Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
BA2312 Business Research Methods Spring 3 0 3 4
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester.

Basic information

Language of instruction: English
Type of course: Non-Departmental Elective
Course Level: Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Prof. Dr. ELİF OKAN
Course Lecturer(s): Assoc. Prof. GÜLBERK GÜLTEKİN SALMAN
Recommended Optional Program Components: None
Course Objectives: The goal of this course is to provide students with basic concepts and awareness in research methodology, and help them to be aware of the different choices (ontological, epistemological, methodological and axiological) in research process that would impact upon research findings. This course help students on their way to conduct scientific research, which align with their own interest, as well as informing about reliability and validity concerns in research. It informs the basic steps of the scientific research process, covering areas such as nature of scientific research, clarifying research topic, critical review of literature, research philosophy and design, qualitative and quantitative data collection process, analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. This course also helps students to run an analysis (descriptive, correlational and regression) in sophisticated software programme (SPSS).

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. increase their understanding and knowledge of different approaches and choices (such as philosophical lenses, research designs, data collection processes and analysis) to research methodology in social sciences.
2. increase their ability to conduct all aspects of research methodology (research design, data collection, data analysis, drawing conclusions, publishing articles).
3. learn to run an analysis in SPSS programme.

Course Content

The teaching methods of the course are Lecture, Problem Solving.
The Business Research Methods course teaches students how to solve business problems using scientific research methods. It focuses on both qualitative and quantitative research techniques, along with data collection and analysis processes. Students develop skills in designing research projects and reporting their findings.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Introduction to the course Discussion on basic terms of research
2) Chapter 1 - Introduction to research Information on databases Types of research-Classifications Method and theory (inductive and deductive reasoning)
3) Chapter 2-Formulation and clarifying research topic Formulating research ideas
4) Chapter 3-Critically reviewing the literature Formulating research questions
5) Chapter 4-Research philosophy Approaches to theory development
6) Chapter 5-Resarch design *Experimental, quasi experimental *Case study *Ethnography *Grounded theory
7) Chapter 13: Qualitative research: Data collection (interviews, observations)
8) Midterm Exam
9) Chapter 13: Qualitative research: Data analysis and trustworthiness of qualitative research
10) Chapter 13: Qualitative research: Data analysis and trustworthiness of qualitative research
11) Chapter 11: Quantitative research: Data Collection (selecting samples, questionnaires, variables, Measurement, formulating hypothesis)
12) Chapter 12: Quantitative research (Analysis, reliability and validity)
13) Quantitative research (SPSS practice) (Analysis-Getting data ready for analysis, data coding and editing data, descriptive statistics)
14) Quantitative research (SPSS practice) (Analysis, correlational analysis) Quantitative research, regression analysis


Course Notes / Textbooks: Saunders, M. Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. (2016). Research methods for business students, 7th Edition, Pearson.
References: Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R. (2016). Research methods for business: A skill building approach, 7th Edition, Wiley.
Neuman, W. L. (2014). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 7th Edition, Pearson

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Quizzes 2 % 10
Homework Assignments 4 % 20
Midterms 1 % 20
Final 1 % 50
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 13 39
Study Hours Out of Class 14 45
Homework Assignments 2 6
Quizzes 2 6
Midterms 1 2
Final 1 2
Total Workload 100

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Comprehend the conceptual importance of the game in the field of communication, ability to implement the player centered application to provide design.
2) Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and ideas from various perspectives.
3) Analyze the key elements that make up specific game genres, forms of interactions, mode of narratives and understand how they are employed effectively to create a successful game.
4) Understand game design theories and methods as well as implement them during game development; to make enjoyable, attractive, instructional and immersive according to the target audience.
5) Understand the technology and computational principles involved in developing games and master the use of game engines.
6) Understand the process of creation and use of 2D and 3D assets and animation for video games.
7) Understand and master the theories and methodologies of understanding and measuring player experience and utilize them during game development process.
8) Comprehend and master how ideas, concepts and topics are conveyed via games followed by the utilization of these aspects during the development process.
9) Manage the game design and development process employing complete documentation; following the full game production pipeline via documentation.
10) Understand and employ the structure and work modes of game development teams; comprehend the responsibilities of team members and collaborations between them while utilizing this knowledge in practice.
11) Understand the process of game publishing within industry standards besides development and utilize this knowledge practice.
12) Pitching a video game to developers, publishers, and players; mastering the art of effectively communicating and marketing the features and commercial potential of new ideas, concepts or games.