Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
POL2731 Electoral Systems and Party Systems Spring 3 0 3 6
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester.

Basic information

Language of instruction: English
Type of course: Non-Departmental Elective
Course Level: Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Assoc. Prof. YÜKSEL ALPER ECEVİT
Course Lecturer(s): Assoc. Prof. YÜKSEL ALPER ECEVİT
Recommended Optional Program Components: None.
Course Objectives: This course provides the analytical knowledge and practical skills to understand party and electoral politics around the world. It addresses a wide range of important topics such as: parties and their definition, origins and evolution of parties, classification of parties and party types, parties in democratic and non-democratic regimes, importance and features of parties, party organizations, party members and membership, parties in parliaments, party leaders and leadership theories, major theories of parties, voters, voting behavior, types of vtoting, representation and theories of representation, elections, types of elections, electoral rules, electoral systems, and problems relating to different systems, and finally the major distinctions between parliamentary and presidential types of systems. The course also provides case examples for comparative purposes.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
The students who have succeeded in this course;

1. Grasp the basic concepts of democracy and party politics.
2. Examine how political regimes vary from liberal to illiberal – electoral democracies to authoritarian and totalitarian systems.
3. Compare the governmental systems of major industrial and post – industrial societies and of the major countries of the less developed world by looking at party politics and systems.
4. Identify strengths and weaknesses of parliamentary and presidential systems of government on the basis of concrete cases.
5. Identify strengths and weaknesses of centralized, devolved and federal state systems on the basis of concrete cases.
6. Identify strengths and weaknesses of majority, proportional representation and mixed election systems on the basis of concrete cases.
7. Recognize the importance of political parties, party systems and different types of elections in a variety of systems.
8. Evaluate recent trends in world politics.

Course Content

• Theories of Democracy
• Political Institutions
• Theories on Political Parties
• Party Systems and Organisations
• Representation and Voting Behaviour
• Electoral Systems
• Veto Actors
• Case Studies

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) 1st Week: Introduction to the Course
2) 2nd Week: Theories of Democracy Ostrogorski, M. - Democracy & the Organization of Political Parties. Kirchheimer, O. - The Transformation of Western European Party Systems.
3) 3rd Week: Representation, Delegation, and Accountability Strøm, K. & Müller, W.C. - Policy, Office, or Votes? How Political Parties in Western Europe Make Hard Decisions.
4) 4th Week: Governance, Political Culture, and New Citizen Politics Gallagher, M., Laver, M. & Mair, P. - Representative Government in Modern Europe.
5) 5th Week: Presidential vs Parliamentary Systems Michels, R. - Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Organizational Tendencies in Modern Democracies.
6) 6th Week: Political Parties, Organizations and Membership Panebianco, A. - Political Parties: Organization & Power.
7) Midterm
8) 8th Week: Theories on Parties Hirschman, A.O. - Exit, Voice, & Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, & States.
9) 9th Week: Party Systems Sartori, G. - Parties & Party Systems: A Framework for Analysis.
10) 10th Week: Participation, Voting Behavior and Elections Diamond, L. & Gunther, R. - Political Parties & Democracy.
11) 11th Week: Electoral Systems Lipset, S.M. & Rokkan, S. - Party Systems & Voter Alignments.
12) 12th Week: Party Politics and Elections in Europe Kitschelt, H. - The Logics of Party Formation: Ecological Politics in Belgium & West Germany.
13) 13th Week: Party Politics and Elections in the US Ware, A. - Political Parties & Party Systems. Mair, P. - Party System Change.
14) 14th Week: Party Politics and Elections in Turkey Sayarı, S. & Esmer, Y. – Politics, Parties and Elections in Turkey.


Course Notes / Textbooks: Diamond, L. & Gunther, R. - Political Parties & Democracy.
Gallagher, M., Laver, M. & Mair, P. - Representative Government in Modern Europe.
Gunther, R., Montero, J.R. & Linz, J.J. - Political Parties: Old Concepts & New Challenges.
Hirschman, A.O. - Exit, Voice, & Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, & States.
Katz, R.S. & Mair, P. - How Parties Organize: Change & Adaptation in Party Organization in Western Democracies.
Kirchheimer, O. - The Transformation of Western European Party Systems.
Kitschelt, H. - The Logics of Party Formation: Ecological Politics in Belgium & West Germany.
Laver, M. & Benoit, K. - Party Policy in Modern Democracies.
Lipset, S.M. & Rokkan, S. - Party Systems & Voter Alignments.
Michels, R. - Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Organizational Tendencies in Modern Democracies.
Ostrogorski, M. - Democracy & the Organization of Political Parties.
Panebianco, A. - Political Parties: Organization & Power.
Sartori, G. - Parties & Party Systems: A Framework for Analysis.
Strøm, K. & Müller, W.C. - Policy, Office, or Votes? How Political Parties in Western Europe Make Hard Decisions.
Ware, A. - Political Parties & Party Systems.
Mair, P. - Party System Change.
Sayarı, S. & Esmer, Y. – Politics, Parties and Elections in Turkey.
References: Articles in Course Package

Ders Paketindeki Makaleler

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Midterms 1 % 40
Final 1 % 60
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 14 42
Study Hours Out of Class 14 102
Midterms 1 2
Final 1 2
Total Workload 148

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Comprehend the conceptual importance of the game in the field of communication, ability to implement the player centered application to provide design.
2) Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and ideas from various perspectives.
3) Analyze the key elements that make up specific game genres, forms of interactions, mode of narratives and understand how they are employed effectively to create a successful game.
4) Understand game design theories and methods as well as implement them during game development; to make enjoyable, attractive, instructional and immersive according to the target audience.
5) Understand the technology and computational principles involved in developing games and master the use of game engines.
6) Understand the process of creation and use of 2D and 3D assets and animation for video games.
7) Understand and master the theories and methodologies of understanding and measuring player experience and utilize them during game development process.
8) Comprehend and master how ideas, concepts and topics are conveyed via games followed by the utilization of these aspects during the development process.
9) Manage the game design and development process employing complete documentation; following the full game production pipeline via documentation.
10) Understand and employ the structure and work modes of game development teams; comprehend the responsibilities of team members and collaborations between them while utilizing this knowledge in practice.
11) Understand the process of game publishing within industry standards besides development and utilize this knowledge practice.
12) Pitching a video game to developers, publishers, and players; mastering the art of effectively communicating and marketing the features and commercial potential of new ideas, concepts or games.