Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

Course Introduction and Application Information

Course Code Course Name Semester Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
ENG1071 English I Fall 1 2 2 3

Basic information

Language of instruction: English
Type of course: Must Course
Course Level: Associate (Short Cycle)
Mode of Delivery: E-Learning
Course Coordinator : Instructor GÜLSEN AKDENİZ HOCAOĞLU
Course Lecturer(s): Instructor GİZEM YAMAN
Recommended Optional Program Components: It doesn't exist in this program.
Course Objectives: This course aims to improve students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and prepare them for the undergraduate academic program conducted in English. Specifically, the course has three main objectives: to develop students’ abilities to read a variety of authentic English texts, to expand and strengthen their vocabulary, and to introduce students to Business English.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
The students who have succeeded in this course;
1) Being able to use the correct tense and grammar structure
2) Expand the vocabulary knowledge
3) Being able to create dialogues about daily subjects
4) By expanding the vocabulary knowledge being able comprehend the longer texts and paragraphs
5) Developing the writing skills

Course Content

Language skills based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) A1/A2 English level

Weekly Detailed Course Contents

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Introduction to the course Unit 1- Meeting Colleagues (Introducing yourself to the team- pages 4/5) + vocab list + worksheet + PPTs Stated in the course syllabus.
2) Unit 1- Meeting Colleagues (Reading a nursing schedule- pages /6/7) + vocab list + worksheet + PPTs Stated in the course syllabus.
3) General Revision Stated in the course syllabus.
4) Unit 1- Meeting Colleagues (Meeting patients and their visitors- pages 8/9) + vocab list + worksheet + PPTs Stated in the course syllabus.
5) Unit 1- Meeting Colleagues (Escorting a patient for tests- pages 10/11) + vocab list + worksheet + PPTs Stated in the course syllabus.
6) Unit 2- Nursing Assessment (Checking patient details - pages 12/13 + vocab list + worksheet + PPTs) Stated in the course syllabus.
7) Unit 2- Nursing Assessment (Describing symptoms - pages 14/15 + vocab list + worksheet + PPTs) Stated in the course syllabus.
8) Unit 2- Nursing Assessment (Assessing common childhood diseases - pages 16 / 17 + vocab list + worksheet + PPTs) Stated in the course syllabus.
9) Midterm Exam Revision (unit 1 &2) (vocab list + worksheet + PPTs) Stated in the course syllabus.
10) Unit 2- Nursing Assessment (Taking a blood sample - pages 18 /19) + vocab list + worksheet + PPTs) Stated in the course syllabus.
11) Unit 3- The Patient Ward (Monitoring body temperature - pages 20/21)+ vocab lists + worksheet + PPTs) Stated in the course syllabus.
12) Unit 3- The Patient Ward (The patient ward- pages 22/23) + vocab lists + worksheet + PPTs) Stated in the course syllabus.
13) REVISION Stated in the course syllabus.
14) Unit 3- The Patient Ward (The qualities of a responsible nurse –pages 26/27 + vocab lists + worksheet + PPTs) Stated in the course syllabus.


Dersin öğretim elemanı tarafından hazırlanmış ders notları, sunumlar, çalışma kağıtları
Course notes, presentations and practice materials prepared by the course instructor

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 1 % 10
Quizzes 1 % 10
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 50
Total % 100
Total % 100

ECTS / Workload Table

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 3 42
Study Hours Out of Class 4 4 16
Quizzes 1 1 1
Midterms 1 2 2
Final 1 2 2
Total Workload 63

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) To be able to evaluate and apply the knowledge gained from theoretical and practical courses related to the field professionally 1
2) To be able to use terminology specific to the health field effectively 1
3) To know the legislation regarding his/her duties, rights and responsibilities and to act in accordance with professional ethical rules 1
4) To be able to use information and communication technologies on issues related to his/her field and effectively convey his/her professional knowledge through written, verbal and non-verbal communication 1
5) To be able to follow information in his/her field using a foreign language at a basic level 5
6) To be able to apply changing techniques and use new tools and devices depending on developing technology 1
7) To be able to update his/her knowledge, skills and competencies related to his/her field with the awareness of lifelong learning and improve himself/herself personally and professionally 1
8) To have knowledge of basic vision devices such as glasses, contact lenses and low vision devices (telescopic products, etc.) 1
9) To be able to select, sell and prepare basic vision devices according to the prescription and ensure their adaptation to the user 1
10) To be able to measure the diopter of prescription glasses and contact lenses and make the necessary adjustments for their fitting 1