlin Trilogy.” Seminar 42:3 (September 2006): 337-352.


Ders Notları: Dorsay, Atilla. “An Overview of Turkish Cinema from Its Origins to the Present Day” in Christine Woodhead ed. Turkish Cinema: An Introduction. London: University of London SOAS Turkish Area Study Group Publications, 1989. pp. 21-33. [Published before in Günsel Renda and C. Max Kortepeter The Transformation of Turkish Culture. Princeton: Princeton University of Press, 1986.] Erdoğan, Nezih and Deniz Göktürk. “Turkish Cinema” in Oliver Leeman ed. Companion Encyclopedia of Middle Eastern and North African Film. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. pp. 533-573. Kaplan, Yusuf. “Turkish Cinema” in Geoffrey Nowell-Smith eds. The Oxford History of World Cinema. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. pp. 657-678. İlal, Ersan. “On Turkish Cinema” in John D.H. Downing ed. Film and Politics in the Third World. Brooklyn: Autonomedia, 1987. 119-129. [New York: Preager.] Arslan, Savaş. Pre-Yeşilçam: Cinema in Turkey until the Late 1940s. pp.23-62. Mutlu, Dilek Kaya. “The Russian Monument at Ayastefanos.” Middle Eastern Studies 43:1 (January 2007): 75-86. Özen, Mustafa. “Hareketli Resimler İstanbul’da, 1896-1908.” Unpublished paper. 2006. Özen, Mustafa. “Fransız Pathé Frères İstanbul’da, 1908-1914” in Deniz Bayrakdar ed. Türk Film Araştırmalarında Yeni Yönelimler 5. İstanbul: Bağlam, 2006. 57-64. Arslan, Savaş. Early Yeşilçam: The Advent of Yeşilçam in the 1950s. pp. 63-96. Erdoğan, Nezih. “The Making of Our America: Hollywood in a Turkish Context” in Melvyn Stokes and Richard Maltby eds. Hollywood Abroad: Audiences and Cultural Exchange. London: BFI, 2005. pp. 121-131. Gürata, Ahmet. “Egyptian Cinema in Turkey, 1938-1950” 2005. Gürata, Ahmet. “Translation and Reception of Indian Cinema in Turkey: Awara.” 2006. Suner, Asuman. “Indian Cinemas Global Reach: Historiography through Testimonies.” South Asian Popular Culture 4:2 (October 2006). Erdoğan, Nezih and Dilek Kaya. “Institutional Intervention in the Distribution and Exhibition of Hollywood Films in Turkey.” Historical Journal of Film and Television 22:1 (2002): 47-59. Halman, Talat Sait. “Introduction” in Talat Sait Halman ed. Modern Turkish Drama. Minneapolis: Bibliotheca Islamic, 1983. Hellier, Chris. “Turkey: Two Steps Forward, One Back” in Ruth Petrie ed. Film and Censorship: The Index Reader. London and Washington: Cassell, 1997. pp. 123-128. Öztürk, Serdar. “Karagöz Co-opted: Turkish Shadow Theater of the Early Republic, 1923-1945.” Asian Theater Journal 23:2 (Fall 2006): 292-313. Armes, Roy. “Twelve Propositions on the Inaccessibility of Third World Cinema” in Christine Woodhead ed. Turkish Cinema: An Introduction. London: University of London SOAS Turkish Area Study Group Publications, 1989. pp. 1-9. Arslan, Savaş. High Yeşilçam I: Industry and Dubbing. pp.97-124. Cullingworth, Michael. “On a First Viewing of Turkish Cinema” in Christine Woodhead ed. Turkish Cinema: An Introduction. London: University of London SOAS Turkish Area Study Group Publications, 1989. 11-18. Erdoğan, Nezih. “Mute Bodies, Disembodied Voices: Notes on Sound in Turkish Popular Cinema.” Screen 43:2 (Autumn 2002): 233-249. Arslan, Savaş. High Yeşilçam II: Genres and Films. pp. 125-138. Erdoğan, Nezih. “Narratives of Resistance: National Identity and Ambivalence in Turkish Melodrama between 1965 and 1975.” Screen 39:3 (Autumn 1998): 259-271. Gürata, Ahmet. “Translating Modernity: Remakes in Turkish Cinema.” 2006. Kılıçbay, Barış and Emine Onaran İncirlioğlu. “Interrupted Happiness: Class Boundaries and ‘the Impossible Love’ in Turkish Melodrama.” Ephemera: Critical Dialogues in Organization 3:3 (2003): 236-249. Büker, Seçil. “The Film Does not End with Ecstatic Kiss” in Deniz Kandiyoti and Ayşe Saktanber eds. Fragments of Culture: The Everyday of Modern Turkey. London and New York: I.B. Tauris and Co Publishers, 2002. pp. 147-170. [Also from New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002] Özgüven, Fatih. “Male and Female in Yeşilçam: Archetypes Endorsed by Mutual Agreement of Audıence and Player” in Christine Woodhead ed. Turkish Cinema: An Introduction. London: University of London SOAS Turkish Area Study Group Publications, 1989. pp. 35-41. Sarıkartal, Çetin. “Voice of Contraction: Melodrama, Star System, and a Turkish Female Star’s Excessive Response to the Patriarchal Order.” Performance Research 8:1 (2003): 83-93. Armes, Roy. “Yılmaz Güney” in John Downing ed. Third World Filmmaking and the West. New York: Praeger, 1987. pp. 119-129. Giles, D. and H. Şahin. “Revolutionary Cinema in Turkey.” Jump Cut 27 (1982): 35-37. Nafıcy, Hamid. An Accented Cinema: Exilic and Diasporic Filmmaking. Princeton, NJ: University of Princeton Press, 2001. [“Homeland as Prison, Close-up: Yılmaz Güney” pp.181-187] Suner, Asuman. “Speaking the Experience of Political Oppression with a Masculine Voice: Making Feminist Sense of Yılmaz Güney’s Yol.” Social Identities 4:2 (June 1998): 283-300. Suner, Asuman. “Outside in: ‘Accented Cinema’ at Large.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 7:3 (2006): 363-382. Arslan, Savaş. “Projecting a Bridge for Youth: Islamic ‘Enlightenment’ versus Westernization in Turkish Cinema” in Timothy Shary and Alexandra Seibel eds. Youth Culture in Global Cinema. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2007. 157-172. Saktanber, Ayşe. “’We Pray Like You Have Fun’: New Islamic Youth in Turkey between Intellectualism and Popular Culture” in Deniz Kandiyoti and Ayşe Saktanber eds. Fragments of Culture: The Everyday of Modern Turkey. London and New York: I.B. Tauris and Co Publishers, 2002. pp. 254-276. Şen, Abdurrahman. “Beyaz Sinema.” Unpublished Paper. Arslan, Savaş. Late Yeşilçam: Melting in the 1980s. pp. 201-236. Erdoğan, Nezih. “Violent Images: Hybridity and Excess in The Man Who Saved the World” in Karen Ross, Deniz Derman, and Nevena Daković eds. Mediated Identities. Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2001. pp. 115-129. Özkaracalar, Kaya. “Between Appropriation and Innovation: Turkish Horror Cinema” in Steven Jay Schneider ed. Fear Without Frontiers: Horror Cinema Across the Globe. London: FAB Press, 2003. Tombs, Pete and Giovanni Scognamillo. “Dracula in Istanbul: Turkey” in Peter Tombs ed. Mondo Macabro: Weird and Wonderful Cinema around the World. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1997. pp. 102-115. Arslan, Savaş. Postmortem for Yeşilçam: Post-Yeşilçam, or the New Cinema of Turkey. pp. 237-273. Robins, Kevin and Asu Aksoy. “Deep Nation: The National Question and Turkish Cinema Culture” in Mette Hjort and Scott MacKenzie eds. Cinema and Nation. London and New York: Routledge, 2000. pp. 203-221. Simpson, Catherine. “Turkish Cinema’s Resurgence: The ‘Deep Nation’ Unravels.” Senses of Cinema 6:39 (April-June 2006). Available online at Suner, Asuman. “Nostalgia for an Imaginary Home: Memory, Space, and Identity in the New Turkish Cinema.” New Perspectives on Turkey 27 (Fall 2002): 61-76. Suner, Asuman. “Horror of a Different Kind: Dissonant Voices of the New Turkish Cinema” Screen 45:4 (Winter 2004): 305-323. Fenner, Angelica. “Turkish Cinema in the New Europe: Visualizing Ethnic Conflict in Sinan Çetin’s Berlin in Berlin.” Camera Obscura 44:15:2 (2000): 104-149. Karanfil, Gökçen. “Becoming Undone: Contesting Nationalisms in Contemporary Turkish Cinema.” National Identities 8:1 (March 2006): 61-75. Loshitzky, Josefa. “Journeys Hope to Fortress Europe.” Third Text 20:6 (November 2006): 745-754. Sippl, Diane. “Ceylan and Company: Autobiographical Trajectories of Cinema.” Cineaction 67 (22 June 2005): 44-57. Elsaesser, Thomas. “Double Occupancy: Space, Place, and Identity in the European Cinema of the 1990s.” Third Text 20:6 (November 2006): 647-658. Göktürk, Deniz. "Turkish Delight - German Fright: Migrant Identities in Transnational Cinema" in Deniz Derman, Karen Ross, and Nevena Dakovic eds. Mediated Identities. Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2001. pp. 131-149. Mennel, Barbara. “Bruce Lee in Kreuzberg and Scarface in Altona: Transnational Auteurism and Ghettocentrism in Thomas Arslan's Brothers and Sisters and Faith Akin's Short Sharp Shock.” New German Critique 87 (Autumn 2002): 133-156. Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Serena. “Bisexual Games and Emotional Sustainability in Ferzan Özpetek’s Films.” New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film 2:3 (2004): 163-174.
Diğer Kaynaklar: Clark, Christopher. “Transculturation, Transe Sexuality, and Turkish Germany: Kutluğ Ataman’s Lola und Bilidikid.” German Life and Letters 59:4 (October 2006): 555-572. Duncan, Derek. “Stairway to Heaven: Ferzan Özpetek and the Revision of Italy.” New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film 3:2 (2005): 101-113. Gallagher, Jessica. “The Limitation of Urban Space in Thomas Arslan’s Berlin Trilogy.” Seminar 42:3 (September 2006): 337-352.

Değerlendirme Sistemi

Yarıyıl İçi Çalışmaları Aktivite Sayısı Katkı Payı
Devam 1 % 15
Laboratuar % 0
Uygulama % 0
Arazi Çalışması % 0
Derse Özgü Staj % 0
Küçük Sınavlar % 0
Ödev 7 % 35
Sunum 1 % 10
Projeler % 0
Seminer % 0
Ara Sınavlar % 0
Ara Juri % 0
Final 1 % 40
Rapor Teslimi % 0
Juri % 0
Bütünleme % 0
Toplam % 100
Toplam % 100

AKTS / İş Yükü Tablosu

Aktiviteler Aktivite Sayısı İş Yükü
Ders Saati 16 48
Derse Özgü Staj
Arazi Çalışması
Sınıf Dışı Ders Çalışması 16 80
Sunum / Seminer 2 6
Proje 6 24
Ödevler 8 8
Küçük Sınavlar
Ara Juri
Ara Sınavlar
Rapor Teslimi
Final 2 10
Toplam İş Yükü 176

Program ve Öğrenme Kazanımları İlişkisi

Etkisi Yok 1 En Düşük 2 Düşük 3 Orta 4 Yüksek 5 En Yüksek
Dersin Program Kazanımlarına Etkisi Katkı Payı