Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
GEP1111 Art and Religion Fall 3 0 3 4
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester.

Basic information

Language of instruction: Turkish
Type of course: GE-Elective
Course Level: Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Dr. BURCU ALARSLAN ULUDAŞ
Recommended Optional Program Components: None
Course Objectives: The impact of religions and cultures on arts is the main theme in this course. Their reflections on architecture and visual arts are taught. In this course Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greek mythology, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam will be examined. Symbols and texts in these religions in art and architecture are discussed in detail.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
•to develop a perspective on the history of the relationship between art and religion and the artworks having this relationship
•to analyze the doctrines and the scripts of Mythologies, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam
•to develop a visual sensitivity to the universal and intercultural dimensions of art
•to illustrate the art trends, the artists and their works
•to comment on a work of art through its topic and context

Course Content

To teach how the religions affected the content, context and the form of the arts from the ancient world to present, through visual material.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Prehistoric Art and Religion ROSENBERG, Donna, Dünya Mitolojisi, İmge Kitabevi, 1998
2) Ancient Egypt Art and Mythology SEYİDOĞLU, Bilge, Mitoloji Metinler-Tahliller, Kayseri 1995
3) Greek Mythology & Art HAMILTON, Edith, Mitologya, ERHAT, Azra, Mitoloji Sözlüğü
4) Ancient Greek Art CROIX, Horst de la- TANSEY, Richard G., Gardner’s Art, Through The Ages “Ancient, Medivial and Non- Europan Art”, Ninth Edit.
5) Visit :Istanbul Archeological Museum
6) Asian Art and Buddhism CROIX, Horst de la- TANSEY, Richard G., Gardner’s Art, Through The Ages “Ancient, Medivial and Non- Europan Art”, Ninth Edit.
7) Christianity and Christian Art DEİCHMANN, F.W., Frühchristliche Kirchen in Rom, Basel 1948 Kitab-ı Mukaddes, İstanbul 2000.
8) Early Christian Period, Byzantine Art D.TALBOT Rice, The Byzantines (Ancient Peoples and Places), London 1962 JENSEN, Robin Margaret,Understanding Early Christian Art, 2000
9) Christiniaty in European Art and Architecture- Middle Age BORCHGRAVE Helen de, A Journey into Christian Art, 2000.
10) Visit: Khora Monestry-Kariye Müzesi
11) Christiniaty in European Art and Architecture -Renaissance BURCKHARDT JACOB, İtalya’da Rönesans Kültürü, II Cilt, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları. GOMBRICH, Sanatın Öyküsü, Bölüm 12-13
12) Christiniaty in European Art and Architecture- Baroque BURCKHARDT JACOB, İtalya’da Rönesans Kültürü, II Cilt, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları. GOMBRICH, Sanatın Öyküsü, Bölüm 12
13) Islamic Philosophy Art&Architecture Early and Middle Ages GRABAR, O.,İslam Sanatının Oluşumu, İstanbul,1988 YETKİN, ÇORUHLU, Y.,Türk İslam Sanatının ABC’si,Kabalcı Yayınevi,İstanbul, 2000
14) Ottoman Art&Architecture ÇORUHLU, Y., Erken Devir Türk Sanatının ABC’si, Kabalcı Yay., İstanbul,1998 ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanatı, İstanbul, 2003


Course Notes / Textbooks:

References: ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanatı, İstanbul, 2003
BENTON, Jonetta Rebold- DI YANNI, Robert. Art and Culture, An Introduction to the Humanities, Volume I.
CÖMERT, B., Mitoloji ve İkonografi, Ankara 1999.
CROIX, Horst de la- TANSEY, Richard G., Gardner’s Art, Through The Ages “Ancient, Medivial and Non- Europan Art”, Ninth Edit.
ÇORUHLU, Y., Erken Devir Türk Sanatının ABC’si, Kabalcı Yay., İstanbul,1998

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 14 % 10
Project 1 % 15
Midterms 1 % 25
Final 1 % 50
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 3 42
Project 1 20 20
Midterms 1 15 15
Final 1 20 20
Total Workload 97

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) To use theoretic and methodological approach, evidence-based principles and scientific literature in Nutrition and Dietetics field systematically for practice.
2) To have theoretic and practical knowledge for individual's, family's and the community's health promotion and protection.
3) To assess nutritional status of risky groups in nutrition related problems (pregnant, babies, adolescences, elders, etc.)
4) To use healthcare, information technologies for Nutrition and Dietetic practice and research.
5) To communicate effectively with advisee, colleagues for effective professional relationships.
6) To be able to monitor occupational information using at least one foreign language, to collaborate and communicate with colleagues at international level.
7) To use life-long learning, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
8) To act in accordance with ethical principles and values in professional practice.
9) To take part in research, projects and activities within sense of social responsibility and interdisciplinary approach.
10) To be able to search for literature in health sciences databases and information sources to access to information and use the information effectively.
11) To take responsibility and participate in the processes actively for training of other dieticians, education of health professionals and individuals about nutrition.
12) To carry out dietetic practices considering cultural differences and different health needs of different groups in the community.