Associate | TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 | QF-EHEA: Short Cycle | EQF-LLL: Level 5 |
Course Code | Course Name | Semester | Theoretical | Practical | Credit | ECTS |
GEP1414 | Ottoman Turkish II | Spring | 3 | 0 | 3 | 4 |
The course opens with the approval of the Department at the beginning of each semester |
Language of instruction: | Tr |
Type of course: | GE-Elective |
Course Level: | Associate |
Mode of Delivery: | |
Course Coordinator : | Dr. BURCU ALARSLAN ULUDAŞ |
Course Objectives: | Ottoman Turkish II course is designed to teach upper intermediate and advanced Ottoman Turkish through both a wide and rich range of typefaces such as “nesih”, “divani”, “talik” “rik’a” through “manucsript documents” and technical knowledge of Ottoman Turkish grammar. |
The students who have succeeded in this course; To recognize and read printed and manuscript texts, To learn Arabic and Persian components in historical documents, To be familiar with the typefaces that are used in Ottoman Turkish To comprehend the significance of Ottoman Turkish in order to use arhives and libareries to research on Ottoman History |
Arabic and Persian elements; active and passive ones, infinitives and their kinds, suffix and infinitives affixed to initial and end of words, numbers, dictionary studies, reading and translation of printed texts. |
Week | Subject | Related Preparation | |
1) | “Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa” | (Cevdet Paşa, Tarih-i Cevdet) | |
2) | “Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa” | (Cevdet Paşa, Tarih-i Cevdet) | |
3) | “Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa” | (Cevdet Paşa, Tarih-i Cevdet) | |
4) | “Ulemâya Dâir” * İsm-i fâ‘il, İsm-i mef‘ûl | (Koçi Bey Risâlesi’nden) | |
5) | “16. Yüzyılın Siyaset Bilimcisi Lütfi Paşa’nın Devlet Adamlarına Tavsiyeleri” * Aksâm-ı seb‘a. | (Lütfi Paşa, Âsafnâme) | |
6) | “16. Yüzyılın Siyaset Bilimcisi Lütfi Paşa’nın Devlet Adamlarına Tavsiyeleri”– *Aksâm-ı seb‘a. | (Lütfi Paşa, Âsafnâme) | |
7) | “İstanbul’da Çarşı ve Pazarların Düzeni Hakkında” *Sıfat-ı müşebbehe, İsm-i tafdîl, Arapça ve Farsça edatlar. | (Anonim, Kitâb-ı Mesâlih) | |
8) | “Evliyâ Çelebi’ye Göre Amasya”- *Arapça ay ve gün adları, Sayılar | ||
9) | “Pîrî Reis’e Göre Bozcaada” | (Pîrî Reis, Kitâb-ı Bahriye) | |
10) | “Yazı ve Belge Çeşitlerine Dair Örnek Metinler I”; El yazması eser tanıtımı. *Arapça ve Farsça tamlamalar - Ebced hesabı, Mekân ve zaman isimleri vb. | ||
11) | “Yazı ve Belge Çeşitlerine Dair Örnek Metinler I”; El yazması eser tanıtımı. *Arapça ve Farsça tamlamalar - Ebced hesabı, Mekân ve zaman isimleri vb. | ||
12) | “Yazı ve Belge Çeşitlerine Dair Örnek Metinler I”; El yazması eser tanıtımı. *Arapça ve Farsça tamlamalar - Ebced hesabı, Mekân ve zaman isimleri vb. | ||
13) | Oruç Bey yazmalarına göre Ankara Savaşı (1402). | ||
14) | Âşık Paşazade, Neşrî, |
Course Notes: | Okutulacak metinlerin kaynakları ayraç içerisinde gösterilmiştir. |
References: |
Semester Requirements | Number of Activities | Level of Contribution |
Attendance | 14 | % 7 |
Laboratory | % 0 | |
Application | % 0 | |
Field Work | % 0 | |
Special Course Internship (Work Placement) | % 0 | |
Quizzes | % 0 | |
Homework Assignments | 8 | % 8 |
Presentation | % 0 | |
Project | % 0 | |
Seminar | % 0 | |
Midterms | 1 | % 40 |
Preliminary Jury | % 0 | |
Final | 1 | % 45 |
Paper Submission | % 0 | |
Jury | % 0 | |
Bütünleme | % 0 | |
Total | % 100 | |
Total | % 100 |
Activities | Number of Activities | Duration (Hours) | Workload |
Course Hours | 14 | 3 | 42 |
Laboratory | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Application | 1 | 5 | 5 |
Special Course Internship (Work Placement) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Field Work | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Study Hours Out of Class | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Presentations / Seminar | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Project | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Homework Assignments | 8 | 3 | 24 |
Quizzes | 3 | 2 | 6 |
Preliminary Jury | 0 | ||
Midterms | 1 | 10 | 10 |
Paper Submission | 0 | ||
Jury | 0 | ||
Final | 1 | 10 | 10 |
Total Workload | 97 |
No Effect | 1 Lowest | 2 Low | 3 Average | 4 High | 5 Highest |
Program Outcomes | Level of Contribution | |
1) | Be able to fulfill their professional career in the field of child development and education | 1 |
2) | Paying attention to children about proper and good usage of Turkish language. | 1 |
3) | Child development and children's cognitive, affective and psycho-motor development to prepare the appropriate activities. | 1 |
4) | Recognizing the relationship of society, family and child; communıcatıng effectıvely wıth chıld, havıng knowledge and skılls about chıld health and ıllnesses | 1 |
5) | Apply and practice drama,play and music activities. | 1 |
6) | To follow nutrition habbits of children | 1 |
7) | Plan and practice activities for children with special needs. | 1 |
8) | To apply science and technology education for children. | 1 |
9) | Plan and apply free time activities. | 1 |
10) | Using, preparing and maintaining equipments, materials and documents around work environment. | 1 |
11) | Have knowledge and skills about parent education | 1 |
12) | Have knowledge and skills about child health and diseases. | 1 |