Lisans TYYÇ: 6. Düzey QF-EHEA: 1. Düzey EQF-LLL: 6. Düzey

Ders Tanıtım Bilgileri

Ders Kodu Ders Adı Yarıyıl Teorik Pratik Kredi AKTS
ELT4201 Teknoloji Destekli Dil Öğretim Materyalleri Adaptasyonu ve Geliştirmesi Güz 2 2 3 4

Temel Bilgiler

Öğretim Dili: English
Dersin Türü: Must Course
Dersin Seviyesi: LİSANS
Dersin Veriliş Şekli: Yüz yüze
Dersin Koordinatörü: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi MUSTAFA POLAT
Dersin Amacı: This course prepares pre-service teachers to incorporate computer technology and other media into their English language teaching through doing effective analysis, evaluation, selection and production by also familiarizing them with theory, practice and pedagogical applications of a variety of issues related to computer assisted language learning (CALL). This course is designed based on collaborative learning and project-based learning. Students will work in groups to complete their various projects.
The class sessions will include lectures, demonstrations, discussions and hands-on practice on computers. The discussions emphasize on the theory and development of instructional course procedures which includes analyzing learner, defining learning goals, designing and developing instructional materials and evaluating the efficacy of materials and achievement of students within the framework of teaching main language skills.
The course topics cover: 21st century learners and skills and 4 Cs, computer assisted language learning, instructional analyses, instructional objectives and goal analyses, needs analysis, planning and assessment, principles of designing and developing materials, design elements, methods of developing course material, developed materials related to the field, developing visual, audio and audiovisual materials, teaching four skills with technology and developing language materials.

Öğrenme Kazanımları

Bu dersi başarıyla tamamlayabilen öğrenciler;
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1 Differentiate different approaches to using technology in the 21st century,
2 Write instructional objectives,
3 Define categories of instructional materials,
4 Select appropriate instructional method and medium,
5 Acquire principles of material design,
6 Develop instructional materials (visual, audio, video, Web 2.0 and multimedia) to teach language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing),
7 Evaluate efficiency of the instructional materials,
8 Define multimodal literacies and acquire visual, audio and cyberlearning literacies
9 Develop a sense for the ethical issues in instructional material design.

Dersin İçeriği

W1 - “Introduction”
W2 - “21st Learners, ELT and Language Learning Materials”
W3 - “21st Century Learners and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)”
W4 - “Needs Analysis”
W5 - “21st Century Learning Environments & Mobile Technologies”
W6 - “Other Learning Environments: VR, Games and 2D&3D”
W7 - “Visuals”
W8 - “Audio & Video – Listening & Speaking Skills”
W9 - “A/synchronous Communication”
W10 - “Web 2.0 and Writing Skills”
W11 - “Reading Skills”
W12 - “Assessment & Software Evaluation”
W13 - “Assessment & Software Evaluation”
W14 - “Future Directions”

Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği

Hafta Konu Ön Hazırlık
1) “Introduction” 1st Meeting & Orientation to the course, syllabus.
2) “21st Learners, ELT and Language Learning Materials” Ch.1: Learning (Walker&White)
3) “21st Century Learners and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)” Ch.5: Technology in ELT (McDonough et al.) Warschauer, M., & Healey, D. (1998)
4) “Needs Analysis” Ch.1: The Framework of Materials and Methods (Mc Donough et al.) Ch.3: Evaluating ELT Materials (Mc Donough et al.)
5) “21st Century Learning Environments & Mobile Technologies” Ch.4: Adapting ELT Materials (Mc Donough et al.) Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2009) Due: Brief Needs Analysis & Lesson Plan
6) “Other Learning Environments: VR, Games and 2D&3D” Godwin-Jones, R. (2004) Lai, C., Ni, R., & Zhao, Y. (2013). Milton, J., Jonsen, S., Hirst, S., & Lindenburn, S. (2012). In-class: ImmerseMe Submit a draft of Mapp Framework
7) “Visuals” Ch.6: Multimodal Literacies: learning through visuals (Walker&White) In-class: PPT Posters
8) “Audio & Video – Listening & Speaking Skills” Ch.3: Listening and Speaking Skills (Walker&White) Ch.7: Speaking Skills (Mc Donough et al.) In-class: GoAnimate (Vyond)
9) “A/synchronous Communication” Ch.8: Speaking Skills (Mc Donough et al.) Peterson, M. (2009). Robin, R. (2011). Due: Reflection Paper
10) “Web 2.0 and Writing Skills” Ch.9: Writing Skills (Mc Donough et al.) Ch.5:Writing Skills (Walker&White) Elola, I. (2010). In-class: Blog Writing
11) “Reading Skills” Ch.4: Reading Skills (Walker&White) Ch.6: Reading Skills (Mc Donough et al.) Ariew, R., & Ercetin, G. (2004) Park, Y., Zheng, B., Lawrence, J., & Warschauer, M. (2013).
12) “Assessment & Software Evaluation” Ch.10: Integrated Skills (Mc Donough et al.) Ch.9: Assessment (Walker&White) Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2001) Hubbard, P. (2006). Due: Material Development
13) Presentations Presentations: MAPP
14) “Future Directions” Ch.12:Summary and future gazing (Walker&White) Ch.14: Views of the Teacher (Mc Donough et al.) Hubbard, P. (2008) Due: MAPP Report


Ders Notları / Kitaplar: McDonough, J. & Shaw, C. & Masuhara, H. (2013). Materials and methods in ELT: a teacher's guide. Oxford: Blackwell.3rd edition.
Walker, A., & White, G. (2013). Technology enhanced language learning: Connecting theory and practice. Oxford University Press.
Diğer Kaynaklar: Ariew, R., & Ercetin, G. (2004). Exploring the potential of hypermedia annotations for second language reading. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 17(2), 237-259.
Ayres, R. (2002). Learner attitudes towards the use of CALL. Computer assisted language learning, 15(3), 241-249.
Baturay, M. H., Daloglu, A., & Yildirim, S. (2010). Language practice with multimedia supported web-based grammar revision material. ReCALL, 22(03), 313-331.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2001). Language testing and technology: past and future. Language learning & technology, 5(2), 95-98.
Chapelle, C. A. (2010). The spread of computer-assisted language learning. Language Teaching, 43(01), 66-74.
Elola, I. (2010). Collaborative writing: Fostering foreign language and writing conventions development. Language Learning & Technology, 14(3), 51-71.
Godwin-Jones, R. (2004). Language in action: From Webquests to virtual realities.(Emerging Technologies Column). Language Learning & Technology, 8(3), 9-14.
Hubbard, P. (2006). Evaluating CALL software. Calling on CALL: from theory and research to new directions in foreign language teaching. San Marcos: CALICO, 5.
Hubbard, P. (2008). CALL and the future of language teacher education. Calico Journal, 25(2), 175-188.
Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2009). Will mobile learning change language learning?. ReCALL, 21(02), 157-165.
Lai, C., Ni, R., & Zhao, Y. (2013). Digital games and language learning. In M. Thomas, H. Reinders and M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary computer assisted language learning (pp. 183-200). Bloomsbury: London, UK.
Levy, M. (1997). Computer-assisted language learning: Context and conceptualization. Oxford University Press.
Milton, J., Jonsen, S., Hirst, S., & Lindenburn, S. (2012). Foreign language vocabulary development through activities in an online 3D environment. The Language Learning Journal, 40(1), 99-112.
Park, Y., Zheng, B., Lawrence, J., & Warschauer, M. (2013). Technology enhanced reading environments. In M. Thomas, H. Reinders and M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary computer assisted language learning (pp. 267-285). Bloomsbury: London, UK.
Peterson, M. (2009). Learner interaction in synchronous CMC: A sociocultural perspective. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 22(4), 303-321.
Robin, R. (2011). Listening comprehension in the age of Web 2.0. Present and future promises of CALL: From theory and research to new directions in language teaching, 93-130.
Warschauer, M., & Healey, D. (1998). Computers and language learning: An overview. Language Teaching, 31(02), 57-71.

Değerlendirme Sistemi

Yarıyıl İçi Çalışmaları Aktivite Sayısı Katkı Payı
Devam 14 % 10
Ödev 3 % 40
Sunum 1 % 20
Final 1 % 30
Toplam % 100
Toplam % 100

AKTS / İş Yükü Tablosu

Aktiviteler Aktivite Sayısı Süre (Saat) İş Yükü
Ders Saati 14 3 42
Uygulama 14 2 28
Sınıf Dışı Ders Çalışması 3 1 3
Sunum / Seminer 1 10 10
Ödevler 3 5 15
Final 1 10 10
Toplam İş Yükü 108

Program ve Öğrenme Kazanımları İlişkisi

Etkisi Yok 1 En Düşük 2 Düşük 3 Orta 4 Yüksek 5 En Yüksek
Dersin Program Kazanımlarına Etkisi Katkı Payı
1) Ulusal ve uluslararası standartlar açısından öğretmenlik meslegi, İngilizce öğretmenliği ve eğitim teknolojilerine yönelik en yeni bilgiler, araçlar ve diğer bilimsel kaynaklara ilişkin kavramları tanımlamak.
2) İngilizce dilinin seslerine, eklerine, dilbilgisine, kelimelerine hakimdir; dili etkin bir biçimde anlar ve kullanır.
3) Öğrencilerin konuşma, dinleme, okuma ve yazma becerilerini geliştirmek için çeşitli yöntem ve metodları kullanır.
4) Dil edinimi teorilerini anlar ve teorileri ve bu alandaki araştırmaları dil öğretiminine uygular.
5) İngilizce öğretiminde kullanılabilecek etkili yazılım ve teknolojik kaynaklara ulaşabilir, uygunluğuna karar verebilir ve etkin biçimde sınıf içinde ve dışında kullanabilir.
6) İngilizce bilgi ve kullanma becerisini ölçmek ve değerlendirmek için farklı materyaller ve testler geliştirir ve öğrencinin kazanımlarını farklı yöntemler kullanarak çok yönlü değerlendirir.