Week |
Subject |
Related Preparation |
1) |
Introduction |
2) |
The Long search for the Origins of Ethics I- Plato, Aristotle |
Course notes |
3) |
The Long search for the Origins of Ethics II- Thomas Hobbes, Jean Jacques Rousseau. |
Course notes |
4) |
The Long search for the Origins of Ethics III Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud |
Course notes |
5) |
The Role of Reason I David Hume, Immanuel Kant, G.W.F.Hegel, |
Course notes |
6) |
The Role of Reason II Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jean-Paul Sartre, Thomas Nagel |
Course notes |
7) |
Ultimate Good, M.K. Gandhi,, Aldous Huxley, Albert Camus |
Course notes |
8) |
Natural Law, Natural Rights- The Theory Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, Robert Nozick, |
Course notes |
9) |
Natural Law, Natural Rights-Criticism Blaise Pascal, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, |
Course notes |
10) |
Film Screening and Discussion |
Course notes |
11) |
Consequentialism Jeremy Bentham, Henry Sidgwick, |
Course notes |
12) |
Consequentialism Fyodor Dostoevsky, W.D.Ross, John Rawls, Bernard Williams, |
Course notes |
13) |
Film Screening and Discussion |
Course notes |
Course Notes: |
Oxford Readers: Ethics, ed. by Peter Singer, Oxford University Press, 1994 They can also benefit from the available Turkish translations of the texts |
References: |
A.Cevizci, Etiğe Giriş, Paradigma Yayınları, İstanbul, 2. Baskı, 2007.
Immanuel Kant, Ahlâk Metafiziğinin Temellendirilmesi (çev.: İ. Kuçuradi), TFK Yayınları, Ankara, 1995.
İoanna Kuçuradi, Etik, TFK Yayınları, Ankara, 1996
Aristoteles, Nikomakhos’a Etik, (çev. S. Babür), Ayraç Yayınevi, Ankara, 1998.
Harun Tepe, Etik ve Meslek Etikleri, Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara, 2000.
Program Outcomes |
Level of Contribution |
1) |
Be able to fulfill their professional career in the field of child development and education |
1 |
2) |
Paying attention to children about proper and good usage of Turkish language. |
1 |
3) |
Child development and children's cognitive, affective and psycho-motor development to prepare the appropriate activities. |
1 |
4) |
Recognizing the relationship of society, family and child; communıcatıng effectıvely wıth chıld, havıng knowledge and skılls about chıld health and ıllnesses |
1 |
5) |
Apply and practice drama,play and music activities. |
1 |
6) |
To follow nutrition habbits of children |
1 |
7) |
Plan and practice activities for children with special needs. |
1 |
8) |
To apply science and technology education for children. |
1 |
9) |
Plan and apply free time activities. |
1 |
10) |
Using, preparing and maintaining equipments, materials and documents around work environment. |
1 |
11) |
Have knowledge and skills about parent education |
1 |
12) |
Have knowledge and skills about child health and diseases. |
1 |