Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ARC1001 Basic Design English 2 6 5 10
ARC1023 Introduction to Architectural Culture English 2 0 2 4
ARC1041 Representational Techniques in Architecture English 0 4 2 8
ENG1003 Communications Skills and Academic Reporting I English 2 2 3 4
HST1001 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Republic I English 2 0 2 2
TLL1003 Turkish Language and Literature I Turkish 2 0 2 2
2. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ARC1002 Design Studies English 2 6 5 10
ARC1028 History and Theory of Architecture I English 2 0 2 4
ARC1042 Digital Media in Architecture English 0 4 2 4
ARC1052 Materials and Methods of Construction I English 2 2 3 4
ENG1004 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting II English 2 2 3 3
HST1002 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Republic II English 2 0 2 2
LAW1156 Child Law and Child Psychology English 0 0 0 1
TLL1004 Turkish Language and Literature II Turkish 2 0 2 2
3. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ARC2001 Architectural Design I English 2 6 5 10
ARC2027 History and Theory of Architecture II English 2 0 2 4
ARC2033 Structural Systems in Architecture I English 1 2 2 4
ARC2053 Materials and Methods of Construction II English 2 2 3 4
2 4
3 4
4. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ARC2002 Architectural Design II English 2 6 5 10
ARC2028 History and Theory of Architecture III English 2 0 2 4
ARC2034 Structural Systems in Architecture II English 1 2 2 4
ARC2056 Construction Technology Project English 1 4 3 4
ARC2082 Environmental Control Systems English 2 2 3 4
2 4
5. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ARC3001 Architectural Design III English 2 6 5 10
ARC3028 Principles of Conservation English 2 0 2 4
ARC3031 Contemporary Structural Systems English 2 2 3 4
2 4
3 4
3 4
6. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ARC3002 Architectural Design IV English 2 6 5 10
ARC3010 Introduction to City Planning and Urban Design English 1 4 3 7
ARC3094 Internship I English 0 0 0 5
3 4
3 4
7. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Prerequisites Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ARC4001 Architectural Design V English 2 6 5 10
ARC4021 Contemporary Turkish Architecture English 2 0 2 4
2 4
2 4
2 4
2 4