Master TR-NQF-HE: Level 7 QF-EHEA: Second Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 7

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EAP5112 Performance Evaluation in Educational Institutions Fall 3 0 3 8
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester.

Basic information

Language of instruction: Turkish
Type of course: Departmental Elective
Course Level:
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Assist. Prof. SABİHA DULAY
Course Lecturer(s): Assist. Prof. BURÇAK ÇAĞLA GARİPAĞAOĞLU
Recommended Optional Program Components: none
Course Objectives: The purpose of this course, participants develop basic knowledge and skills regarding the management of human resources, competencies for effectively managing human resources functions, teach at universities. In this course, the advanced university academic and administrative policies and practices are examined from the perspective of human resources.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Critical study of traditional and modern styles in a way that evaluates
2) Higher education background transfers resulting changes in working life today,
3) Higher education work life, political, economic and social structures, relationships with solutions
3) Higher education work life, political, economic and social structures, relationships with solutions
4) understand the awareness of labor rights as fundamental human rights,
5) the realization of social justice and sociological foundations of social consensus, in the light of the different approaches and evaluate ideas.

Course Content

The course will cover the following topics: Human Resources management, definition, scope, importance and place in the organizational structure, personnel management, human resource management functions that form the basis, job analysis and job design, human resource planning, human resources, supply process, academic performance evaluation system , the concept of wages; wage systems, job evaluation, job security and employee health, the administrator features, working principles, corporate culture and human resources are processed the new formations.

Course participation of all students, to be carried out as a group will be based on studies and experiences. Information for the development of short seminars and lectures, group work and oral presentations for the development of skills, attitude and behavior change values for the simulation and as a basis for group discussions and conferences envisaged in-depth discussion of preparing the ground.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Introduction Meeting,course definiton,subject list,informing about course processes.
2) The Concept of Human Resource Management Strategy and Human Resource Management Objectives productivity Quality of Working Life Regulatory Compliance Providing Competitive Advantage Capacity of the workforce to Comply with Conditions Human Resource Management Activities Global Human Resource Management Organizational Ethics and Human Resource Management What is Organizational Ethics?
3) HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Effect of Diameter and Size of business Small Business Human Resources Functions Medium-Scale Firms HRM Functions Major Role of Human Resources in Organizations The roles played by the HR Unit The location is within the HR Unit Organizational Relationships HR Unit Authorization Status Organization of the HR Unit HR Manager and Duties
4) BUSINESS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF BUSINESS job analysis Definition and Importance of Job Analysis Objectives processes, Methods used in Business Analysis for Administrative Affairs job Descriptions job Specification job Design Business Design Methods Employee Motivation and Compliance Perspective Alternative Work Arrangements in the design Self-Directed Work Teams
5) HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Definition and Objectives of Human Resources Planning The Importance of Organizational Planning Objectives forecasting Methods of forecasting Periods of forecasting The Planning Process 1: Data Collection and Analysis 2: Labor Demand forecasting 3: Labour Supply forecasting 4. Balancing Supply and Demand 5. Creating Objectives 6: HR Plan and Implementation 7: Monitoring and Evaluation
6) STAFF SUPPLY The recruitment function of the objectives and scope The recruitment environment External supply environment Internal supply environment The recruitment environment Methods for domestic supply Methods for external supply Sources of external supply
7) SELECTION AND PLACEMENT Definition and Importance of Personnel Selection Factors Affecting Personnel Selection Function legal Regulations Rate Decision organizational Hierarchy Candidate Pool Type of organization trial Period Personnel Selection Process Initial Interview Application Form Filling psychological Testing Job Interview (Interview) Investigation of the past (references Control) Pre-Election First Supervisor Endorsement Physical (Medical Examination) Final Selection-Recruitment Decisions work Placement Selection Program Evaluation
8) midterm exam -
9) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT RECRUITMENT EXERCISE Definition and Objectives of Recruitment Recruitment Process Software Recruitment methods used in carrying out the program Definition and Importance of Training and Development Factors affecting Education and Development Top Management Support All Executives and Experts Support Advances in Technology organizational Complexity Other Human Resources functions can Expected Benefits Employee schooling Education Learning time will be reduced Allows you to Increase Business Efficiency Make a positive attitude towards employees' Property Provides the oversight Alleviation Some of the study helps in solving problems Continuity and flexibility in the organization Benefits of employees who Training and Development Process Determination of Training Needs Prediction of Future Training Needs Creating a Training and Development Objectives Education Policy Setting Priorities in Education Psychological Principles of Learning Selection will be trained educators and Training Methods After training, Performance Maintenance Development of Learning Points Reinforcement (Reinforcement) Management Development Definition and Importance of Management Development Evaluation of the Training Programme participants' Feedback learning Degree behavioral Changes Implementation of Training and Development Objectives
10) CAREER MANAGEMENT PLANNING CAREER-RELATED DEFINITIONS THE IMPORTANCE OF CAREER MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVE CAREER MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING Personal Career Planning Steps Organizational Career Planning Development Career Development Methods for Effective Organizations Sate smokes Business Vulnerabilities Formal Training for Career Development Experience the functions for the horizontal movements Retirement Preparation Programs Towards Career Booklets and Brochures Dual Career Path engage guardianship Career workshops Career Counseling Assessment and Development Centres Sequential Upgrade Planning 360 Degree Performance Appraisal Systems
11) PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERFORMANCE, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION DESCRIPTION AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT performance Rating performance Management CHANGES IN PERFORMANCE. SIGNIFICANCE AND OBJECTIVES FUNCTIONS Matching Assessment to Improve Business Communication Organizational Values ​​and Objectives Information for Self-Improvement Education and Career Development Thurs Based Reward Other HR Practices Validation Survival of the organization and Removing Need to Decision Making About legal Defense Performance evaluation areas Human Resources Planning Supply and Selection Training and Development Career Planning and Development Wage and Salary Programs Organizational Employee Relations Valuation of Employee Potential Performance Evaluation and Environmental Factors Performance Appraisal Process Qualifications will be Performance Evaluation Methods Graphic Rating comparison Forced Distribution Checklist Required Selection Method Critical Incident Method Site Survey and Observation Methods Behavioral Change based on the fundamentals. scales Results-Based Systems 360 Degree Feedback Team-Based Performance Appraisal Characteristics of an Effective Relationship with Business performance Expectations standardization train Continuous Open Communication Mistakes made in performance evaluation and preventive measures A complete lack of objective Effect of becoming the dominant Tolerance-Rigidity One-Way Measurement Average Trend Your Prejudices appraisal Interview
12) WAGE AND SALARY MANAGEMENT Wage / monetary awards / Importance Importance of employments Importance of Organizations The Importance of Trade Unions The Importance of Community Wage and Salary Administration Proglanması Employee Benefits for Benefits for Employers Individual Determinants of Wage Current Market in October Fee payment in October standard of living bargaining Power legal Restrictions society job Requirements Wage System (Reward System Development) Business Valuation Job Evaluation Process Business Evaluation Systems Market Price Survey Creating the Structure of Wages Business Degrees and Determination of the stages administrative Fees Managers Wage Determination
13) WAGE SYSTEMS - performance based wage Home Price-Base Price Wage System Based on Time Basis salary System Per Piece Wage System Group (Fixed) Fee System Performance-based fee system The importance of performance-based fee Merit-based wage Incentive compensation plans Individual Incentive Plans Plant-Wide efficiency plans Profit-sharing plans Payments for Some Working Groups Levelling Killer Sales Staff içim incentive payments Incentive payments for Executives Indirect payments: Social assistance and services Purpose and Importance of Social Assistance and Services Planning an Effective Social Assistance and Services Program costs the participation of employees Choosing to be submitted HRM Benefits and Services Types of Social Assistance and Services
14) HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PERSONNEL Definition of Occupational Health and Safety The Importance of Occupational Health and Safety Health and Safety Policies Creating Organizations External Factors Internal Factors Occupational Health and Safety Issues and Causes health security Health and Safety Management Health Programs
15) ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS IN - MOVEMENTS Complaints and Dispute Resolution Nature of Complaints and Disputes The main complaint threads Dispute Resolution Process Employee Discipline Discipline on the program Disciplinary Action Process Principles of Effective Discipline Act of Management Act of Discipline Problems Promotions, transfers, Rank Deals, İstiflar, layoffs and Retirement promotions rank Deals Transfers (Transfers) Resignation (voluntary separation from work) dismissal retirement Continuous Removal from work
16) Final Exam -


Course Notes / Textbooks: Uyargil, C. vd., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, 3. Baskı, Beta Yayınları, 2008.

Bingöl, D., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, 6. Baskı, Arıkan Yayınları, 2006.

Schuler, R. S ve S. E. Jackson (Eds.), Strategic Human Resource Management, Blackwell Publishing, 1999.

Mabey, C., G. Salaman ve J. Storey, Human Resource Management A Strategic Introduction, 1998
References: yok

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 14 % 10
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 60
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 3 42
Study Hours Out of Class 14 4 56
Presentations / Seminar 4 3 12
Project 6 8 48
Quizzes 2 2 4
Midterms 1 15 15
Final 1 15 15
Total Workload 192

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Being able to develop and deepen their knowledge at the level of expertise in the same or a different field, based on undergraduate level qualifications.
2) To be able to comprehend the interdisciplinary interaction with which the field is related.
3) To be able to use the theoretical and applied knowledge at the level of expertise acquired in the field.
4) To be able to interpret and create new knowledge by integrating the knowledge gained in the field with the knowledge from different disciplines.
5) To be able to solve the problems encountered in the field by using research methods.
6) To be able to systematically transfer current developments in the field and their own studies to groups in and outside the field, in written, verbal and visual forms, by supporting them with quantitative and qualitative data.
7) To be able to critically examine social relations and the norms that guide these relations, to develop them and take action to change them when necessary.
8) To be able to critically evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of expertise and to direct their learning.
9) To be able to supervise and teach these values by observing social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of collecting, interpreting, applying and announcing the data related to the field.
10) To be able to develop strategy, policy and implementation plans in the fields related to the field and to evaluate the obtained results within the framework of quality processes.
11) To be able to use the knowledge, problem solving and/or application skills they have internalized in their field in interdisciplinary studies.
12) Being able to independently carry out a work that requires expertise in the field.
13) To be able to develop new strategic approaches for the solution of complex and unpredictable problems encountered in applications related to the field and to produce solutions by taking responsibility.
14) Being able to lead in environments that require the resolution of problems related to the field.