Master TR-NQF-HE: Level 7 QF-EHEA: Second Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 7

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
EAP5102 Organizational Behavior and Leadership Fall 3 0 3 6
This catalog is for information purposes. Course status is determined by the relevant department at the beginning of semester.

Basic information

Language of instruction: Turkish
Type of course: Departmental Elective
Course Level:
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Assist. Prof. SABİHA DULAY
Course Lecturer(s): Assist. Prof. BURÇAK ÇAĞLA GARİPAĞAOĞLU
Assist. Prof. ENİSA MEDE
Recommended Optional Program Components: None
Course Objectives: The aim of this course is to introduce the issues of organizational behavior frequently encountered in educational institutions; to inform students about the concepts and application techniques of organizational behavior; and to provide students with the ability to analyze, and develop recommendations on behavioral and managerial problems at the individual, group and organizational level.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
I. Students will discuss and internalize the concept of educational leadership. They will also get familiarize with the different types of educational leadership.
II. Students will learn approaches and principles in educational and instructional leadership
III. Students will get to know the theories of educational leadership and analyze administrative problems
IV. Students will discuss issues of gender and leadership and present alternative administrative solutions
V. Students will get to know and discuss balance in educational leadership
VI. By analyzing cases, students can look from the lenses of situational leadership and multiple leadership and present alternative solutions.

Course Content

Course content is designed under the titles of instructional leadership, educational leadership, visionary leadership and transformational leadership

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Introduction: Organizations, management and leadership
2) Structural Approach and Structuralist Leadership
3) Structural Approach and Structuralist Leadership Behaviours (Cont.)
4) Human Resource Approach and Human Resource Leadership
5) Human Resource Approach and Human Resource Leadership (Cont.)
6) Human Resource Approach and Human Resource Leadership (Cont.)
7) Political Approach and Political Leadership
8) Political Approach and Political Leadership (Cont.)
9) Symbolic Approach and Symbolic Leadership
10) Symbolic Approach and Symbolic Leadership (Cont.)
11) Symbolic Approach and Symbolic Leadership (Cont.)
12) Multiple Leadership Behaviour
13) Multiple Leadership Behaviour
14) Multiple Leadership Behaviour (Cont.)


Course Notes / Textbooks: Lee G. Bolman & Terrence E. Deal (2013). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership (5th Ed). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
References: Articles provided from various educational leadership journals

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 14 % 10
Quizzes 2 % 15
Homework Assignments 2 % 10
Presentation 1 % 10
Project 1 % 20
Midterms 1 % 15
Final 1 % 20
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 3 42
Presentations / Seminar 1 20 20
Homework Assignments 1 40 40
Quizzes 2 20 40
Midterms 1 25 25
Final 1 35 35
Total Workload 202

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Being able to develop and deepen their knowledge at the level of expertise in the same or a different field, based on undergraduate level qualifications.
2) To be able to comprehend the interdisciplinary interaction with which the field is related.
3) To be able to use the theoretical and applied knowledge at the level of expertise acquired in the field.
4) To be able to interpret and create new knowledge by integrating the knowledge gained in the field with the knowledge from different disciplines.
5) To be able to solve the problems encountered in the field by using research methods.
6) To be able to systematically transfer current developments in the field and their own studies to groups in and outside the field, in written, verbal and visual forms, by supporting them with quantitative and qualitative data.
7) To be able to critically examine social relations and the norms that guide these relations, to develop them and take action to change them when necessary.
8) To be able to critically evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of expertise and to direct their learning.
9) To be able to supervise and teach these values by observing social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of collecting, interpreting, applying and announcing the data related to the field.
10) To be able to develop strategy, policy and implementation plans in the fields related to the field and to evaluate the obtained results within the framework of quality processes.
11) To be able to use the knowledge, problem solving and/or application skills they have internalized in their field in interdisciplinary studies.
12) Being able to independently carry out a work that requires expertise in the field.
13) To be able to develop new strategic approaches for the solution of complex and unpredictable problems encountered in applications related to the field and to produce solutions by taking responsibility.
14) Being able to lead in environments that require the resolution of problems related to the field.