Week |
Subject |
Related Preparation |
1) |
Introduction to Japanese language Introduction of Hiragana |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
2) |
Introduction of Katakana / Reading and writing exercises |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
3) |
Talking about one’s occupation and nationality / Introducing oneself |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
4) |
Identifying objects (kore/sore/are) |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
5) |
Identifying and personalizing objects ( usage of NO) / Reading and writing exercises in writing systems |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
6) |
Practising numbers until 10,000 |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
7) |
Asking and telling prices (counting floors (kai) / Telling the time / Practising numbers 10,000 and above |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
8) |
Introduction of present tense and past tense |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
9) |
Practising past tense along with expressions of time (ashita, ototoi, kinou and etc.) |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
10) |
Talking about periods of time ( kara –made...) Talking about the time in different places in the world |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
11) |
Introduction of future tense (ashita, rai, asatte) Days of the week |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
12) |
Prepositions of place (ni , de, he) ; time (ni) and vehicles (de) , with (to) Asking about someone’s phone number |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
13) |
Asking and telling the date/asking about specific dates and someone’s birthday (nangatsu nan nichi desu ka) |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
14) |
Planning a day of oneself combining the vocabulary of means of transportation using all tenses learnt |
Minna No Nihongo 1Kaite oboeru 1Minna no NihongoListening CdsPractisingHiragana and Katakana |
15) |
Final exam |
16) |
Final Exam |
Program Outcomes |
Level of Contribution |
1) |
Be able to fulfill their professional career in the field of child development and education |
1 |
2) |
Paying attention to children about proper and good usage of Turkish language. |
1 |
3) |
Child development and children's cognitive, affective and psycho-motor development to prepare the appropriate activities. |
1 |
4) |
Recognizing the relationship of society, family and child; communıcatıng effectıvely wıth chıld, havıng knowledge and skılls about chıld health and ıllnesses |
1 |
5) |
Apply and practice drama,play and music activities. |
1 |
6) |
To follow nutrition habbits of children |
1 |
7) |
Plan and practice activities for children with special needs. |
1 |
8) |
To apply science and technology education for children. |
1 |
9) |
Plan and apply free time activities. |
1 |
10) |
Using, preparing and maintaining equipments, materials and documents around work environment. |
1 |
11) |
Have knowledge and skills about parent education |
1 |
12) |
Have knowledge and skills about child health and diseases. |
1 |