Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
INT3921 People and Environment Fall 2 0 2 4
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester.

Basic information

Language of instruction: English
Type of course: Non-Departmental Elective
Course Level: Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Assoc. Prof. EMİNE ÜMRAN TOPÇU
Course Lecturer(s): Assoc. Prof. EMİNE ÜMRAN TOPÇU
Recommended Optional Program Components: Depending on the student population, term work can be conducted as 3D group models, instead of ppt. and 2D presentations
Course Objectives: The main objective of the course is to have the students better develop their understanding of interior architecture as a creative and problem solving activity. As interior architecture is concerned with the more intimately scaled aspects of design, the specific, aesthetic, functional and psychological questions involved and the individual character of spaces are to be explored.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
I. Analyze human behavior in relation to the design of built environment
II. Define personal space and its related distances
III.Identify concepts related to environmental psychology
IV. Define concepts such as perception and cognition of space
V. Evaluate the more intimately scaled aspects of interior architecture
VI. Evaluate the specific and psychological questions involved in the individual character of spaces
VII. Revise interior design vocabulary

Course Content

1. Giriş
2. Çevre psikolojisine giriş
3. Antropometri ve ergonomi
4. Konfor ve konforu etkileyen sosyal ve fizyolojik factörler
5. Kişisel mekan
6. İşyerinde çevre psikolojisi
7. Eğitim alanında çevre psikolojisi
8. Arasınav
9. Evde çevre psikolojisi
12.Doğal çevre psikolojisi
13.Ders özeti/Sunum
14.Ders özeti/Sunum
15.Ders özeti/Sunum

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Introduction to the course in general. Weekly topics are introduced and students are informed about the way course is conducted and evaluated. Watching a film related to the semester. None
2) Introduction to environmental psychology. Going through problems involving human-environment interaction. Whether global or local one must have a model of human nature that predicts the environmental conditions under which humans behave in a decent and creative manner. None
3) Going through the field of human factors which involves the correctness of fit between objects and spaces and the needs of people using them. Physical size of people and their physiological and psychological needs are investigated through some topics of design theory such as antropometrics and ergonomics. Reading the course notes of the previous week
4) What is human comfort based on? Reading the course notes of the previous week
5) The term "personal space" and its several different uses are introduced. Personal space, its related distances and how our well-being is related to distances is in the core of this session. Reading the course notes of the previous week
6) As working can provide some of the best and some of the worst experiences in life, fundamental rationale behind our workplaces is studied. Good workplace design begins with the knowledge of person-environment relations in workplaces Reading the course notes of the previous week
7) The role of the physical environment in learning. Influences such as architecture, room design, furniture arrangement, temperature, light, noise and crowding are discussed in this topic Reading the course notes of the previous week
8) MIDTERM EXAM Total course notes
9) Ev yaşamımızda ki en önemli yerdir. "Ev" terimiyle pek çok anlamlara gelen yerler ifade edilmektedir. Reading the course notes
10) Privacy is an important dimension of person's daily life but often managed at low levels of awareness. Balancing own desires with those of others' and the physical environment is discussed in this session Reading the course notes
12) When crowding is the problem, the obvious design solution is to provide more space. But, there are problems with this commonsense solution such as, economic conditions or crowding not being the result of high density. Reading the course notes.
13) Most of us think nature can restore us, but it can be very destructive too. How nature can restore us by refreshing our attentional capacity and by improving our moods is discussed in this course Reading the course notes. watching a relevant movie prior to the course
14) Revision of the course through students' questions. Students presentations Questions Presentations
15) Revision of the course through students' questions. Students' presentations Questions Presentations
16) FINAL EXAM Reading the course notes


Course Notes / Textbooks: 1.Gifford, R.(1997) Environmental Psychology, Allyn & Bacon
2.Panero, Z. & Zelnik, M. (1979) Human Dimensions and Interior Space, Whitney Library of design, New York
3. Lawson, B. (2001) The Language of Space, Architectural Press
4.Course notes as delivered every week
References: 1.Gifford, R.(1997) Environmental Psychology, Allyn & Bacon
2.Panero, Z. & Zelnik, M. (1979) Human Dimensions and Interior Space, Whitney Library of design, New York
3. Lawson, B. (2001) The Language of Space, Architectural Press
4.Her hafta derste anlatılanların yazılı notları

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 12 % 20
Presentation 1 % 20
Midterms 1 % 20
Final 1 % 40
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 2 28
Study Hours Out of Class 15 3 45
Presentations / Seminar 2 4 8
Midterms 1 5 5
Final 1 6 6
Total Workload 92

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) As a world citizen, she is aware of global economic, political, social and ecological developments and trends.  2
2) He/she is equipped to closely follow the technological progress required by global and local dynamics and to continue learning. 2
3) Absorbs basic economic principles and analysis methods and uses them to evaluate daily events.  2
4) Uses quantitative and statistical tools to identify economic problems, analyze them, and share their findings with relevant stakeholders.  2
5) Understands the decision-making stages of economic units under existing constraints and incentives, examines the interactions and possible future effects of these decisions. 1
6) Comprehends new ways of doing business using digital technologies. and new market structures.  2
7) Takes critical approach to economic and social problems and develops analytical solutions. 1
8) Has the necessary mathematical equipment to produce analytical solutions and use quantitative research methods. 2
9) In the works he/she contributes, observes individual and social welfare together and with an ethical perspective.   2
10) Deals with economic problems with an interdisciplinary approach and seeks solutions by making use of different disciplines.  1
11) Generates original and innovative ideas in the works she/he contributes as part of a team.  2