Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
GEP1501 Anatolian Civilizations Spring 3 0 3 4
The course opens with the approval of the Department at the beginning of each semester

Basic information

Language of instruction: Tr
Type of course: GE-Elective
Course Level: Associate
Mode of Delivery:
Course Coordinator : Dr. BURCU ALARSLAN ULUDAŞ
Course Objectives:
This course gives an introductory background for the study of the history, archaeology, and cultural achievements of successive civilizations in Anatolia from its earliest beginnings to the Ottoman era.Anatolia (Turkey) has acted as the bridge linking Asia and Europe. The goal of this course is to highlight Anatolia’s unique geographical positioning and to demonstrate how it has been home to countless civilizations, witnessing the mass migration of diverse peoples shaping the course of history. Studying the material, we will see how Anatolia has developed a unique blend of cultures - each with its own distinct identity, each linked to its predecessors through history. To ease the process of learning in class, each week, we will focus on one historical figure and two sites or artifacts. Special emphasis will be placed on monumental artwork and artifacts of the Ancient Anatolia as the product of cultural and historical factors. We will examine how and why the sites and monuments in Anatolia decisively shaped Western European, Greek Orthodox, and Islamic civilizations.

Learning Outputs

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Anatolia (Turkey) has acted as the bridge linking Asia and Europe. The goal of this course is to highlight Anatolia’s unique geographical positioning and to demonstrate how it has been home to countless civilizations, witnessing the mass migration of diverse peoples shaping the course of history. Studying the material, we will see how Anatolia has developed a unique blend of cultures - each with its own distinct identity, each linked to its predecessors through history. To ease the process of learning in class, each week, we will focus on one historical figure and two sites or artifacts. Special emphasis will be placed on monumental artwork and artifacts of the Ancient Anatolia as the product of cultural and historical factors. We will examine how and why the sites and monuments in Anatolia decisively shaped Western European, Greek Orthodox, and Islamic civilizations

Course Content

Ekrem Akurgal, Ancient Civilizations and Ruins of Turkey. (Istanbul, 1985).

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) 1.Week: Introduction: Anatolia, Land and Peoples The Historical Geography of Anatolia and First Civilizations in Anatolia
2) Hittite Imperial Civilization
3) The Legend of Troy: Achaeans and Hittites on the Anatolian Shores
4) Croesus of Lydia and Midas of Phrygia: Anatolian Kingdoms of the Iron Age (1000-550 B.C.)
5) From Cyrus to Alexander: Achaemenid and Hellenistic Legacy in Anatolia
6) Rome in Anatolia: the Transformation of an Empire
7) God(s) and Sanctuaries in Anatolia: Judaism and Christianity from Saint Paul to Constantine
8) East meets West in Anatolia: Cultural Encounters
9) Byzantines, Crusaders and Seljuk Turks and the Other Tuırks
10) Islamic Dynasties in Anatolia I, 1100-1450
11) Islamization of Anatolia II, 1100-1450
12) Early Ottomans
13) Ottoman Imperial Civilization
14) Ottoman Imperial Civilization II
15) Final Exam
16) Final exam


Course Notes:

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 14 % 10
Laboratory % 0
Application % 0
Field Work 2 % 10
Special Course Internship (Work Placement) % 0
Quizzes % 0
Homework Assignments 1 % 10
Presentation 1 % 10
Project 1 % 10
Seminar % 0
Midterms 1 % 25
Preliminary Jury % 0
Final 1 % 25
Paper Submission % 0
Jury % 0
Bütünleme % 0
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 3 42
Laboratory 0 0 0
Application 0 0 0
Special Course Internship (Work Placement) 0 0 0
Field Work 0 0 0
Study Hours Out of Class 5 3 15
Presentations / Seminar 0 0 0
Project 1 3 3
Homework Assignments 1 3 3
Quizzes 5 1 5
Preliminary Jury 0
Midterms 1 10 10
Paper Submission 0
Jury 0
Final 1 15 15
Total Workload 93

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Be able to fulfill their professional career in the field of child development and education 1
2) Paying attention to children about proper and good usage of Turkish language. 1
3) Child development and children's cognitive, affective and psycho-motor development to prepare the appropriate activities. 1
4) Recognizing the relationship of society, family and child; communıcatıng effectıvely wıth chıld, havıng knowledge and skılls about chıld health and ıllnesses 1
5) Apply and practice drama,play and music activities. 1
6) To follow nutrition habbits of children 1
7) Plan and practice activities for children with special needs. 1
8) To apply science and technology education for children. 1
9) Plan and apply free time activities. 1
10) Using, preparing and maintaining equipments, materials and documents around work environment. 1
11) Have knowledge and skills about parent education 1
12) Have knowledge and skills about child health and diseases. 1