Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
GEP0617 International Food Culture Spring 3 0 3 5
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester.

Basic information

Language of instruction: English
Type of course: GE-Elective
Course Level: Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Dr. BURCU ALARSLAN ULUDAŞ
Course Objectives: This course aims to look at the brief history of the world cuisines and examine their characteristic features. We are going to see the influence of international cuisines and see how they influenced each other. How are the reputations of the speciafic cuisines around the world. The popular ones and the reasons of the success. There will be a movie screening and also a project will be prepared after experiencing one of the world cuisines.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;

Course Content

Project: Each student should create a new instagram account for this project. The account should be open to public. No private accounts. It would be like a foodie instagram account. Once you open the account you need to send me with your instagram account, name and last name and student number.
For the Project, you are going to go and try a restaurant (preferably a cuisine that you have never tried before) Then you are going to post photos of the food you try at the restaurant, the decoration of the restaurant, the menu and yourself on the table. Under each post you are going to write the name of the dishes and how you like it. Also make comment of the decoration, the ambiance, and your experience and etc… How was the taste? Why did you like it? Are you going to go to this restaurant again and etc… You will use the hashtag #baufoodculture2019
You are free to post any other gastronomic experiences on your instagram account. Also follow @tadindaseyahat account where I can follow up your post.
The restaurant you will try is going to be a cuisine that you have never tried before. No Italian, no Turkish, no American cuisines. Thai, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Chinese, Indian, Peruvian, Lebanese, African, Mexican cuisines are perfect alternatives.

40 % : Final
30 % : Midterm
15 % Attendence & Participation
15% Project (Between October 21-27th)

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) History of Food-Where the foods are coming from? Eating habits in the early ages. EUROPEAN CUISINES
2) No Class! Assignment Documentary: Watch Street Food on Netflix the first 2 episodes: Bangkok Thailand and Osaka Japan
3) Italy-Brief History and Characteristic Features-Why do we love Italian food? Place in the World
4) France- Brief History and Characteristic Features-Why is it considered the best cuisine in the world? Movie: Julie & Julia, Paris Can Wait
5) Guest Speaker-Chef from Gastronomy Department
6) No Class- Students are required to go to a restaurant and do the Project this week.
7) Spain- Brief History and Characteristic Features-Tapas Culture-What’s its place in the world?
8) ASIAN CUISINES China- Brief History and Characteristic Features-Why is it very different than other? Contribution to World Food Scene
9) Japan- Brief History and Characteristic Features-Sushi In the World- Movie: Tampopo, Jiro Dreams of Sushi
10) Thailand- Brief History and Characteristic Features –Its success in the world
11) India- Brief History and Characteristic Features-Movie: The Hundred Food Journey, Lion
12) Arab Cuisines- Brief History and Characteristic Features. Iranian Cuisines and influence between Arab and Turkish
13) Turkey- Brief History and Characteristic Features-Ottoman Cuisine and contemporary Turkish Cuisine
14) AMERİCAN CUISINES Mexico: Brief History and Characteristic Features –Spanish Influence
15) USA- Brief History and Characteristic Features-The contribution to the world food scene Peru: Why is it becoming the most popular cuisine? Nikkei and Chiafa cuisines


Course Notes / Textbooks: TV Shows:
• King Corn
• Anthony Bourdain-No Reservations/Parts Unknown
• Supersizers
• Ugly Delicious
• Street Food
References: Blogs:

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Total %
Total %

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Analyze and demonstrate knowledge of concepts, ideas, applications in early childhood education and to be able to evaluate them critically.
2) To understand and know the developmental and learning capacities of 0-66 month old children and to reflect these to their education process.
3) Implementation of the subject matter, pedagogical and professional knowledge necessary for early childhood education.
4) Create teaching potential for 0-66 months old children regarding their multidimensional developmental process including skills and attitudes and behavior applicable to life.
5) To know how to develop, apply and evaluate learning mediums with sıitable education programs, teaching approach and methods and techniques which is flexible for each individual child .
6) To know and apply the necessary measurement and assessmant techniques suitable for early childhood educaton.
7) To develop and apply projects that supports children, families and individuals in the community and contributing positively to their developmental process.
8) To integrate the knowledge and experience of working together with different programs and different age groups.
9) To demonstrate the commitment to early childhood profession, professionalism,life-long learning and professional growth.
10) To cooperate and collaborate with other individuals and community to bring awareness about early childhood education to society.
11) To be able to recognize problems in early childhood education, to bring scientifically acceptable solutions to these problems and participate effectively in projects leading to such solutions.
12) Demonstrate knowledge of the laws, regulations and policies related to early childhood education and act accordingly.
13) To demonstrate commitment to societial,scientific and professional values.
14) To recognize and respect different cultures and to be sensitive to individual and cultural differences.
15) To demonstrate competence and ethical approach in information and communication technologies.
16) To demonstrate English profiency in communicating, knowledge sharing and professional development areas of early childhood education.