Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
CET3052 Selected Topics in Educational Sciences Spring 3 0 3 6
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester.

Basic information

Language of instruction: English
Type of course: Non-Departmental Elective
Course Level: Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator :
Course Lecturer(s): Instructor NEŞE UYANIK
Recommended Optional Program Components: There is no recommended optional program component.
Course Objectives: * To enable students make an in depth study in some of the special-specific topics in the field of education,
* To present the relationship between education and politics and analyze the interaction between

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
* Understand the relationship between state and individual politics

* Analyze the impact of various political changes and events throughout the history on educational processes.

* Examine the role of education as a political tool in the framework of historical and current events.

* Comprehend how concepts like gender, ethnicity, social status influence education

Course Content

This course aims to provide students with in depth perspective on specialized issues regarding education. Though the content is subject to change regarding different instructors/sections, for this term, the emphasis will be on politics of education.

Politics of education is a broad and comprehensive term, where many concepts within the educational context can be addressed. The sociology of education, educational economics, issues of class-gender-race-ethnicity and religion, as well as everyday politics can be covered under this title.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Meeting and introduction Syllabus
2) Education and social class Orta Sınıf ve Eğitimde Neoliberal Yeniden Yapılanma / Canan Aratemur Çimen
3) Forms of capital and meritocracy Forms of Capital / Pierre Bourdieu
4) Near history political changes and reflections on education (cont.) Cumhuriyet Dönemi Eğitim Tartışmaları / Osman Kafadar
5) Village institutes: aim, establishment, disestablishment • The Village Institutes Experience in Turkey / Asım Karaömerlioğlu
6) Women's rights, movements, feminism and their educational impact in Turkey * Yeni Adam ve Yeni Kadın: 1930’ler ve 40’larda Kadın, Cinsiyet ve Ulus / Duygu Köksal * Kız Enstitüleri: Ev Kadını Yetiştiren Asri Bir Müessese / Fatma Gök
7) Women's rights, movements, feminism and their educational impact in Turkey (cont.) • From Emancipation to Liberation: The Changing Role of Women in Turkey’s Public Realm / Yeşim Arat
8) Gender and education Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Eğitim ve Dönüştürücü Bilginin Olanaklılığı / Peggy Stromquist
9) Gender and education (cont) Okumaz yazmaz Türk kadınların perspektifinden okuryazarlık ve okumaz yazmazlık / Yıldız, Ateş, Yıldırım, Rasinsky The historical and political context of adult literacy in Turkey / Fevziye Sayılan & Ahmet Yıldız
10) Near history political changes and reflections on education • 1980'lerde Eğitim Sisteminin Yeniden Yapılandırılması: Küreselleşme ve Neoliberal Eğitim Politikaları / Fuat Ercan
11) Near history political changes and reflections on education (cont) • The Privatization of Education in Turkey / Fatma Gök • Küresel aktörler: (Dünya Bankası ve GATS) ve Eğitimde Neoliberal Dönüşüm / Fevziye Sayılan
12) State, hegemony, democracy, freedom 1984 / George Orwell (movie)
13) State, hegemony, democracy, freedom • 1984 / George Orwell (book)
14) Conclusion & Final discussions
15) Finals -
16) Finals -


Course Notes / Textbooks: - Books / Kitaplar:
• 1984 / George Orwell
• Brave New World / Aldous Huxley

- A reading pack, consisted of following articles and more:

• The Village Institutes Experience in Turkey / Asım Karaömerlioğlu
• From Emancipation to Liberation: The Changing Role of Women in Turkey’s Public Realm / Yeşim Arat
• The Privatization of Education in Turkey / Fatma Gök
• The historical and political context of adult literacy in Turkey / Fevziye Sayılan & Ahmet Yıldız
• Forms of Capital / Pierre Bourdieu
* Gender, education and the possibility of transformative knowledge / Peggy Stromquist
• Cumhuriyet Dönemi Eğitim Tartışmaları / Osman Kafadar
• 1980’lerde Eğitim Sisteminin Yeniden Yapılanması: Küreselleşme ve Neoliberal Eğitim Politikaları / Fuat Ercan
• Yeni Adam ve Yeni Kadın: 1930’ler ve 40’larda Kadın, Cinsiyet ve Ulus / Duygu Köksal
• Kız Enstitüleri: Ev Kadını Yetiştiren Asri Bir Müessese / Fatma Gök
• Küresel aktörler: (Dünya Bankası ve GATS) ve Eğitimde Neoliberal Dönüşüm / Fevziye Sayılan
• Orta Sınıf ve Eğitimde Neoliberal Yeniden Yapılanma / Canan Aratemur Çimen

Movies/ Filmler - Documentaries/ Belgeseller:

• Bowling for Columbine
• Mona Lisa Smile
• Iron Jawed Angels
• The Corporation
• 3 Saat: Bir ÖYS Belgeseli
• Capitalism: A Love Story
• Dead Poets Society
• Two Million Minutes
* War On Kids
References: - Books / Kitaplar:

• Kadınsız İnkilap: Nezihe Muhiddin, Kadınlar Halk Fırkası, Kadın Birliği / Yaprak Zihnioğlu
• Kızların Sessizliği: Kız Enstitülerinin Uzun Tarihi/ Elif Ekin Akşit

Readings / Makaleler:

• Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Eğitim / Naciye Yıldız
• Türkiye Kamu Eğitiminde Gizli Ticarileşme: Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluğun İşleyiş Biçimleri ve Eğitimi Ticarileştirme İşlevleri / Naciye Aksoy

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 14 % 20
Homework Assignments 1 % 25
Presentation 1 % 15
Final 1 % 40
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 3 42
Study Hours Out of Class 14 1 14
Presentations / Seminar 1 15 15
Homework Assignments 1 40 40
Final 1 40 40
Total Workload 151

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Comprehend the conceptual importance of the game in the field of communication, ability to implement the player centered application to provide design.
2) Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and ideas from various perspectives.
3) Analyze the key elements that make up specific game genres, forms of interactions, mode of narratives and understand how they are employed effectively to create a successful game.
4) Understand game design theories and methods as well as implement them during game development; to make enjoyable, attractive, instructional and immersive according to the target audience.
5) Understand the technology and computational principles involved in developing games and master the use of game engines.
6) Understand the process of creation and use of 2D and 3D assets and animation for video games.
7) Understand and master the theories and methodologies of understanding and measuring player experience and utilize them during game development process.
8) Comprehend and master how ideas, concepts and topics are conveyed via games followed by the utilization of these aspects during the development process.
9) Manage the game design and development process employing complete documentation; following the full game production pipeline via documentation.
10) Understand and employ the structure and work modes of game development teams; comprehend the responsibilities of team members and collaborations between them while utilizing this knowledge in practice.
11) Understand the process of game publishing within industry standards besides development and utilize this knowledge practice.
12) Pitching a video game to developers, publishers, and players; mastering the art of effectively communicating and marketing the features and commercial potential of new ideas, concepts or games.