Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
INT1013 Introduction to Design and Architecture Fall 2 0 2 4
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester.

Basic information

Language of instruction: English
Type of course: Non-Departmental Elective
Course Level: Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Dr. Öğr. Üyesi EFSUN EKENYAZICI GÜNEY
Course Lecturer(s): ELİF DEVRİM TOPSAKAL
Recommended Optional Program Components: None
Course Objectives: This course aims;

- To give / to students the awareness of becoming an architect,
- To bring in / to introduce “Architectural Lifestyle”,
- To be noticed / to be familiarized the candidates with their built environment,
- To gain a critical way of thinking of architecture.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
I. Identify the concept of “Architectural Life-style”.

II. Define the concepts of “Theory”, “Origins”, “Behavior”, and “Context” in Architecture.

III. Recognize the Spatial Dimensions in Architecture;
III.I. Identify three physical dimensions of space,
III.II. Interpret two abstract dimensions of space which are “time” and “temporalty”,
III.III. Relate three physical dimensions with the dimensions of time and temporalty in a spatial organization.

IV. Describe the term “Concept” in Architecture;
IV.I. Predict the Architectural Concept of a spatial organization,
IV.II. Explain the methods of developing an Architectural Concept according to design process.

V. Summarize Perceptual Bases in Architectural Design.

VI. Define the relationships of technological inputs in design process,
VI.I. Describe the concepts of Visual Reality and Visual Spaces in Architectural Design,
VI.II. Recognize Computational Tools and Techniques which are used in Design Process.

VII. Analyze the relation between the terms of “Building” and “Technology” in Architecture.

VIII. Formulate the Research Methods in Architecture;
VIII.I. Research in Architectural Literature,
VIII.II. Research in Architectural Practice.

IX. Experiment group working in Architectural Presentations.

X. Learn the “Architectural Terminology” parallel with theoretical instructions.

Course Content

Chapter 1: Towards Architecture / 3 hours
Chapter 2: Theory,Origins,Behavior and Context/THEORY/2 hours
Architectural Terminology-I / 1 hour
Theory,Origins,Behavior and Context/ORIGINS/2hours
Architectural Terminology -II / 1 hour
Theory,Origins,Behavior and Context/BEHAVIOR/2hours
Architectural Terminology –III / 1 hour
Theory,Origins,Behavior andContext/CONTEXT/2 hours
Architectural Terminology –VI / 1 hour
Chapter 3: Dimensions of Architecture / 2 hour
Architectural Terminology –V / 1 hour
Chapter 4: Concepts in Architecture / 1 hour
Presentations / 2 hours
MIDTERM / 3 hours

Chapter 5: Perceptual Bases in Architectural Design/ 1 hour
Presentations / 2 hours
Chapter 6: Design and Technology / 2 hours
Presentations / 1 hour
Chapter 7: Building and Technology / 1 hour
Presentations / 2 hours
Chapter 8: Research Methods in Architecture / 2 hours
Presentations / 1 hour
Presentations / 3 hours

Summary / 3 hours

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Towards Architecture Description of the course. Discussions the following questions and issues: - What is architecture? - Architecture and Related Dsiciplines, - Who is an architect?
2) Theory, Origins, Behavior and Context / THEORY Architectural Terminology - I Vitrivius: (Firmitas-Utilitas-Venustas,) Study of Historical Chart of Architectural Trends, Consideration of Basic Theories of Architecture.
3) Theory,Origins,Behavior and Context / ORIGINS Architectural Terminology -II Research on Cultural Orijins of Architecture
4) Theory,Origins,Behavior and Context / BEHAVIOR Architectural Terminology –III Consider the concepts of Environment and Behavior Studies
5) Theory,Origins,Behavior and Context / CONTEXT Architectural Terminology –VI Consideration of concept of "context" in architecture, and discussions about the subject on arctefacts.
6) Dimensions of Architecture Architectural Terminology –V Definition of Three dimensions of space and other two dimensions of architecture: time and temporalty Interpretation of architectural dimensions on artefacts.
7) Concepts in Architecture Presentations Definition of Concepts in architectural design processes, Learning how to discover a concept on an artefact.
9) Perceptual Bases in Architectural Design Presentations Definition of the following concepts: - Image Comminication, - Visual ordering techniques, - Gestalt theory.
10) Design and Technology Presentations Explanations of the following notions: -Visual Reality, -Visual Spaces, -Computational Tools and Techniques on design process.
11) Building and Technology Presentations Description of the terms "surface", "shelter", "structural considertations" by the context of technological inputs, Discussions on "energy and buildings", "building codes" with technological developments.
12) Research methods in architecture - I Presentations Research methods on architectural theory and literature.
13) Research methods in architecture - II Presentations Research techniques in architectural practice field.
14) Presentations
15) Presentations
16) Summary and Evaluation


Course Notes / Textbooks: none - yok
References: Arnheim, R., 1977, Dynamics of Architectural Form, University of California Press.

Ching, F., 1996, Architecture, Form Space and Order, New York Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.

Corbusier, Le., 1927, Towards a New Architecture, New York, Dover Publications.

Giedion, Sigfied., 1941, Space, Time and Architecture, Harvard University Press.

Groat, L., Wang, D., 2002, Architectural Research Methods, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New york.

Laborit, H., 1990, İnsan ve Kent,Çeviri: Bertan Onaran, Payel Yayınları, İstanbul.

Nuttgens, Patrick., 1997, The Story of Architecture, Phaidon Press.

Rasmussen, S. E., 1982, Experiencing Architecture, Cambrdige, MIT Press.

Silver, Pete and Mclean, Will., 2008, Introduction to Architectural Technology, Laurence King.

Snyder, James C.,1988, Introduction to Architecture, MIT Press.

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 16 % 10
Presentation 16 % 20
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 40
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 16 3 48
Presentations / Seminar 8 7 56
Midterms 1 3 3
Final 1 3 3
Total Workload 110

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) As a world citizen, she is aware of global economic, political, social and ecological developments and trends.  2
2) He/she is equipped to closely follow the technological progress required by global and local dynamics and to continue learning. 2
3) Absorbs basic economic principles and analysis methods and uses them to evaluate daily events.  2
4) Uses quantitative and statistical tools to identify economic problems, analyze them, and share their findings with relevant stakeholders.  2
5) Understands the decision-making stages of economic units under existing constraints and incentives, examines the interactions and possible future effects of these decisions. 1
6) Comprehends new ways of doing business using digital technologies. and new market structures.  2
7) Takes critical approach to economic and social problems and develops analytical solutions. 1
8) Has the necessary mathematical equipment to produce analytical solutions and use quantitative research methods. 2
9) In the works he/she contributes, observes individual and social welfare together and with an ethical perspective.   2
10) Deals with economic problems with an interdisciplinary approach and seeks solutions by making use of different disciplines.  1
11) Generates original and innovative ideas in the works she/he contributes as part of a team.  2